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j |   is an attempt to measure

intelligence. This means many things to many
people but generally the attribute of intelligence
refers to quickness of mental comprehension (or
mental agility).
j | is often confused with knowledge,
wisdom, memory, or a myriad of other attributes
and in general has a variety of meanings
depending on the context in which it is used.
j The term IQ usually refers to the attempt to
measure a person's mental agility.
 |   indicates a person's
mental abilities relative to others of
approximately the same age. Everyone has
hundreds of specific mental abilities--some
can be measured accurately and are reliable
predictors of academic and financial success.
j Therefore- |   is defined as
a set of competencies demonstrating the
ability one has to recognize his or her
behaviors, moods, and impulses, and to
manage them best according to the situation.
j It involves primarily the neo cortex or top
portion of the brain.
j !"  - Genius or almost genius
j # $  - Very superior intelligence (Gifted)
j  $  - Superior intelligence
j  $  - Average or normal intelligence
j å $ å - Dullness
j  $  - Borderline deficiency in intelligence
j %"  - Feeble-mindedness
j &  '   is a term used to describe your
ability to understand and manage your own emotions
and of those around you, and also your ability to
demonstrate self discipline when responding to
emotional situations.
j &  '   refers to your capacity to feel
empathy for others, to be able to stand up for what
you believe in and to move towards your goals and
dreams in a tactful and respectful manner, always
considerate of others. Emotional Quotient is your
measure for being able to gather information to form a
complete picture, before jumping to conclusions and
(   )

&  '*&'*"%*+$&', "

 &- *'%+$*. &- */
j |"'-"* '0*(ability to understand and apply
personal emotions)
o1'"% (ability to accept oneself as basically
o&  '1
2'"** (ability to recognize
one's own feelings, which allows us to manage
them and make better decisions. It is important
to be positive even when challenged because it
results in more focused thinking)
**"!** (ability to express feelings,
beliefs, and thoughts   becoming
antagonistic and uncooperative towards
o |%-% (ability to be self-directed
and self-controlled in ones thinking and
actions and to be free of emotional
'3'  (ability to realizes
one's potential)
j |"-"* ' 0* (people skills)
o&-'45 (understanding the feelings of
others, which enables us to respond
appropriately to changes in the emotional
climate of others; 2     

o ' *- *.5 (being a cooperative,
contributing, and constructive member of
various social groups)
o|"-"* ' ' *4-* (ability to
establish and maintain mutually beneficial
relationships noted for their intimacy and by the
giving & receiving of affection, whether it be as a
lover, friend, family member, or loyal employee)
j "** ''& (ability to handle
o"**  "' (Ability to handle
difficult situations without ͚falling apart')
o|&-*  "  (ability to resist or delay
an impulse, drive, or temptation to act;
controlling the need for "instant
%'-'.5 (Ability to react quickly,
appropriately, and efficiently to change)
o'5 * (ability to assess the
correspondence between what is experienced
and what objectively exists; knowing what
you want to do vs. what you actually   do)
o)6.5 (ability to adjust one's emotions,
thoughts, and behaviors to changing
situations and conditions)
o " .&  ! (ability to identify and
define problems as well as to generate and
implement potentially effective solutions)
j "' %
o -&*&

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