Hawassa MoHA Millennium Pepsi-Cola Factory S

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Hawassa MoHA Millennium Pepsi-

Cola Factory S.C

Hawassa University Chemical Engineering Internship Program

2012 E.C (2019/20)
 For endowing me the endurance & First and foremost all praise to Almighty
God courage of going through all ups and downs to reach the stage where I am
now. It is my great pleasure to thank my advisor, Mr. Dagne Abetie for his
guidance and encouragement in preparing and finish this Internship Report.
Most genuine gratitude goes to my family, friends and Chemical Engineering
department Instructors who have been guided me in many ways to accomplish
this program from the beginning. Thank you very much all of you. I am also
grateful for the MoHA Soft Drinks S.C. Hawassa Millennium Pepsi Cola Plant
managers and employees who have shown their sincere cooperation in showing
and guiding me on time. May God reward you all for the work you have done to
make this paper complete.

Thank you!

Bereket Getnet
Background of the Company
 Hawassa Millennium Pepsi-Cola is one of the eighth soft drink plants under
MoHA. It is found in the south east of the Hawassa town from a distance of
10km. The official establishment of the plant date is back to June 5, 1998 were
the cornerstone was laid dawn at the current site. The total compound area is
48 kilometer square and was secured from south nation nationality and
population lease bureau for 99 years. Construction of the plant took almost
nine years and inaugurated on September 8/2000, marking the Ethiopian
millennium 2000 E.C.
MoHA is the only private company that produce Pepsi cola carbonated
soft drink brand. In the company every process are clean and safe.
Product safety, legality, and quality are the responsibility of everyone in
the plant and totally committed to meet food safety and product quality
requirements. The waste water removing methods are not
environmental friendly. The plant is produce six products with well-
organized and a good quality standard and distributed to the consumer
with a short time because of acceptability of the product and the
products are checked by the executive organizational office members on
unknown days. The plant currently employed about a total of 494
employees of which 375 are male and 119 are female. The plant has
established and maintained Quality management system, Food safety
management system, Environmental management system
(ISO14001:2015) and other related systems to enhance operational
process improvement and to provide customer with Quality services.
The plant has awarded different medals (bronze to Gold) succeeding
unannounced AIBI food safety audits for the last 8 years journey.
Company’s Vision and Mission
 Vision: MOHA’s vision is to make each of our products to be the first choice
among consumers and obtainable throughout the Ethiopian market. We intend
to create superior value for our shareholders, our customers, and our employees.
 Mission statement: our mission is to be the best soft drink industry in the
country. We will continuously improve our responsiveness to the needs and
concerns of our customers, employees, partners, and the communities in which
we serve. This will be accomplished through the continuous development of our
employees, an emphasis on cost efficiency, market expansion, and profitability.
We will expand our marketing areas to both protect and improve our positions by
placing emphasis on innovations and technological improvement to always keep
a head of the competition. Our approach to the business is based on the
following values.
Objective of the Internship
 The objectives of the internship were to determine the effects of compensation
practices on employee’s job satisfaction in the case study of MoHA soft drinks
S.C. It can be conclude that compensation at MoHA soft drink S.C Hawassa
millennium had classified as good and can improve employee’s job satisfaction.

 To expose our senior students to the real job world and assist them to acquire
problem solving practical skills and knowledge in the area of their study.
 In MOHA soft drink industry, there are 7 main production rooms in each of
them, the main ingredients and raw materials for the production of soft drink
is produced. The rooms are Water treatment room, Syrup room, Bottle washer
room, Filler room, CO2 room, Boiler room, Chiller room, Laboratory room and
Waste water treatment plant. In the company there are plants in which the
huge productions of the products are held. Those are, CO 2 plant, water
treatment room… they are called plants because they can stand alone without
other processes. Production of CO2 and water treatment is not only used in
soft drink manufacturing process but they can be used for another production
processes. Water treatment can be one independent manufacturing process. It
is used for drinking purpose, washing, boiling & other process.
 The industry uses advanced technology at different sections:

