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Defence University College

OF Engineering
Department of CIT
DIP Lab assignment(Group)
Assignment title Flip image .
Group name id
1. Yitbarek Asnake…………480/08
2. Birhanu Yemataw………..133/09
3.Nigus Dargie ………...…157/09
4.Abrhaley G/tsadik.......127/09

• When referring to an image or image editor, flip is a feature

that allows you to turn an image horizontal or vertical. In the
picture is an example of the Computer Hope logo and what it
would look like flipped horizontally and vertically.
• A flipped image or reversed image, the more formal term, is
a static or moving image that is generated by a mirror-
reversal of an original across a horizontal axis (a
flopped image is mirrored across the vertical axis).
• Use the horizontal flip and vertical flip functions to
flip an image around a
Example: Flipping Images horizontal or
a vertical center line.
For information on using this example, refer to 
About Image Processing

• we can also use the Ctrl key to switch between horizontal and
vertical. In the images below, all possible flips are
Horzontal flip
This function returns the original image, or matrix,
flipped from left to right.
1. Read in an image and apply the horzflip function to
• Original image

Horizontally flip image.

2. Define a matrix and apply the horzflip function to it:
3. Applying horzflip to a horizontally flipped matrix returns the original
Vertical flip
This function returns the original image, or matrix, flipped upside down.
1. Read in an image and apply the vertical flip function to it:
• Original image

• Vertically flipped image

2. Apply the vertical flip function to matrix M:
3. Applying vertflip to a vertically flipped matrix returns
the original matrix
Matlab code for flip image
function B = myflipped_image_lr()
A = imread('C:\Program Files\MATLAB\MATLAB
Server\R2015a\bin\dip fundamental\c.jfif');
B = A(:,end:-1:1,:);
Advantages and disadvantages……
• Combined with other editing decisions
• flipping can reinforce storytelling
• it can help lead the viewer’s eye to important elements in the frame
• reinforce or develop themes in an image and create or intensify emotion
• Website users have shorter and shorter attention spans these days, so
movement could be a good way to catch their eye.
• t allows you to display more content in less space. Rather than
have 3 banners stacked on top of each other
• By presenting multiple messages, you risk diluting your main
• Oftentimes, the widgets used to display such content will slow down a
site’s page speed.
• Particularly on mobile, with a smaller screen size and even shorter
attention spans, you might not want to distract your users with all this
movement and all these choices. It might be better to get straight to
the content they’re most likely to be interested in.
• The rotating effect can trigger a response in some users that this is
advertising content, which in turn gives them “banner blindness.” 
• Even if users don’t tune out a particular slide, often the content
rotates too quickly for them to fully digest it.

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