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Art and science of preparing from natural and
synthetic sources, suitable materials for distribution
and use in the Tx and prevention of diseases
Ex. Willow bark – aspirin, senna- Senokot
It embraces knowledge of identification, selection,
pharmacologic action, preservation, analysis,
standardization of drugs and medicines
It includes their proper and safe distribution and use,
whether dispensed on the Rx or sold directly to
Classification of drugs?
Ethical / Prescription drugs
Use for Mx / Tx of diseases
Require prescription form

Over the counter/ Non-Rx

Use for the prevention of self-limiting or minor
No Rx form needed
Expert on drugs
Responsible for dispensing/compounding of
Control of drug’s use
What is a drug?
Articles recognized in the official USP, NF
Articles intended for use in the Dx, cure, mitigation,
Tx, prevention of disease in man and animals
Articles (other than food) intended to affect the
structure or any function of body of man/animals
Articles intended for use as a component of any
article specified in the first 3 but doesnt include
devices, or their components, parts or accessories
Active ingredient exerting therapeutic effect
What is a medicine?
Drug as the active ingredient + excipients formulated
into a suitable dosage form with complete packaging
What is a Device?
Instruments, apparata, contrivances, components
used in prevention, Dx, Tx, cure , mitigation of
diseases or affect the structure or function of body of
man or animals
What are the scopes of Pharmacy?
Community pharmacy
Retail Pharmacy
Activities: dispensing, compounding, selling, storage
and handling, advising of patients,selecting product for
inventory, identifying fast moving products,
administers, supervise the pharmacy ( managerial
function), entrepreneural function
Types of community pharmacy
Independent drugstore – vary in size and
Pharmaceutical Centers
Keep family health information center, prof. Library,
extensive reference files
Direct pt- pharmacist relation
Pharmacist as frontliners
Ex: Med-Xpress
Types of community pharmacy
Group Practice- formal association of pharmacists
serving different fields of specialties; income is
divided accdg to pre-arranged plan
 Geriatrics – nursing homes, dosage adjustment requirement
 Mental Health Phar/ Psychopharmacy

 Oncology Services – protocol devt, data management,

inventory control, handling and disposing of cytotoxic

materials at home
 Radiopharmacy - radiopharmaceuticals
Types of community pharmacy
Chain Drugstore/ Multiple Pharmacy
Profitable, more than 2 branches

Phil Setting: urban vs rural areas

pharmacy aids/ trained helpers
Scopes of Pharmacy
Industrial Pharmacy
Research ( R &D)
 Formulation
 Reformulation

 Drug-excipient Compatibility Testing

 Determine proper route of administration of drug

 Product’s stability including the proper packaging material

 innovations
Scopes of Pharmacy
• Industrial Pharmacy
 Production
 Conversion of raw materials to finished products

 Supervises the operation, CGMP must be observed, planning

for production


Scopes of Pharmacy
Industrial Pharmacy
Quality Control
 Qualitative/quantitative checks of RM, intermediate and
finished products
 Tests are performed on products

 Assay – det the % purity of active ingredient

Scopes of Pharmacy
Industrial pharmacy
Drug distribution or Marketing
 Detailmen
 contact prescribers regarding company’s products

 Explain product in detail

The Phil. Drug Industry
1900 – Hizon Lab
1913 – Manuel Zamora Lab ( Tiki-tiki)
1918 – Phil-American Drug Co. ( Botica Boie)
Arambulo Prod., Inc.
Santos Ocampo Inc
Farmacia de San Fernando
Lexal Lab
Existing – Unilab, Pascual,GSK, Euromed, Pfizer

Drug establishment – manufactures, imports,
repacks, distributes pharmaceuticals
Drug manufacturers
 With manufacturing facilities, engaged in production