 Bottle washer, washing 48,000 bottles per hour it takes (20-25) min in a
single entrance.
 Bottle Inspection machines, In filler room there are Empty Bottle
Inspection (EBI) and Full Bottle Inspection (FBI) to check whether the
bottle is too tall, too short, neck finish, inside wall, caustic and also empty,
under fill, over fill and uncrowned.
 Reverse Osmosis, it is advanced instrument in water treatment in order to
remove almost all contaminants including microorganisms.
 By applying very sophisticated machinery and advanced technology it is

producing 36,000 bottles per hour of 300ml soft drink like Pepsi, Mirinda
Orange, Mirinda Apple, Mirinda Tonic, Mirinda pineapple (Currently not
producing) and 7up are produced by the plant. In addition to these the plant
also producing CO2 gas for the beverage purpose and according to the efficiency

of producing CO2 the plant could sale gas for home consumption and supply it
for customers who need it for food preservation purpose. To produce the
mentioned products of MOHA soft drinks industry got a franchised license from
International Pepsi Cola Company. This company, International Pepsi Cola
controls the quality of the products.
Limitation and Challenges
 In first weeks, we couldn’t to perform any tasks with different reasons like
unprepared of gown and safety cover. In that case we lost a wide time.
 There are different machines that stopped working and that needs
maintenance like: In syrup room, motor at the mix tank and in chiller room,
condenser pump.
 Full bottles and empty bottles are dictated by human eye inspection due to
malfunctioning of FBI machine this method is a very back ward and it have
lack of accuracy. If the bottle is detected properly broken bottle, unfilled bottle
or unpacked bottle and caustic carry bottle are may pass, this lead to effect on
product quality. Also caustic is very dangers chemical so any residual of caustic
that remain in bottle may contact with the beverage and affect the customers of
the products.
 In waste water treatment there is a highly bad smell that affects workers health.
This smell is not only from the disposed waste water but also from the
collaboration of chemicals that added for treatment.
 In Hawassa millennium Pepsi-cola plant (MoHA) there are three major
sections these are: Quality section, Production section and Utility section. In
addition to this there is an auxiliary (downstream) manufacturing process. In
quality section there are water treatment room, syrup room and laboratory
room. In production section there are filler room and bottle washer. Where as
in utility section there are air compressor & chiller room, CO 2 room and boiler
room. There is an auxiliary (downstream) process that is a waste water
treatment section. Therefore there are 9 sections including waste water
treatment that concerns with chemical engineering. Let see them one by one
1. Water Treatment Room
 Water is the major ingredient in soft drink manufacturing process. It mainly
needs for filler, syrup, bottle washer, boiler, chiller, CIP and other quality,
production and utility sections.
 Water treatment is a process of removing undesirable physical, chemical,
biological contaminants, suspended solids and additional gases from
underground well water.
 There are 3 treatment methods: physical, chemical and biological. In physical
process filtration and sedimentation is used. In chemical process chlorination
is used. And also in Biological process ultra violation(UV) is used.
Chemical and Material used
Chemical used Material used
 NaCl Concrete tank
 Hydroanthrasit
Sand filter
 Polishing filter
Storage tank(Product & Raw)
 Activated carbon
 Chlorine (65%) Softener tank
 Ultrasil Activated carbon filter
 Fumados Cartridge filter
 Citric acid
Reverse osmosis
 Softner resin
 Nobila UV system
 Calcium hypochlorite Computer control system
 Quartz sand
Ground Water
Concrete Tank
Sand Filter Tank

Raw Water Storage

Carbon Filter Tank one

Cartridge filter Softener Tank

(polisher) 1 micro size

Reverse Osmosis

Product Water Tank

Carbon filter tank three

Carbon filter tank two

Cartridge filter (5
micro size)

