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Valeria Villadiego Hernández

my daily routine
my daily routine starts at 7 o'clock in the morning, when I wake up.
Then I tidy up my bed, brush my teeth, take a shower so at 8 o'clock I continue
to have breakfast.
After eating, I continue to study, that is, if I have classes, in case it is not like
that I go to visit my grandfather and return an hour later, when I get home as
something, either a snack and so I continue to study, at 12 o'clock I take my
space to have lunch and then I wash the dishes, I take a nap of about 1 hour and
when it is 2 o'clock I go to classes or I start studying until it is time for dinner
that It is about 6 o'clock, sometimes I may have classes from 6 to 8 o'clock
then I get ready to read or talk with my boyfriend, until 10 o'clock.
and then rest.

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