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 Your life will be filled with many

special occasions – club events,

family celebrations, reunions,
organization meetings, sports,
events, graduations, weddings,
special community celebrations and
many others. At many events like
this there is a speaker and someday
that speaker may be you.
They recognize and
honor the
achievements of
individuals and
 A eulogy is a commemorative speech
honoring someone who has died.

 You pay tribute to the life and deeds of the


 This can be an intense speech and may be

difficult because it involves emotions
 Express your deepest sorrow that the person
has died.

 Remember his/her unique life and


 Help the entire audience mourn the loss.

Ifthis person was a relative
or a friend, express your
personal grief and deep
sense of loss. If you didn’t
know the person well, offer
your sympathy to the family
and friends.
 Share memories about this person’s
life-things that are meaningful to
you personally and to the assembled
group. Mention the person’s unique
qualities, achievements, and behavior
or attitudes that were memorable for
those who knew this person well.
Use specific examples and
Describe ways in which
this person will live on in
memories of those who
loved him/her, through
his or her achievements,
or in the afterlife.
Though time might be
short, gather
information and specific
anecdotes about this
person from relatives
and friends.
Ifyou share humorous
stories, choose them and
your words carefully so
as not to convey
disrespect or to offend
Ifyour emotions overwhelm
you as you speak, don’t
worry about it. Lower your
head and take time to
recover. The audience will
understand and
Be sensitive to the
religious and cultural
beliefs of the deceased,
of his/her family, and of
those attending the
 This type of speech opens an event of
conference. The topic usually correlates with
the subject or theme of the event.

 A keynote speech is a major speaking

engagement as a keynote speaker your goal
is to energize your listeners and make them
enthusiastic about attending the conference.
Akeynote speech may be
informational, giving people facts or
a perspective to think about it. It
may be persuasive, motivating
people to care about something, to
embrace a point of view, or to act. It
may also be entertaining, the tone of
this type of speech may be light or
serious depending on the event.
 Warmly greet and thank the person who
introduced you.
 Engage audience interest and attention with

anecdote, quotation, case history, example or

statistic relevant to the topic.
 Focus on the topic of this conference and

explain its value to the audience members.

 Launch into your content. If it’s
an informative speech this may
include an overview of current
events or developments in your
field, an outline of common
problems and possible solutions,
or a proposed direction or vision
for the future.
Givean overview of the
conference to come
inspiring the audience to
take advantage of the
events surrounding the
conference or meeting to
 Attempt to write exciting vigorous speech.
Your job is to motivate.
 Keep your content relevant to the conference

topic, broad enough in scope to ac as an

overall introduction to the event, yet specific
enough to interest and inspire the audience.
 Consider using high interest media aids

including computer based presentation

programs, video, or multimedia.
 Graduation from high school,
trade school, college, or graduate
school is a special milestone in
one’s life. Graduation
ceremonies always include a
commencement speech that
honors graduates and sends
them out into the world.
 The goal of this type of speech is to lead the
audience in commending the graduates for
their achievements and in helping them to
envision their futures.

 The tone should be serious and formal.

Projective a positive attitude.
 You usually can select the theme to your
speech unless the class has some type of
theme already picked out.

 Possible things to discuss, the role of

technology, life long learning, service to the
community, life after high school, the
importance of sound values
 Thank the person who introduced
you and the institution that
invited you to speak.

 Expressyour genuine pleasure at

being invited to address the
graduates for reaching this
milestone – completing
their graduation
requirements and meeting
their educational goals.
 Talkabout what graduation means –
a point in time that marks the end of
one period of life and the beginning
of a new stage. Explain why this
occasion should be thought about in
a serious and respectful way. Relate
anecdotes about what graduation
meant to you.
Launch into your topic
and close with an
inspirational message,
quotation or sendoff.
 Take time to write a unique, thoughtful, and
fast moving speech. Remember that you
have an obligation to say something
 Avoid clichés and trite statements and

 Show your great respect for this institution

and for the graduates

 Honor the assembled family and friends who

helped the graduates reach this difficult goal.

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