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Rozh Shalli - Dec 15th 2020

Dec 15th 2020 - Rozh shalli – Deconstructivism University of Sulaimanya

What is Deconstructivism?
• Deconstructivism is a movement of postmodern architecture  which appeared in the 1980s.
• It is influenced by the theory of "Deconstruction".
• It is characterized by fragmentation, and interest in manipulating a structure's surface or
skin through transform the basic Volumes of architecture (Cube, Cuboid, Pyramid & sphere) in order to
recombine it in a new hybrid shapes.

• Deconstructivism is, in fact, not a new architecture style, nor is it an

avant-garde movement against architecture or society. It does not
follow “rules” or acquire specific aesthetics, nor is it a rebellion against
a social dilemma. It is the unleashing of infinite possibilities of playing
around with forms and volumes.

“ T h i s i s a n a r c h i t e c t u r e o f d i s r u p ti o n , d i s l o c a ti o n , d e fl e c ti o n ,
d e v i a ti o n a n d d i s t o r ti o n , r a t h e r t h a n o f d e m o l i ti o n ,
d i s m a n t l i n g , d e c a y, d e c o m p o s i ti o n , o r d i s i n t e g r a ti o n . I t
d i s p l a y s t h e s t r u c t u r e i n s t e a d o f d e s t r o y i n g i t .”

Mark wigley, Deconstructivist architecture

Dec 15th 2020 - Rozh shalli – Deconstructivism University of Sulaimanya

Deconstructivist Philosophy
• Jacques Derrida Philosophy
Deconstructivism in architecture was influenced by the Deconstructivist
 theories of the French philosopher Jacques Derrida, who said that
‘Architecture is nothing but one of many ways of communication’.

He said “ D e c o n s t r u c ti o n i s t o n o t n a t u r a l i z e w h a t i s n ' t
n a t u r a l , t o n o t a s s u m e t h a t w h a t i s c o n d i ti o n e d b y Jacques Derrida
h i s t o r y , i n s ti t u ti o n o r s o c i e t y i s n a t u r a l ”. Algerian-French philosopher
(July 15, 1930 – October 9, 2004)
From the documentary "Derrida."

Some of the architects known as deconstructivists were influenced by the

ideas of the French philosopher Jacques Derrida. Eisenman developed a
personal relationship with Derrida, but even so his approach to
architectural design was developed long before he became a
deconstructivist. For him deconstructivism should be considered an
extension of his interest in radical formalism. Peter Eisenman
American architect

Dec 15th 2020 - Rozh shalli – Deconstructivism University of Sulaimanya

Deconstructivist Philosophy
• Constructivism and Russian Futurism
Some practitioners of deconstructivism were
also influenced by the formal experimentation
and geometric imbalances of
Russian constructivism . There are additional
references in deconstructivism to twentieth
century movements: Vladimir Tatlin
The modernism/postmodernism interplay, Sculptor
expressionism, cubism, minimalism, and
contemporary art.

• Two strains of m o d e r n art,

m i n i m a l i s m and c u b i s m , have
had an influence on deconstructivism. Lissitzky ,wolkenbugel (1924)

Dec 15th 2020 - Rozh shalli – Deconstructivism University of Sulaimanya

Historical Background
• Deconstructivism came to public notice with the 1982
Parc de la Villette architectural design competition.
(especially the entry from Jacques Derrida and Peter
Eisenman and Bernard Tschumi's winning entry).

Dec 15th 2020 - Rozh shalli – Deconstructivism University of Sulaimanya

Historical Background
• The Museum of Modern Art’s (MoMA) 1988
Deconstructivist Architecture exhibition in New York,
organized by P h i l i p J o h n s o n and M a r k W i g l e y .

Deconstructivism developed out of the postmodern style and first

gained widespread attention in 1988 with an exhibition entitled
‘Deconstructivist Architecture’ in New York’s Museum of Modern
art . The exhibition featured the work of architects such as frank
gehry, Rem Koolhaas and zaha hadid.
Where deconstructivism deviates from the postmodernist style in
its rejection of ornament as decoration.
Dec 15th 2020 - Rozh shalli – Deconstructivism University of Sulaimanya
Historical Background
• Other influential exhibitions include the
1989 opening of the W e x n e r C e n t e r
for the Arts in Columbus ,
designed by Peter Eisenman.

T h e N e w Yo r k e x h i b i ti o n featured
works by Frank Gehry, Daniel Libeskind, Rem
Koolhaas, Peter Eisenman, Zaha Hadid, Coop
Himmelb(l)au, and Bernard Tschumi.

Dec 15th 2020 - Rozh shalli – Deconstructivism University of Sulaimanya

Principle of Deconstruvism
• Deconstructivism rejected the postmodern acceptance of the historical references, as well as the idea of ornament as
an after-thought or decoration.

• Deconstructivism attempts to move away from the supposedly constricting 'rules' of modernism such as:

form follows function Purity of form Truth to materials

Dec 15th 2020 - Rozh shalli – Deconstructivism University of Sulaimanya

Principle of Deconstruvism
• Other defining stylistic features include:

• Unrelated forms.
• Abstract nature.
• Smooth exterior surfaces.
• Contrast of shapes and forms.
• Large expanses of a single material (glass, metals, masonry, etc.).
• Window frames often hidden in the walls.
• Simple metal frame doors.
• Exposed materials
• Open plan
• Fragmented Mass.
• No physically pure basic volume.

