ER BELL Walkthrough

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What Is Why
V1 with
ER Bell ? ER BELL ?
ER BELL- An omnichannel Incident Management System

Its an Omnichannel helpdesk ticketing
1 system which will increase presence 2 Multichannel Integration via Calls,
on multiple channels used by Email, Social (Facebook, Twitter Etc..)
consumer by converting their queries & Stores
into support tickets.

3 4
End to End CRM Solutions Predictive Reports & Analytics

5 6
IVR Phone Tree Solutions AI Bot Assistance

Click to View List of All ER Modules

ER BELL Modules

Ticket Chatbot
Management Assistance

Store Task Ticket Quality

Management Management
Ticket Management

Integrated to all possible platform where a customer can raise their queries which will convert into tickets. List of
all available sources in this application are :-

Calls Email Social

Chatbot- Auto Chat Tickets- Human Direct Store

Ticket Creation Chat Intervention Walk-in

Its an end to end incident management system which will help us to resolve customer queries received from different
source from one single CRM only.

Checkout all features available in Ticket Management System

Ticket Management Features

Dashboard Create Ticket My Tickets Ticket Details

Knowledge Base Notification Settings Reports


Pre-Built Dashboard- The main purpose of an operational dashboard is to provide a

comprehensive snapshot of performance, which means that you should incorporate a large amount
of detail without using too many drilldowns.

 List of widgets would be available on dashboard: -

1. Total Tickets
2. Open Tickets
3. Tickets Due Today
4. Over-Due Tickets
5. Priority Wise Open Tickets
6. Tickets To Bill Graph
7. Ticket Source
8. SLA
9. Tickets With Task
10. Tickets With Claim
11. Search Tickets
12. Default Grid Of Tickets
Create Ticket

Add/Create Ticket – Capturing customer VOC with this wizard type screen will save time of
associates as well as increase usability of CRM. Cloud based suggestion in title will help associates
to save their time which will increase productivity.

Raising a dependency task to another department is possible during ticket

creation ?

Associates would be able to create task during ticket creation as well which will save time as well
as that would be trackable & in result, we would be able to provide a satisfactory service to our
Associates can add more than one task to a ticket.

Create tasks inside a ticket, assign agents and set due dates. Close tickets only after all
Create Ticket
the tasks are completed
My Tickets

My Tickets – All the tickets received from different sources will assign to associates through
ticket assignment logic* & will be visible in this section.

*Ticket Assignment Logic – There are three different solution according to business needs
which are : -
1. Manual Ticket Assignment
2. Automatic Ticket Assignment
3. Skill Based Ticket Assignment

Pre-Built Filters under My Ticket Section to see specific tickets: -

Open Resolved Reassigned Closed All

Tickets Tickets Tickets Tickets Tickets
My Tickets

With all these filters there would be an option to Search Tickets from My Tickets section also.
Ticket Details

Ticket Details – Respond to customer queries/tickets on different platform (Calls, Email, Social)
from one single screen.
Additional Features: -
1. Customer Complete Profile View
2. Customers Total Tickets with Open Tickets
3. Canned Response in reply section
4. Task View & Add Option
5. Claim View option
6. To add Internal Comments
7. Ticket History in details
8. Re-Assign /Escalate ticket to others.

Associates can open & new task from ticket details page as well. ( There can be case where ticket
received from other than Call )
Ticket Details
Knowledge Base

Knowledge Base – Associates can self educate their self by visiting KB Section. We can add topics
related to issues which are more frequent here in KB. KB can also used as Canned Response which
we can share with our customer while replying to customers.

We can map KB topics to Cat, Sub-Cat & Issue Types so associates would be able to see list of
KB topics against a ticket through its mapped Cat, Sub-Cat & Issue Type.

What we can do in Knowledge base section: -

1. Add Topics in Knowledge Base

2. Search topics in Knowledge base
3. Approve/reject KB Topics
4. Delete/Edit KB Topics

Knowledge Base

Notification– Through this we can facilitating the one-way dissemination or circulate messages

to one or many groups of people whenever any action happen. We can set in what action
notification must trigger.