and compounding finishing filling

sale Storage/distrib
ution labelling /repacking
Industrial Pharmacy
Drug Trader
Registered owner of drug product
Procures the RM and packaging components
Provides production monograph, QC standard,
Subcontracts a manufacturing lab
Ex: Wyeth (Robitussin) – manuf. By Interphil
Pediatrica (Dolan) - Unilab
Bristol-Myers Squibb (Tempra) – Mead Johnson
Biomedis (Biogesic) - Unilab
Industrial Pharmacy
Drug Distributor/ Importer
Imports RM, active ing, finished product for its own use
or for wholesale distribution
Vitacolor, MDLD
Drug Distributor/ Exporter
Exports RM, active ing, finished product to other
Industrial Pharmacy
Drug Distributor/ Wholesale
Procures RM, active ing, finished product from local
establishment for local distribution on whole sale basis
Zuellig Pharma, Metrodrug, Marsman & Co.,Dyna
Small manufacturers under FIDA ( Fil. Drug Ass) &
CFDM ( Chamber of Fil. Drug Manuf)
Marginal manufacturing facilities
Serve only generic drug placed by DOH
Drugmakers, AM Europharma
Industrial Pharmacy
Federated Phar. Industry of Phil (FPIP)
Composed of CFDM, Phil Phar manufacturers Ass.,
Drug Ass of Phil
Solve the common problems of industry
Direct dialogue with govt agencies
Scopes of Pharmacy
Hospital Pharmacy
 A department or service in hospital under the direction of
competent pharmacist
 Pharmacists work with physiscians, nurses, patient and other
hospital personnel
 From which all medications are supplied to nursing units
 Part of the health care team
 Activities:
 Compounding, provides stock medication, performs moderate scale
manufacturing (dermatologicals, TPN)
 Responsible for Drug control system in hospital
 Responsible for the professional care of the pt regarding drug use
 Mx of hospital pharmacy
 Part of PTC, manning Drug Information Service
Scopes of Pharmacy
Hospital Pharrmacist must be knowledgeable on
Drugs and their action
Phar. Manuf. Program
Control procedure regarding
 QC (prep of TPN/ admixtures)
 Drug distribution through out the hospital

Research activities both medical and pharmaceutical

Teaching Techniques ( inservice training programs)
Pharmacy administration in hospital
Scopes of Pharmacy
Phil society of Hospital Pharmacist
1962, promotes interest of hospital pharmacist
Provides quartly seminars
Scopes of Pharmacy
Clinical Pharmacy
 Recent innovation in Pharm. Practice (1970)
 Patient –oriented profession
 Activities:
 Makes rounds with doctor, maintains patient histories, monitors
drug therapy, advises pt on drug use, side effects, and drug
interactions, ADR
 Direct pt involvement ( conducting admissions, discharge,
 Reviews drug utilization, education to improve drug’s use
 US : Doctors do Dx; pharmacists prescribe the medicine
 Important that clin. Pharmacist is familiar with different lab tests
and interpretation of results
Scopes of Pharmacy
Clinical Pharmacy
Associated with decreased hosp mortality rates,
decreased drug cost, decreased length of stay of pt
Founder: Dr. Siopin Co
Makati medical center
Pharmaceutical care – optimal use of medications to
achieve specific outcomes that improve a patient’s
quality of life
Scopes of Pharmacy
Patient-oriented pharmacist considers:

Knowledge of drugs

Communication Drug Info. Skill
Before After

RX interaction

pharmacist DUR



Scopes of Pharmacy
Barriers to Clinical pharmacy practice
Lack of interest of top mgnt on the concept
Higher cost
Other professionals are unhappy
Lack of incentive to pharmacist
Lack of training/ specializing areas to develop expertise
Scopes of Pharmacy
Drug Wholesaling
Important part of distributive scheme, provide
mechanism to obtain various products manufactured
by different labs from single agency
Less hazards in stock handling, record keeping and bill
paying for the retailer

Drug Retailer
Scopes of Pharmacy
Most important segment of pharmacy
Represented by colleges of pharmacy
Responsible for the nature and quality of
pharmaceutical education
Knowledge of diffrent physical, biological sciences
qualifies a pharmacist to teach
Masteral/ Doctoral degree
Scopes of Pharmacy
discovery/isolation of new drugs for Tx of diseases
The development of better drugs through chemical
Examples: Amoxicillin Co-amoxiclav
Diuretics K sparing diuretics
Scopes of Pharmacy
Pharmaceutical Journalism
Gifted with writing and editing talents
Magazines, brochures, newsletter about different drugs
for marketing purposes
Scopes of Pharmacy
Oraganization Management
Pharmacist as officer of diffrent recognize associations
Provides seminars to keep pharmacist abreast with
latest technology
Scopes of Pharmacy
Medical Communications
 Newest/ rapidly developing field
 Computer handling of medical data
Pharmacist in Government Service
 Officer in Army, Navy, Air force
 BFAD (licensing , inspection, registration)
 DOH ( research on tropical diseases, public health)
 BPI (analyst, microbiologist)
 NBI,DDB (toxicologist, chemist)
 PRC ( board examiner)
 Consultant ( mental health, family planning, pollution,
poisons, self-medication, immunization)

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