University of Salerno: Trust Apartment-2

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Cross Cultural competence

Semester Study Program with

University Of Salerno


Arya Shree,FIIB,India

Asif Mansoori,FIIB,India
Sergio Pascual,Spain Apartment-2
Giovanni Esposito,Italy
Building negotiation bridges between Indian
and Latin-European people:

Cultural issues can be bypassed building bridges between the members. To build bridges doesn’t
mean that you need to eliminate the differences between you and the others.
How Indian, Spanish and Italian people can
build these bridges:-

• Step 1: meet each other

• Step 2: analyze your personal similarities
• Step 3: examine culture
• Step 4: find similar cultural dimensions
• Step 5: move to negotiation styles
• Step 6: build bridges
  India  Italy  Spain 
Performance M  L  M 
Assertiveness  L  M  H 
Future orientation  H  L  L 
Humane orientation  H  L  L 
Institutional M  L  L 
In-group collectivism  H  M  H 
Gender egalitarianism  L  M  L 
Power distance  H  H  H 
Uncertainty avoidance  M  L  M 
Evaluate the Similarities between us:

As we are Arya Asif Giovanni Sergio

Performance orientation  H H H H

Assertiveness  H H M M
Future orientation  M M H L

Humane orientation  H M M M

Institutional collectivism  M L L M

In-group collectivism  M M M M

Gender egalitarianism  H H H H

Power distance  M M M M
Uncertainty avoidance  M L M M
Similarities Between India and Latin

Negotiation factors India Latin Europe

Goal Relationship Contract
Attitudes Win-Win Win-Lose
Personal Styles Informal Informal
Communications Direct Direct
Time Sensitivity High High
Emotionalism High High
Agreement Form Specific Specific
Agreement Building Top-Down Bottom-Up
Team Organization Consensus One-Leader
Risk Taking High Low
Trust each other

• Building trust requires time and risks, especially at the beginning. The importance of trust in business is
explained as the correlation between it and profit; no contract can be signed without trust.
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