 How this will help us : -

1. This will help us to respond timely on each ticket

2. Resolution Tat of ticket will never miss out
3. Would get notified whenever customer respond to ticket
4. Would get notified whenever any new ticket assigned
5. Would get notified whenever any action taken against mapped task to ticket
6. Would get notified whenever any action taken against mapped Claim to ticket

There is an option when we can set against which action, we want to push a notification with an
option to select group of people.
Reports & Analytics

Report & Analytics– With multiple ways to look at ER BELL reporting, ER BELL’s Analytics lets
you customize and build your reports in the way you want them — with absolutely no coding
and minimal effort

 How this will help us : -

1. Will show you qualitative & quantitative picture of business

2. Exploring data and reports in order to extract meaningful insights, which can be used to
better understand and improve business performance.
3. Would help to manage SLA in better way which will improve brand NPS.
4. Default reports available as per business needs.
5. Create your own custom reports for deep insights & schedule them in just one click.

Once you have scheduled a report just sit with relax & then onwards automatically system will
send you report on given email id which will save time & data analysis will become easier for
deep insights. Reports

Settings– With neat & clean interface of settings would help us in setup process framework.
Manage from start to end of process, freedom to build your own categories, hierarchy, User roles
& permission & business SLA management & much more…

 What you can setup your own : -

Hierarchy Brand Category Priority

Roles & Ticket

SLA Users Alerts
Permission templates

Reports Modules File Upload

Settings Logs Settings

*Others – Salesforce,
Zendesk, Freshdesk &
Comparison B/W Ticketing V1 & ER BELL
Custom Features For Bata Only

CHATBOT AI- A chatbot is an AI application that interacts with users, using a conversational platform. Advancements
in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Deep Learning have resulted in more practical use cases of Artificial
Intelligence (AI).

average decrease in the number of phone support calls by deploying AI-powered chatbots. Companies also report 65%
less support tickets, a 40% reduction in average handling time, and a 35% decrease in response times.

Chatbots are self-help tools for improving communications. Brands can use it to

improve their customer's experience, to improve customers satisfaction & instant information around their queries. They
allow your customers to easily interact with your brand through stimulated conversations.

Chatbots can handle the burden of repetitive and predictable cases. Some customers may require human attention. In
these cases, you can program the bot to automatically transfer these cases to your customer support team that will use
their human care to resolve the problem.

Checkout all features available in CHATBOT

CHATBOT Features

Chat Chat
Dashboard Support BOT
Messenger Reply Screen
Dashboard- CHATBOT

Dashboard- Your Dashboard gives you a full overview of what's happening with your chatbots 

and ongoing conversations. We'd like you to focus on what matters, your bot, that's why ChatBot 
is a user-friendly and easy to understand the environment.

Get real-time, actionable insights with all the data and visualization tools you need to measure
and analyze your CHAT System from a centralized dashboard.
When support teams are swimming in an ocean of tickets, calls and chats, getting an idea of the "big
can become complicated. By displaying key metrics on a dashboard, customer success agents can
work that can impact today's metrics and improve customer experience.
Support Bot

Support Bot- The purpose of Support bots is to support and scale business teams in their relations with
customers. Full support in one simple chat widget.

Let’ see the benefits of Support Bot : -

Support BOT
1. Available 24*7
2. Handling Customers
3. Helps you Save Money
4. Provides 100% satisfaction to customers
5. Automation of repetitive work
6. Personal Assistant
Chat Messenger- Human Chat Intervention

Chat Messenger- Messenger integration with ChatBot to allow companies to offer even better

customer service. Deskpro features a fully-integrated live chat system with considerably more
functionality than leading standalone chat solutions.

Live chat is a quick and easy way to assist your customers in-the-moment; making life easier for everyone
Chat Messe
What we can see in Chat Messenger : - nger

1. Max 5 chats will be assigned to an agent

2. Count of new message against each chat
3. Customer waiting for response on chat from how long time
4. Agent would be able to see ongoing & new chats
5. Just one tap/click on chat will re-direct an agent to chat reply screen
Chat Reply- Human Chat Intervention

Chat Reply- Provide your user's with live real-time support, giving them instant answers to questions
when they need it the most.

