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• The role of the youth in community action is to
improve the quality of life of the people, through
community development. Effective community
development results in mutual benefit and shared
responsibility among community members. Such
development recognize
• The connection between social,cultural,
environmental ans economic matters
• The diversity of interestswithin acommunity
• Its relationship to building capacity
• YOUTH- in-school and out-of-school youth
• Helps build community capacity in order to
address issues and take advantage of
opportunities, find common ground and balance
competing interest
• Ways by which the youth can improve the
quality of life of the people in the community
1. convene as social group to study urgent
issues and product policy recommendations
• Issues may include
• Violation of human rights
• Gambling
• Domestic violence and child abuse
• Criminality
• Drug addiction
• Terrorism
• Illiteracy, among others
• 2. undertake listening circles . Listen to problems
and commit to solve them as soon as possible
• 3. Join volunteer groups and work for their
• 4. Discover, map and mobilize assets hidden
away in all the folks who live in their community
and bring those resources out of the closet and
into creative energy with each other with
dramatic results
• 5. organize into study circles . Meet 2-3 times a
week to explore a subject often a social political
• 6. conduct a dynamic dialogue or collaborate
with law enforcement agencie on critical issues
that confront them
• 7. conduct relief activities for disaster victims
• 8. campaign for clean and honest elections or
blood donations to the PNRC
• 9. be involve in religious and spiritual activities
• 10. be a member of socio political action
groups such as PCRV, Crime Watch, Crime
volunteer Groups , Volunteer Againts Crime
• Community Action Initiative- is a community
based collaborative project in partnership with
political and social institutions and sometimes
with religious and business association
• Community Action Initiative goals are;
• One to one outreach, support and advocacy to
engage the target population
• Improve linkages between service provider
agencies on and off reserve and increase capacity
to reach and support the at –risk population
• Development of a core group mentors within the
target population group that support and train
• Intergenerational knowledge transmission
through workshops and activities
• The development of a food cooperative to
address the basic needs of his population and
promote self -sustainability
Core Values and Principles of Community
action Initiatives
• Human Rights – are rights inherent to all human
beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence,
sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion,
language or any other status. We are all equally
entitled to our human rights without discriminating .
These rights are all interrelated, interdependent and
• Universal Human rights are often expressed and
guaranteed by law, in the forms of treaties,
customary international law
Human Rights
• Universal and Inalienable- 1993 Vienna World Conference of Human
Rights noted that it is the duty of the States is to promote and protect
all human rights and fundamental freedoms, regardless of their
political, economic and cultural system.
• Interdependent and Indivisible- the improvement of one right
facilitates the advancement of the others. Likewise the, the deprivation
of one right adversely affects the others
• Equal and Non-Discriminatory- complemented by the principle of
equality. “All human rights are born free and equal in dignity and
• Inalienable-something that is yours forever, that cant be taken away
• Interdependent- between things ,, dependence between things
• Both Rights and Obligations- assume obligations and duties under
international law to respect, to protect and to fulfill human rights
• Human rights are guided by the following Core Values
• Integrity, Transparency, and Accountability: operates with highest
level of integrity in its administrative, service and outreach
• Professionalism and responsiveness: strives to find solutions that
meet the needs and preference of individuals and communities
through direct serviceor referrals to other providers.
• Advocacy: educates the public on Human Rights and Good
Governance, and advocates for the long term best interest
of the people and communities through widespread
implementation of Human Rights and Good Governance
• Focus and direction : always make sure that the activities
do not depart from the assigned goals and objectives
• Partnership and Collegial Spirit: works with the wide
variety of partners and always make sure that the partners
and stakeholders views are heard throughout the decision-
making process
• Social Responsibility: is materialized by a commitment to ensure
free legal aid especially to vulnerable and poor persons.
• Mutual Respect and Tolerance: be aware of people’s differences
and work to ensure that every human being is treated with respect
and dignity at every time.
• Innovation and Entrepreneurship: regularly explores new
approaches to Human Rights and Good Governance for the best
interest of the served communities
• Financial Sustainability: be an advocate and service provider for
many years
• Networking and Internationalization: consistently seeks global
partner organizations
• Empowerment- is based on the idea that
giving people skills, resources, authority and
opportunity, motivation as well holding them
responsible and accountable for the outcomes
of their action, will contribute to their
competencies and satisfaction
• Advocacy – is the act or process of supporting
a cause or proposal for enhancing effective
practices to improve bahavior
• Core values of advocacy are:
• Collaborating relationship
• Continuous improvement
• Visionary leadership
• Diversity
• Excellence
• Integrity
• People-centered
• Visionary leadersship
• Principles of Advocacy
• Advocacy adheres to the following principles
• Independence-advocates are completely from any service
• Empowerment- the advocates role is to support the service users
to make their own choices and do not offer solutions or advice
• Confidentiality advocates will not discuss confidential matters with
third parties unless they have given written permission to do so
• Loyalty- advocates represent their views; they will not represent
the views of professional workers or their family without
advocate’s express wishes
• Equal Rights-empowerment means that
advocates will follow service provider’s wishes
even if they disagree with advocate’s course of
• Payment-some advocates are paid workers
and some are volunteers. All advocates usually
have their out of the pocket travel expenses

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