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Fluid Mechanics and

Minor Course- Semester3
Dept. of Mechanical Engg

Hydrostatic Forces on Submerged Plane
● Hydrostatic Force: It is the resultant force of
pressure exerted by liquid at rest on any side of
submerged body.
●F= 
pdA = p  dA = pA
● It is the summation of product of uniform pressures
and elementary areas of submerged body
● It is equal to the product of submerged area and
pressure at the centroid of the submerged area
● In most cases, the other side of the plate is open to the
atmosphere (such as the dry side of a gate), and thus
atmospheric pressure acts on both sides of the plate,
yielding a zero resultant.
● In such cases, it is convenient to subtract atmospheric
pressure and work with the gage pressure only
• The point of intersection of the line of action of the Buoyant
force before and after the tilt- Metacenter (M)
• GM- distance between center of gravity and Meta center>
Metacentric height
• Stability of the floating body is governed by the position of
metacenter M relative to G
• If M lies above G, GM is positive (GM>1), Stable Equilibrium
(Restoring couple- brings back to original position)
• If M lies below G, GM is negative (GM<1), Unstable
(Overturning couple- tilts the body further, Capsize the ship)
• M and G coincide- Neutral Equilibrium

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