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Train the brain by fasting

Nama : Devira Sri Rahayu Fauziah

Nim : 1905025089
Kelas : 3E
What is the relationship between
fasting and brain training?

Fasting is said to change brain activity and affect

brain plasticity. Starting from the process of learning
and new experiences, forming new interactions and
networks in the connections of brain nerve cells, to
rehabilating damaged or dead cells.
Train cognitive function and
improve memory in the brain Axons and Dendrites
the higher the BDNF level, the more our new
nerve cell connections are developed, then the
easier it is for our brains to learn something
When fasting, protein production in our brain
which is called Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor
(BDNF) will increase. BDNF is a protein that can
affect the brain us to be able to adapt to the Neuroplasticity
environment, including learning various kinds of neuroplasticity that has the principle of use it or lose it,
things new. High levels of BDNF in our brains will the more it is repeated the more sticky and stronger
the neuron connection, meaning that the memory we
increase the production of neurons / cells in our
will remember, can also be called long term memory.
brain, so it can help strengthen the various
connections between neurons in the brain. This
BDNF protein helps the development of the foot
and hand neurons (nerve cells) called axons and Apart from BDNF protein, production counts
dendrites, which can help produce new or nerve mitochondria, one of the organelle parts of cells that
cells that's called neurogenesis function for cellular respiration on living things, too.
So, will strengthen learning abilities and remember us
because of increasing numbers these mitochondria help
form and maintains a network of nerve cells in our
5 things to increase your
concentration in learning
while fasting

increase the consumption of sleep enough and avoid staying up late

vegetables and fruits rich in Those who do not manage threir time
vitamins B, C, E. properly are not likely to lose sleep. In
fact , the consequences of this lack of
sleep cannot be understimated
in siplin while on the
light exercise move
a study the University Adequate rest can sahur with a balanced menu
of lllinois even said that make us more Eating a lot is not necessarily
exercise can improve focused and able to help us maintain stamina
cognitive function of concentrated in doing all day long. So that we can
the brain related to something focus more and concentrate
focus or attention while fasting, pay attention to the
daily suhoor menu, and make
sure that the nutrition is balanced
( Kundori)
Mahasiswa KKN UNW sosialisasikan pentingnya gizi seimbang

The balanced nutrition program and washing hands with soap are the flagship programs of the batch III
Ngudi Waluyo University (UNW) real work college team in Ketapang Village, Susukan District, Semarang
Regency. Not only that, the team consisting of 12 students and 3 students also held pregnancy exercise
activities to the importance of breast care and exclusive breastfeeding aimed at pregnant women.

Village Coordinator, Della Y Putra said, improving nutrition, especially reducing stunting, is one of the
priority agendas for health development in Indonesia today. Students aged six to 12 are the targets of the
UNW KKN III team while in Ketapang Village. "Most of the school students, including those in rural areas,
ignore the importance of breakfast. In fact, breakfast is an important means of fulfilling balanced nutrition,"
said Della. The CTPS itself is the first step in disease prevention efforts. Washing hands with soap,
explained Della, is able to break the chain of disease transmission. "We hope that a number of programs that
we run can increase people's understanding of the importance of balanced nutrition while maintaining
health," he added.
If it is associated with full concentration in the month of fasting, it has to do with balanced
nutrition because if we eat a lot it is not certain that our nutrition is fulfilled, therefore we must
know about balanced nutrition, its effects and benefits.

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