Ultra violet (UV) ray

Product (treated) water Soft water

Fig: The Flow diagram of water treatment section

Process Description Of Water Treatment Section
 GROUND WATER & CONCRETE TANK: The main source for the overall
production process is ground water (bore-hole). The water is pumped from the
ground and stored temporary to the concrete tank by using pipes.
 SAND FILTER TANK: There are three sand filter tanks in number with similar
purpose. Each sand filter tank mainly filled by three different sized (large,
medium &small), quartz sands &hydro-anthracite. At the bottom of the tank
there are sands which also called gravels and they are relatively larger in size.
On the medium part of the tank there are also sands which are lesser in size
than gravels and also they cover a few heights above the gravel. Finally the
upper part of the tank is filled with fine sand filters followed by anthracite at
top up. These sand filters covers two-third (2/3) of the tank, the remaining is
 RAW WATER STORAGE TANK: There are three raw water storage tanks that
have a total capacity of 240,000L (80,000 each) and used to receive and store
the raw water that are passed through a 10,600L of each capacity of a sand filter.
In these tanks 5ml/L ratio of chlorine is added to the tanks for disinfection of
microorganisms and the water will be stored for about two hours.
 CARBON FILTER TANK ONE: It is one of the three types of
carbon filter tanks and it has activated carbon in it that is mainly
used to dechlorinate the raw water which had chlorine added at
the raw water storage tank. This tank has a capacity of 13,000 L
and the dechlorinated water will be separated into two different
ways: the one into softener tank and the other into cartridge
filter (polisher) for further treatment.
a pneumatic valve and used to filter the dechlorinated water by
using 1 micro sized polishing filter bag that prevents particles
greater than one micro.
 REVERSE OSMOSIS: It is used to treat the water with high
pressure (20 bar) to remove almost all contaminants including
MOs and mid to large sized molecules and the water send to
product tank. The flow rate of the reverse osmosis is 34 m3/hr.
 PRODUCT WATER TANK: The water is passing to the product water
tank from reverse osmosis. There are two products each sized 20,000L
(Total 40,000L). In this tank, chlorine will be added for the removal of
remaining microorganisms.
 CARBON FILTER TANK TWO: This and the other two carbon filter
tanks are the same and they can hold 40m 3/hr, reduce suspended solids
by 90% filtration. The filtration process is automatic with feed brought to
the system using a feed pump and captured solids are backwashed one
vessel at a time.
 CARTRIDGE FILTER (POLISHER, 5 MICRON): It works similar with
the previous one (1 micro size) but it is filter 5 micro size.
 ULTRA VIOLET (UV) RADIATION: It is the final treatment or 100%
effective filtration for the product water. UV is used for destroying any
present microorganisms, pathogenic organisms and other bacterial, viral
& parasitic diseases. It is known as the critical control point (CCP) for the
quality of the water. It can provide service up to 8000 hrs per year. This is
the final treated water and passes to filler room and syrup room.
 SOFTENER TANK: After carbon filter tank one, the water separated into
cartridge filter and softener tank. There are two softener tanks with similar size
and application. The one will work while the other one will regenerated using
brine tank that contains NaCl. This brine is used to reduce (remove) mg++ ca++
ions (that cause scale development) to prevent corrosion. Finally this soft water
distributed to boiler, bottle washer and other parts except in filler and syrup.
 CARBON FILTER TANK THREE: This tank is the same as the other two carbon
filters and contains 50% water from chlorine, odor, color and bacteria. After
CFT3 the water passes to softener tank.
 CIP, BACKWASH AND REGENERATION: In sand filter tanks only backwash is
used. And in softener tanks only regeneration is used where as carbon filter 1
and 2 tanks uses CIP and backwash but CFT3 is only backwash, cause of its
rubber nature.
 CIP in Reverse osmosis: Adding 600-800ml of ultracil or 500gm of KOH into
the CIP tank to make a solution with PH ˃10 at 36 to 45℃ and with a pressure of
12-14 bars for one hour. Then clean using warm water for 10 up to 30 min. And
using citric acid at 40℃ and PH 2.5-3 for one hour. Then using fumados to
prevent scale formation in micro membrane.
 CIP & Backwash in Carbon Filter tanks: The CIP of carbon filters
should be carried out 1× per week in order to avoid the buildup of
microbiology in the system. For this hot water at 90℃ should be
used. Cold chlorinated water is passed to a steam ejector in which
steam at 5 bars pressure is mixed. The steam amount and hence the
temperature is controlled automatically via steam control valve and
thermometer. The hot water is then passed to the bottom of the
vessel and exits the top of the system to drain. The CIP system can
also be used to sanitize the product outlet piping to the mixer/fillers
if required. Whereas Backwashing of a carbon filter is performed in
2 steps. In first step the filter is backwashed with filtered water. The
water is diverted to the recycling system if the backwash water is
found to be relatively clear. The step is time depend. The second
step is the filter is rinsed to condition the media prior to service.
Final rinse water should be diverted back to the recycling system.
 Backwash in Sand filter tanks: These tanks only uses
backwash. First backwash for 1 to 5 min with a pressure of
4000L/min. Then lowering for 5 min and again backwash for 5
min. finally backwash 2 for 5 min and final rinse for 5 min.
 Regeneration in Softener tank: In this tank performing only
regeneration. First NaCl is injected for 2160 sec then
displacement for 3600 sec and final rinse with 0.2 m 3 water.
 Chemical dosing tanks: There are three doses: caustic dosing,
anti scaling dosing and chlorine dosing. They are used to protect
water scaling. The dosing pumps should be checked for correct
dosing amounts 1× per week by checking the final concentration
in the water.
 Brine tank: It is used to prepare NaCl for regeneration of
softener tank. It takes 300 kg NaCl for single regeneration
2. Syrup Room
 It is a place where standardize and acceptable syrup prepared. Finished syrup

