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MEMORY VERSE: “Then Samuel took the horn of oil,

and anointed him in the midst of his brethren: and the
Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day
forward. So Samuel rose up, and went to Ramah”
(1 Samuel 16:13).

Text: 1 Samuel 16:1-23

The Choice of David

While Samuel was still sorrowing over Saul’s disobedience, God was ready to
do something new.
Saul preferred to please man, than obeying God and doing His will.
God therefore, chose another person who will obey Him.
David was the chosen one and was divinely anointed.
The Choice of David
The Choice of David

Samuel would have anointed Eliab, the Eldest son of Jesse.

God looks at the inside of our hearts and corrected Samuel.
Physical appearance can be deceptive.
The Choice of David
The Choice of David

• God knows our heart and our deepest thoughts and He is keeping record of all that
goes on in our hearts.
• He will Judge accordingly.
• Surrender your heart to the Lord today for His cleansing through the blood of
• David was the youngest of eight sons, yet God preferred and anointed him as King.
• God is still looking for boys and girls that will serve Him in truth and Spirit.
• Make yourself ready vessel for God’s use.
David Serves in the Palace of Saul
David Serves in the Palace of Saul

He also became his armor bearer.

All these made him to be closer to the king and to gain experience before he finally became
He suffered a lot in the hands of Saul while working for him in the palace.
He had to run for his life.
During his waiting period before becoming the king, he learned to trust in the Lord in times of
David was humble, bold, courageous, hardworking and obedient.
God used the situations around David to lead him to the throne, just like He did to Joseph.
Destined for the top

• David was anointed king when he was still a teenager, yet he did not get to
the throne until about twenty years later.
• David passed through a lot during this period.
• He was running from wilderness to desert and even hide in caves and rocks.
• Through it all he learned to trust in God to fulfill His promise in his life.
Destined for the top
• Joseph passed through similar case, despite that he was destined to be great
• Joseph stood firmly on God’s word and made it to the throne at last.
• Moses was destined to be the great deliverer. He was initially rejected by his
brethren and he fled to the wilderness.
• God’s plan for his life was fulfilled
• As friends of Jesus, you are destined for the top.
• Though there may be challenges and difficulties today, look unto Jesus and put
your trust in Him. He will surely take you to the top
Destined for the top
Destined for the top

• Many children today fail today because of the evil influences, self
destructive habits and lack of trust in God and His word.
• If you are among this group, you need to repent and come to Jesus.
• Ask Him for forgiveness and cleansing with His precious blood.
• Forsake all your bad ways and trust Him to fulfill all His good promises for
your life.
Destined for the top

• 1. How many sons did Jesse have? _____________________

• 2. Who did God send to anoint David? _________________
• 3. Mention four qualities in David that brought him favour
• 4. David’s service in the palace of Saul was by divine arrangement. Yes/No?
• 5. How can: (i) A Christian child serve God Acceptably? __________________
• (ii) A sinful child serve God acceptably? ______
• 6. Mention four blessings for serving God acceptably. _________________

• LESSON: Obedience to God will grant us divine favour.

• THOUGHT: I will obey God’s word so as to fulfill His divine
purpose for my life.

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