Biological Bases of Behaviour

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Biological Bases of Behaviour

Dr. Sasmita Mishra

Biological Bases of Behaviour

Brain case study: Phineas Gage

Structure of Neuron
Types of Neurons
• Sensory
• Motor
• Interneurons
Function of different Neurons
Function of different Neurons
Communication within neurons
• Graded potential
• Action potential
• Nodes of Ranvier
Graded Potential
Action Potential
Communication between neurons
• Nerve impulse
• Synaptic vesicles
• Neurotransmitters
Steps in chemical transmission of information across synapses from neuron
• The transmitting or synaptic neuron manufactures or synthesizess the neurotransmitter
molecules from simpler molecules derived from the foods we eat and from other sources
• The manufactured neurotransmitter is stored in the bouton vesicles of the transmitter
• Nerve impulses reaching the boutons initiate a process which causes some of the vesicles
to move to the synaptic cleft, where they discharge their stored neurotransmitter.
• The neurotransmitter rapidly diffuses across the narrow synaptic cleft and combines
with specialized receptor molecules on the membrane of the receiving, or postsynaptic
• The combination of neurotransmitter and receptor initiates changes in the receiving
neuron that lead to excitation or inhibition.
• The combined neurotransmitter is rapidly deactivated, as is excess neurotransmitter in
the synaptic cleft, to make the post synaptic cell ready to receive another message.
Neurotransmitter Location Effects
Acetylcholine Found throughout the central Involved in muscle action,
nervous system, in the learning and memory
autonomic nervous system, and
at all neuromuscular junctions
Nor epinephrine Found in neurons in the Primarily involved in control or
autonomic nervous system alertness and wakefulness
Dopamine Produced by neurons located in Involved in movement,
a region of the brain called the attention, and learning.
substantia nigra Degenration of dopamine
producing neurons has been
linked to Parkinson’s disease.
Too much dopamine has been
linked to Schizophrenia.
Neurotransmitter Location Effects
Serotonin Found in neurons in the brain and Plays a role in the regulation of mood
spinal cord and in the control of eating, sleep,
and arousal. Has also been
implicated in the regulation of pain
and in dreaming.
GABA (gamma- Found throughout the brain and GABA is the major inhibitory
amino-butyric spinal cord neurotransmitter in the brain.
acid) Abnormal levels of GABA have been
implicated in sleep and in eating
Endrophin found in the pituitary gland, in Stress and pain are the two most
other parts of the brain, or common factors leading to the
distributed throughout the release of endorphins. Endorphins
nervous system interact with the opiate receptors in
the brain to reduce our perception of
pain and act similarly to drugs such
The Nervous System
Central Nervous System
• The brain
– The hind brain
• Medulla
• Pons
• Reticular formation
• Cerebellum
Central Nervous System
• The brain
– The mid brain
• Superior and inferior colliculus
• Substantia nigra
Central Nervous System
• The brain
– The forebrain
• Thalamus
• Hypothalamus
• Pituitary gland
• Limbic system
• Cerebral cortex
Central Nervous System
• Cerebral cortex
Central Nervous System
• Corpus Callosum
Spinal Cord
Peripheral Nervous System
Peripheral Nervous System
Peripheral Nervous System
Peripheral Nervous System
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