which is ready for the filling room also prepared in this room by mixing the
ingredients in a proper manner. By other means syrup room is a place where
the first step for production of soft drink takes place with preparation of thick
syrup. This room is divided into three sections which are the conveyor room,
the dissolving room and the mixing room. At each room/sections different
tasks, sweet liquid made by dissolving sugar in boiling water used for soft drink
Chemical and Material Used
Chemical Used Material Used
 Water (Product Water) Conveyor
 Sugar (Granulated) Dissolving tank
 Flavor Della Toffola filter
 Dry Component Buffer tank
 Celatom Polishing filter bag
 Activated carbon Heat exchanger
Mix tank
Fig: Flow diagram of syrup Room
Process description of syrup room
 CONVEYER-is a material used to receive the sugar and transport it to the
dissolving tank.

 DISSOLVING TANK-is used to mix sugar and water with the aid of 80℃

 DELLA TOFFOLA-is a tank consists of multiple plates in it. It is used for

filtration. The celatom will form a cake on the plate that found in the tank.

 BUFFER TANK-The purpose of this tank is to control the level of simple

syrup transferred into police filter aid or filter bag.
 POLISHING FILTER BAG-is cotton like structure bag that its purpose
is to filter if anything passes from Della Toffola by any means with the
simple syrup.

 HEAT EXCHANGER-Its purpose to cool down the temperature of

simple syrup before getting to mix tank up to below 25℃.

 MIX TANK-There are five mix tanks in syrup room, each sized are 11,000L.
The simple syrup which has less than 25℃ transferring in to mix tank from
heat exchanger. Then flavors and dry component will be mixed in concentrated
tank with simple syrup in order to give final syrup.
3. Quality control Laboratory room
 In quality control room or in laboratory there are two main sections: Physio-

chemical section and microbiological section. This room also called “the heart
of production process” of the pant b/c the whole quality & standards of each
input ingredient & line or final products check by & determine in this section.
In Physio-chemical this section mostly check & observe the foreign materials,
PH values, alkalinity, the amount of brix in the simple & final syrup, purity of
carbon dioxide, etc.
Chemical and Material Used
Chemical used Material used
 Manganese Conduct meter
 EDTA PH meter
 H2SO4 Oven
 ZnSO4 Decarbonarator
 HCl UV spectrometer
 Sulfur Carbon QC
 Chlorine Incubator
Areas where sample preparation is made

Water Treatment: By taking sample from three sampling area (raw

water, soft water and treated water) to determine the parameters.
 Chlorine: chlorine test kit is used to measure the chlorine content

in the water. Apply in reverse osmosis.

 Alkalinity: Is a measure of the capacity of water to neutralize acid

by using 0.02N.
 Conductivity: Conduct meter is measure the presence of mineral

concentration in the water. Depending on the correction will be

 UV: ultraviolet ray is checked for 60min.

 PH: By using PH meter the sample of water PH is checked

and required to be PH 7. Most of the time raw water PH is
among 6.5 and 8.5.
 Turbidity: Is the cloudiness or haziness of the water and it
is caused by the presence of non-sucrose substances.
 Total hardness: by using EDTA (0.01 N) chemical to detect
the presence of calcium & magnesium containing minerals
such as dolomite, lime stone & chalk in the water.
Simple and final syrup
 Simple syrup: A sample will be taken to check it brix, color, turbidity and percent of ash

of the simple syrup.

 Brix: measures the sugar content in the simple syrup. The range of standard brix is

different for each product. Measured by density meter.

 Color: By using spectrometer and observing by eye the color of the simple syrup is

checked. And have to be water color.

 Turbidity: By using turbidometer the turbidity of the simple syrup is checked. The

turbidity has to be less than 400nm wavelength.

 Percent of ash: By using UV spectrometer the quality of sugar is measure and the ash has

to be low.

 Volume: The volume of dissolving tank has to be identified.