Dec 15th 2020 - Rozh shalli – Deconstructivism University of Sulaimanya

Computer-aided design
Computer-aided design is now an essential tool in most aspects of
contemporary architecture, but the particular nature of deconstructivism
makes the use of computers especially pertinent. Three-dimensional
modeling and animation (virtual and physical) assists in the conception of
very complicated spaces, while the ability to link computer models to
manufacturing jigs (CAM - Computer-aided manufacturing) allows the mass
production of subtly different modular elements to be achieved at
affordable costs. Also, Gehry is noted for producing many physical models as
well as computer models as part of his design process. Though the
computer has made the designing of complex shapes much easier, not
everything that looks odd is "deconstructivist."

Dec 15th 2020 - Rozh shalli – Deconstructivism University of Sulaimanya

Deconstruction Style
• O r g a n i c : essentially
consists of complicated
sculptured volumes with
curvy lines.

• A n g u l a r : essentially
consists of complicated
composition of hybrid
volumes with Acute

• C h a o s : essentially
consists of complicated
composition of hybrid
volumes with wide variety
of lines & angles.

Dec 15th 2020 - Rozh shalli – Deconstructivism University of Sulaimanya

• Zaha Hadid

• Frank Gehry

• Daniel libeskind

• Rem Koolbas

• Peter Eisenman

• Coop Himmelblau

• Bernard Tschumi

Dec 15th 2020 - Rozh shalli – Deconstructivism University of Sulaimanya

Heydar Aliyev Cultural Center(Zaha Hadid)
The Heydar Aliyev Centre is a complex of buildings designed by the Iraqi-British architect, zaha hadid , which stands
out for its architecture and fluid, curved style which avoids sharp angles

As part of the Former Soviet Union, the urbanisation and architecture of Bakú, Azerbaijan’s capital, were strongly
influenced by the planning of the time. Since gaining independence in 1991, Azerbaijan has made significant
innovations in the modernisation and development of infrastructure, and the architecture of Bakú, departing from
the rules of Soviet Modernism.

Concept Hadid’s structure stands alongside the various others within the
complex. With a continuous design of auto-transformation in all directions, there is little
sense of limits and no indication of an end. It is an immersion in a pool of space. The
immateriality of a building which varies between white, more white and even whiter
depending on the position of the sun on its surfaces, lends it a weightless character,
liberating its visitors from gravitational obligations. As an object, the building is subjective,
provoking strong reactions, unrestricted by the suspension of physical gravity.

Dec 15th 2020 - Rozh shalli – Deconstructivism University of Sulaimanya

Dec 15th 2020 - Rozh shalli – Deconstructivism University of Sulaimanya
P a r c d e l a V i l l e tt e , F o l i e s , 1 9 8 2 _
P a r i s _ F r a n c e ( Bernard Tschumi )
Over 1 kilometer long in one direction C and 700 meters wide in the other La
Villette appears as a multiple programmatic field, containing in addition to
the park, the large Museum of Science and Industry, a City of Music, a Grande
Hall for exhibitions and a rock concert hall. The basis of the design is the
superimposition of three independent systems, namely: Points Lines Surfaces
Superimposition: lines, points, surfaces.

Dec 15th 2020 - Rozh shalli – Deconstructivism University of Sulaimanya

Dec 15th 2020 - Rozh shalli – Deconstructivism University of Sulaimanya
Wa l t D i s n ey C o n c e r t H a l l ( Frank Gehry)
Designed by architect Frank Gehry, Walt Disney Concert Hall is an
internationally recognized architectural landmark and one of the
most acoustically sophisticated concert halls in the world.
From the stainless steel curves of its striking exterior to the state-of-
the-art acoustics of the hardwood-paneled main auditorium, the 3.6-
acre complex embodies the unique energy and creative spirit of the
city of Los Angeles and its orchestra.

Dec 15th 2020 - Rozh shalli – Deconstructivism University of Sulaimanya

Dec 15th 2020 - Rozh shalli – Deconstructivism University of Sulaimanya
DZ Bank Haus (Frank Gehry)

Dec 15th 2020 - Rozh shalli – Deconstructivism University of Sulaimanya

H a u s a m C h e c k p o i nt C h a r l i e ( Pe te r E i s e n m a n ) _ B e r l i n

Dec 15th 2020 - Rozh shalli – Deconstructivism University of Sulaimanya

IBA Housing Block 2 ( Za h a H a d i d ) _ B e r l i n

Dec 15th 2020 - Rozh shalli – Deconstructivism University of Sulaimanya

" Deconstructivism is a viral expression"
Nikos Salingaros 

History Economy

Dec 15th 2020 - Rozh shalli – Deconstructivism University of Sulaimanya

Contrast Geometrical shape

Dec 15th 2020 - Rozh shalli – Deconstructivism University of Sulaimanya

Thank you

Dec 15th 2020 - Rozh shalli – Deconstructivism University of Sulaimanya

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