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Audience Feedback

Shauna Mooring
AS Media Studies
Mrs Doggart
For my media project I had the choice of creating a
music magazine or a film sequence; I chose to create a
music magazine. I worked as an individual and had to
produce four pages of a magazine: the front page,
contents page, and a double page article. I had to write
an interview with my featured artist and had to include a
minimum of four photographs, which I had to take
Q1. What does the title suggest to you?
3/10 of the people I asked thought that ‘FIND’ was a magazine for
new and upcoming bands, as they are ‘new finds’.

Most people also thought that this magazine was based on and
Indie genre, the probably realised this as ‘FIND’ stands for ‘Folk &
Indie’s New Direction’

Also, the bands featured on the front cover are up and coming
bands that are associated
with the Indie genre.
Q2. What genre/type of music do you think this magazine focuses
on and how do you know this?

I created this pie chart in correlation with the answers from Q2

from my questionnaire. 6/10 people thought this was an Indie &
Folk magazine because of the title. 3/10 people thought it was a
new music magazine because of the other artists featured on the
front cover. The other people I asked thought that it was an
acoustic magazine because the artist on the front cover is holding
an acoustic guitar.
Q3. What makes the pages look professional and what stops them
from looking professional?

This bar chart shows that most people thought all aspects of my
magazine were professional. The only criticism I got about my
magazine is that the colours don’t always contrast enough for the
text to be clearly read, which is why there is usually a translucent
grey box behind the text, so that it is clear to read.
Q4. How genuine does the front cover seem?
8/10 people said that the front cover was very genuine and “could
easily be mistaken for a real music magazine”.
2/10 people said that it was genuine and looks realistic.
Nobody said that it wasn’t genuine.

The barcode, price, title, date, and banner

including information are all features
that make it seem more genuine.
Q5. Does the contents page simply inform or does it also interest
you to read the rest of the magazine?

6/10 people said that my magazine both informs and interests the
reader as it gives them the information they need about what’s
featured in the magazine and it also makes them interested in the
rest of the magazine. 3/10 people said it only informs them and
1/10 said it only interests them.
Q6. Does the article sound like a professional piece of
journalism? If not, which bits sound unprofessional?
Everyone I asked said that my article sounded like a professional
piece of journalism which I was pleased with because I aimed for
my magazine to have a professional and genuine feel to it.
Most people also commented on the fact that I included drop caps,
quotes and an establishing introduction paragraph. They said
these were all features that made my article sound and look
Q7. Does the article layout make you want to read it? If not, why

Everyone that I asked said that the article was the best page, it
looked the most professional and that it made them want to read
on. People said:
“It’s the best page in the magazine, love the picture!”
“Yeah, it looks really professional”
“Looks like something from NME”
They said the title and the picture attracted
their attention and made them
want to read on.

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