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Session 2:
Tourism as a System

Learning Outcomes
• Understand the basic concept of a tourism system
• Identify and evaluate the various individual elements of the tourism system and their relationships
• Define the term ‘tourist’ and describe three criteria that can be used to define tourists
• Appreciate the distinctions between generating, transit and destination regions in tourism
• Explain the term 'tourism industry’ and briefly describe its components

© James Cook University

BX2091:03 Tourism & Leisure Management
Lecture Outline
• The Tourism System
• The Tourist
• The Generating Region
• The Transit Route
• The Destination
• The Tourism Industry
• External Environment
– STEEP factors

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BX2091:03 Tourism Management 2
A Systems Approach to Tourism
• What is a system?
A system is a group of interrelated, interdependent
and interacting elements that together form a
single functional structure.
(Leiper, 1995)
• Other characteristics of a system include:
– hierarchical nature (macro vs. micro)
– composed of subsystems (e.g. tour operators)
– flows & exchanges of energy (e.g. people, goods)
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Leiper’s Tourism System
• Five Essential Elements of A Tourism System:

1 A Generating Region
A Tourist A Transit Region

5 4
A Tourism Industry A Destination
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Leiper’s Tourism System
• Leiper’s (1995) Model
Environments: human, sociocultural, economical, technological,
physical, political, legal, etc...

1. Departing Tourists

2. Generating 3. Transit route region 4. Destination

region region
1. Returning Tourists

5. Location of the Tourism Industry

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Leiper’s Tourism System
• Leiper’s (1995) System with multiple transit and destination components




TGR Tourist generating region
TR Transit route LTRLocal transit route
TDR Tourist destination region TDSTourist Destination Site
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Leiper’s Tourism System
• A systematic model for studying tourism (Leiper, 2004)

Transit Generating
Route Region

Destination Industry

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Who are the Tourists?
1. Popular definitions…
– Positive and negative connotations…let’s discuss
2. Technical definitions…
– A traveler
– A visitor
– An excursionist/day tripper
– A tourist: a visitor who spends
at least one night away from home

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BX2091:03 Tourism Management 10
1. The Tourist
Major Tourist Categories
All travelers


Tourists Non-tourists Active members of

armed services


Stayovers Excursionists

Routine trips
1 2 3 4
International Domestic International Domestic
stayovers stayovers excursionists excursionists Stopovers

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BX2091:03 Tourism Management 11
1. The Tourist

Tourist terms used in your textbook Tourist terms used by the WTO

• Terms used by your textbook & WTO

 Tourists = Visitors
 Stayovers = Tourists
 Excursionists = Same-day visitors

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1. The Tourist


Temporal Purposive

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1. The Tourist
Spatial Component
• International Tourists
– Inbound & Outbound
– Long haul & short haul
• Domestic Tourism
– Travel beyond a person’s usual environment but within their
usual country of residence
• Local
• Intrastate
• interstate
– Distance thresholds are normally applied to domestic tourism–why?
– Larger number of tourists, but…little known about domestic tourism-why?

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BX2091:03 Tourism Management 14
1. The Tourist
Temporal Component
• Length of Stay
• Stayovers and excursions
• Transit passengers?
• WTO Thresholds
– international stayover tourist = max. of 1 year
– domestic stayover tourist = max. of 6 months

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BX2091:03 Tourism Management 15
1. The Tourist
Purposive Component
• Leisure
• Visiting Friends and Relatives (VFR)
• Business

• Others
– Sport
– Spiritual & health
– Education

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1. The Tourist
Purposive Component – Australian Context
Domestic International

2004 2008 2004 2008

Holiday/leisure 43% 50% 56% 38%

VFR 32% 30% 22% 17%

Business 20% 15% 16% 6%

Education - - 6%
Tourism Australia, 2004
Other 5% 5% - 39%

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BX2091:03 Tourism Management 17
1. The Tourist
Purposive Component – Australian Context
• Top 5 Activities


Shop for pleasure VFR
80% 39%
Go to beach (swim, surf, dive) Go to beach (swim, surf, dive)
57% 24%
Go to markets Pubs, clubs, discos
Tourism Australia, 2004
51% 23%
Pubs, clubs, discos Visit national parks
43% 12%
Visit National/ State Parks Other outdoor activities
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BX2091:03 Tourism Management 18
1. The Tourist
Purposive Component – Multipurpose trips
• most trips involve multipurpose travel, which causes data
classification and analysis problems
• in Australia, departing visitors are asked to state their primary
and subsidiary travel purposes
– e. g., Primary - 3 day convention,
Subsidiary - 8 days pleasure & 3 days VFR
• further complication is that people
in the same group may have different
purposes for their trip

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BX2091:03 Tourism Management 19
1. The Tourist
Major Tourist Categories
All travelers


Tourists Non-tourists Active members of

armed services


Stayovers Excursionists

Routine trips
1 2 3 4
International Domestic International Domestic
stayovers stayovers excursionists excursionists Stopovers

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BX2091:03 Tourism Management 20
2. Generating Region
• Origin Community
– neglected component of the tourism system
– little research has been done on the impacts of tourism
on the origin community
• Government
– influence of the origin government on the tourism
system has also been largely ignored
– foreign travel advisory warnings for outbound citizens,
and consular services
• Intermediaries & marketing associated with the
distribution of tourism
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3. Transit Region
• Some questions:
– Time wasted in transit or part of the experience?
– Can transit regions be destination regions?
– What about cruise ships – destination or transit?
• Impacts on transit route
• Impact of transit routes in destination regions
• Impact of Technology

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3. Transit Region
• Figure 2.6 The evolution of the trans-Pacific travel system

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4. Destination Region
• Focus of most Tourism Research
• Destination Communities
– Community impacts (positive & negative)
– Locals as an attraction + resource
– Local attitudes towards tourism
• Destination Governments
– requirements under which tourists can enter and leave country
– Implementation of pro-tourism policies to encourage growth
– establishment of tourism-related agencies – marketing & management
• Tourism Operators

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5. The Tourism Industry
• Is tourism an industry?
– It does not have a SIC (Standard Industrial
– It is not included in the International System of
National Accounts
– “An aggregate of businesses
that provide products and
services to meet the needs of
tourists” (Smith 1988)
– Who do we define as within the
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BX2091:03 Tourism Management 25
5. The Tourism Industry
Give examples of Businesses that are
Directly Involved in Tourism in these sectors
• Travel
– Transportation
– Travel Services
• Hospitality
– Accommodation
– Food Services
• Attractions and Activities
• Retail Goods

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5. The Tourism Industry
• Figure 2.8 Status of major tourism industry
sectors within the tourism system
Categories Origin Transit Destination
Travel retailers
Food & Beverage
Tour Operators


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5. The Tourism Industry
• We are interested in:
– Sector characteristics (e.g. hotels, attractions etc.)
– How tourism businesses are managed
• Customer service
• Finances & Budgets
• Operations
• Marketing
– What impacts the industry has on the local community,
destination, environment and tourists themselves
– How the external environment impacts on the industry

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External Environment

• Social Change
• Technological Change
• Environmental Change
• Economic Change
• Political Change

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Key Points
• Tourism can be conceptualised as a system of five interrelated
• This system is influenced by environmental factors (STEEP)
• There is a need to clearly establish the meaning of the terms:
– “tourist”
– “tourism industry”
• Tourists can be described in terms of spatial, temporal or
purposive criteria
• Geographically, we can discuss tourism in terms of the
generating region, transit routes and destination regions.

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ourism & Leisure Management

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& Leisure Management

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