How this will help you : -

1. Respond faster- Share knowledgeable articles in chat or insert common/canned responses that are
easily personalized. Chat Reply Sc
2. Right chat, right agent- Understand the nature of customer requests with customer fields- and reen
automatically assign chats to the right agent.
3. Chat to tickets- Some issues can’t be resolved during a quick chat session. Create new tickets during
conversation with customer.

What all features available in this : -

4. Reply to customer ongoing chat’s

5. Can view customer recent chat’s
6. View customer complete profile
7. View all open tickets of customer
8. Ban spam customer/visitor
9. Transfer chat to supervisor
10. Create ticket during chat from same screen.
Store Task Management

Store Task Management – Retail task management software is a solution that has been designed to assist retailers with
multiple stores to manage the operations of their stores effectively. The systems helps one to manage store task effectively by
eliminating manual task’s and automating most of the functions thus making your staff more efficient & effective.

Lets tell us how you can work more effectively with this : -

1. Pre built dashboard for analysis

2. Store calendar
3. Task management
4. Claim management
5. Campaign management
6. Ticket’s dependant on task
7. Reports & Analytics

Doing all these things will definitely improve customer service satisfaction also will save a lot of time which was getting waste
in manual work.

Click to view all features available in Store Task Management: -

Store Task Management Features

Task Claim Campaign

Management Management Management

Settings Notification Reports


 Dashboard-The main purpose of an operational dashboard is to provide a comprehensive

snapshot of performance, which means that you should incorporate a large amount of
detail without using too many drilldowns.

 List of widgets would be available on dashboard: -

1. Task- Open, Due Today & Over-Due Dashboard

2. Claim Open, Due Today & Over-Due
3. Campaign-Open Campaign
4. Department wise open task’s
5. Priority wise open task’s
6. Open Campaign by its type
7. Claim count vs Invoice
8. Open Claim Stats
9. Claim amount vs Invoice amount
10. Search Task’s & Claim
Task Management

Task Management- Create and Manage all the Tasks linked with internally or involved in
resolving a ticket, inside the task page.

Task Management System allows you to create the task and allocate to designated agents
based upon the requirements. It removes the hassle of creating a different task on your ERP as
the work can be done on the task itself.
How this will help you : - Task
1. Get notified when tasks assigned to you
2. Granular ownership
3. Know your upcoming tasks
4. Never miss a task

Available filters/option in this section : -

Add Raised Assigned Task By Campaign

Task By Me To Me Tickets
Claim Management

Claim Management- Claims management software enables organizations to build and

deploy automated end-to-end claims processes that are highly intelligent, agile.

Get end-to-end claims workflows that are customer-focused, cost-effective, and adaptable
automated and running within days, not months.

• Claim
Full automation and elimination of operational inefficacies and legacy issues
• Management
Timely and accurate claim routing and notifications
• Automatic claim route by product, amount, department or any field data
• Standardized claims management and processes across company units

Available filters in this section : -

Raise Raised Assigned

Claim By Me To Me
Campaign Management

Campaign Management- Campaign management plays a central role in Customer

Relationship Management (CRM). You can execute marketing strategies and developing a
sales direction for optimum profits. With the designed solution here we can handle the various
components of a marketing campaign from a single screen.

Call to customers & inform them about the campaign against they are mapped which can
Be Birthday, Anniversary, EOSS etc.. Which will build public relation with customer as well as
lead to increase in revenue also.

Notification– Through this we can facilitating the one-way dissemination or circulate

messages to one or many groups of people whenever any action happen. We can set in
what action notification must trigger.

 How this will help us : -

1. This will help us to respond timely on each task
2. Resolution Tat of task will never miss out
3. Would get notified whenever someone respond to task
4. Would get notified whenever any new task assigned
5. Would get notified whenever any action taken against mapped task to ticket
6. Would get notified whenever any action taken against mapped Claim to task

There is an option when we can set against which action, we want to push a notification
with an option to select group of people.

