Cultural Studies: Authority Structures

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Cultural Studies

Authority Structures
Authority Structures
 Leadership in the community
- A leader is someone who leads others.
- At home, school and community we have people who lead others.
- At home parents, guardians, grandparents, older brothers and sisters lead
- At school The Headteacher and teachers lead us.
- In the Community some of our leaders are Doctors, Nurses, Lawyers, The
Police, soldier's and church leads.
- In sports our leaders are the coach and referee.
Roles of people in authority
- Leaders do certain duties in the community

 Head-Teacher
- Helps the teachers to guide learners.
- Maintains discipline in the school.
- Makes sure there are enough books, furniture, toiletry, sports equipment,
computers, robotics and music requirements.
- Talks to parents about learners work and progress.
- Helps decide what’s best for the learners.
- Solves problems amongst learners.
- Punishes learners who break certain rules.
 The Teachers
- Guide learners in the class.
- Makes sure all learners have a safe learning environment.
- Checks, marks and records learners progress.
- Makes sure learners understand and guides them in school and class rules.
- Communicates to the school and to parents about each learner’s progress
and challenges.
 Our Parents/Guardians
- Provide food, clothes and shelter for children.
- Make sure the children have medical attention when sick.
- Make rules to run the home.
- Make sure school children go to school and they pay school fees for the
 Chief/Kgosi
- Makes rules for the village.
- Guides the “Kgotla” meetings.
- Solves conflict issues among the villagers.
- Makes sure the villages obey the laws of the country e.g Human rights laws
 The coach
- Teaches the rules of a game.
 The Referee
- Starts and stops the game.
- Penalises the team e.g yellow or red cards in soccer.
- The referees decision is final in solving any game conflict.
 Local Rules
- They are followed by a smaller group of people in a community.
- These rules can be in a family, school, club or church.
- The rules can for a particular place.
- The rules help them to cover their needs. E.g a club can water their garden
in the morning or evening.
 People who makes rules in the community
-In the community, different people make the rules. E.g at home, school,
village and within the community.

People Who Make Rules Where Rules Are Made

Parents At home
Headmen/Chiefs At the Village
Head teachers/Teachers At School
Members of Parliament In a country at parliament
 What are Rules?
- Rules are ways in which things should be done.
- Rules keep us safe
- Most homes children are not allowed to get home after sunset or to sleep
- At school learners are not allowed to:
* Fight
* Make noise in class
* They also have to wear the correct school uniform
 Rules in our Communities
- Rules make people live together in peace and harmony. We have:
 Traffic Rules
- To guide drivers and pedestrians
 School Rules
- To guide learners and make sure learning takes place.
 Laws
The laws for the country make sure every citizen and other people living in
that country, their Human rights are respected.
 Health and Safety Rules
Everyone has the right to work in a safe environment and good hospital
 Authority Structure
Leaders in the community have different levels.

At School

Head Teacher

Deputy Head

Heads of Department

 At Home




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