Literature and Psychology

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Literature is defined as books and other written works, especially

those considered to have creative or artistic merit or lasting value.

Books written by Charles Dickens are an example of literature.
Psychology is best defined as the "scientific study of behavior in
humans and animals." Behavior is what people and animals do:
e.g., what a person says about last night's dream, and how long
it takes a rat to
run a maze.
 Psychology and literature have a reciprocal relation, the psychology of
the unconscious can be called literature, and is a dune mining approach
to its foreign opinion, very familiar to literature and literary critics.
 In Psychological Review in depth stories, and techniques for induction
made ploy it is.
 This function works the same dream in the literature, And function of
the dream and its elements is in the form Which is related to the
 Literature is written about human experiences, and
often depicts the private and public lives of
individuals and groups.
 The human experiences explored in literature, and
the aspects of lives described, are often very similar
to those that are of central concern for psychologists.

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