Settings– With neat & clean interface of settings would help us in setup process
framework. Manage from start to end of process, freedom to build your own
categories, hierarchy, User roles & permission & business SLA management & much

 What you can setup your own : -


Hierarchy Item Priority

Claim Roles &

Users Alerts
Category Permission

Modules File Upload SLA

Settings Logs

Report & Analytics– With multiple ways to look at ER BELL reporting, ER BELL’s Analytics lets
you customize and build your reports in the way you want them — with absolutely no coding
and minimal effort
 How this will help us : -

1. Will show you qualitative & quantitative picture of business Reports

2. Exploring data and reports in order to extract meaningful insights, which can be used to
better understand and improve business performance.
3. Would help to manage SLA in better way which will improve brand NPS.
4. Default reports available as per business needs.
5. Create your own custom reports for deep insights & schedule them in just one click.

Once you have scheduled a report just sit with relax & then onwards automatically system will
send you report on given email id which will save time & data analysis will become easier for
deep insights.
Ticket Quality Management

Ticket Quality Management – Especially an internal audit, is a great opportunity for a company to learn and grow.

A ticket quality management system allows support to be organized, focused, efficient, and effective. ... Ultimately, ticketing
systems are a means to support and help you deal with any issues/incidents in your organization, managing the incidents
from the moment they're captured through to their resolution. Ticket quality management here will ensure quality of support
being provided to customer is in correct way.

Through the lens of quality assurance (QA), this creates objective standards that have clear visibility for the agent & can
improve their quality which will direct result in customer satisfaction.

Click to view all features available in Ticket Quality Management: -

Ticket Quality Management- Features

My Tickets Ticket
Dashboard Audit Audit Form

Settings Notification Reports


Dashboard- The main purpose of an operational dashboard is to provide a comprehensive

snapshot of performance, which means that you should incorporate a large amount of detail
without using too many drilldowns.

 List of widgets would be available on dashboard: -

1. Total Tickets for QC
2. QC Done Dashboard
3. Pending Tickets for QC
4. Quality Score
5. Quality Score By KPI
6. Quality Score By QA Lead
7. Top 3 CSA-Quality Score
8. Search Quality Score by QA/CSA
9. Search Tickets
10. Default Grid Of Tickets
My Tickets

My Tickets- All resolved tickets by CSA will be assigned to QA to check quality of solution provided
to customer. All the assigned tickets to QA will be displayed in this section.

Ticket will assign to QA on based through automatic ticket assignment logic.

Filters available on My Tickets section : - My Tickets

• All Tickets
• Pending For QA
• Audit Done
Ticket Audit Form

Ticket Audit Form- Incident reporting auditing is an examination of the controls within the help
desk operations. The audit process collects and evaluates evidence of an organization's help desk
and incident reporting practices, and operations. The audit ensures that all problems reported by
users have been adequately documented.

QA will perform audit based on decided audit parameter & will give score to CSA. Audit inputs Ticket
from QA will help to provide better service to customers. Audit Form

Audit parameters will be based on source of ticket. There would be different audit parameter
against each source of ticket creation.

Settings– With neat & clean interface of settings would help us in setup process
framework. Manage from start to end of process, freedom to build your own
categories, hierarchy, User roles & permission & business SLA management & much

 What you can setup your own : -


Users CRM

Audit Reports

Notification– Through this we can facilitating the one-way dissemination or circulate

messages to one or many groups of people whenever any action happen. We can set in
what action notification must trigger.

 How this will help us : -

1. This will help us to audit timely each ticket
2. Would get notified whenever ticket assigned for audit

Report & Analytics– With multiple ways to look at ER BELL reporting, ER BELL’s Analytics lets
you customize and build your reports in the way you want them — with absolutely no coding
and minimal effort
 How this will help us : -

1. Will show you qualitative & quantitative picture of business Reports

2. Exploring data and reports in order to extract meaningful insights, which can be used to
better understand and improve business performance.
3. Would help to manage SLA in better way which will improve brand NPS.
4. Default reports available as per business needs.
5. Create your own custom reports for deep insights & schedule them in just one click.

Once you have scheduled a report just sit with relax & then onwards automatically system will
send you report on given email id which will save time & data analysis will become easier for
deep insights.

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