 Final syrup: In final syrup Brix, volume and titrable acid is measured and also in

production line PH, fill height, foreign matter, brix, gas-volume, TA and
TOA(taste, odor and appearance) is measured.

 Bottle washer: The amount of caustic soda, its strength & free EDTA detected at

this section by using HCl (1 N), H2SO4 (2.5N), ZnSO4 (0.01 N) and EDTA(0.01 N).

 Temperature: The temperature of hot water to wash the caustic in bottle washer

has to be checked.

 Pressure: Also the pressure to use for spray in bottle washer has to be checked.

 Caustic strength, Divole, warm water(alkalinity & PH) and other chemicals

have to be checked if they are in standard form.

 Waste water: PH, conductivity & other parameters in waste water
treatment have to be checked.
 Boiler room: the conductivity, hardness and alkalinity of steam or
liquid water in boiler have to be checked.
 CO2 plant: percentage of purity, MEA PPM, soda, carbon and other
chemicals like NOx, SO2, NH3 & HCN in carbon dioxide (CO2) room
have to be checked if in standard range.
 Raw material: In raw material the % of ash, color & turbidity of
sugar. And also the batch no and expire date of concentrations, salt
(in water, brine), cork, bottle & other chemicals have to be checked.
 Finished product: When the finished product brought to
laboratory the present of foreign material in the bottle is checked by
bottle inspection glass. Then cork size & fill height is measured and
also the CO2, bicarbonate, temperature & pressure is measured.
This all checked in every 20 min.
 Micro biological laboratory
 The membrane technique is the preferred microbiologic testing procedure due to its
simplicity, short incubation period, ability to run larger samples at minimal cost, and
decreased work load. When testing routinely for total bacteria count or yeast and mold,
normal sample size is:-
 100 ml when testing water for total bacteria count.

 10 g dry solids equivalent when testing sugar or syrup for yeast/mold or bacteria.

 100 ml when testing beverage for yeast/mold or total bacteria.

 100 ml when testing filler valve rinse water samples.

 When testing for coliform in the plants raw water supply, a 100 ml sample presents the
best opportunity to detect any coliform present. With much raw water, 100 ml of
sample is difficult to get through the membrane. Smaller sample of 25 or 50 ml are
sufficient; however, in all cases, results should be negative (no coliform organism
4. Bottle washer room
 The “bottle washer” is a bottle cleaning machine with different washing zones
to treat bottles. The following shows the different cleaning zones of the
machines. These are high pressure jetting, pre-jetting, caustic 1&2, post caustic,
warm water 1&2, cold water and fresh water.
 The bottle washer compared to the crate washer is a huge machine .After
washing the bottle continues its journey while the crate goes nowhere but waits
for use when a finished product arrives.
Chemical and Material Used
Chemical used Material used
 Caustic soda(NaOH) Bottle washer
 Divo brite Unpacker machine
 Divole 92 Packer machine
 Divo NP 30 Crate washer
 Chlorine Conveyor
Fig: Flow diagram of Bottle washer
It is the first step for bottle washing. Its principle is that it uses high amount of
pressurized water (highly pressurized) to wash the internal part of the bottle, slightly the
external art of the bottle will also be washed. As it is the first step of washing, physical
matters such as dirty particles, gums and mobile cards will be removed here as a result of
pressurized water.

After highly pressurizing with water, the bottles will be goes to pre jetting. During pre-
jetting caustic is applied to the water present in it and by using the motor pump only the
outer part of the bottle will be washed. Warm water also brought to pre-jetting from
warm water in order to help the bottle washing.

Caustic soda or sodium hydroxide is the critical element that used to wash a bottle
during bottle washing. The concentration of caustic used for washing is 2-2.5v or 110ms.
the reason for using this chemical is that because of its ability to remove or clean
contaminants and dirty substances from internal and external parts of the bottle. In each
5 minute caustic soda will be added for 15 seconds and its set point temperature is 700℃.
In this step the mechanism is almost similar to caustic one. It is applied after
caustic one just for further cleaning. Therefore the only difference between
caustic one and two is that the contact time and set point temperature which
means in the case of caustic two, caustic is added in each seven minutes for 15
seconds and its set point temperature is 650℃.

It is simply washing the bottle to remove remaining caustic from caustic one and
two found in the bottle. It is done by high pressurized water. The other point is
that during post caustic washing, it is only the outer part of the bottle will be


Both warm water one and two have similar application which is to wash out the
caustic in and out of the bottle. The washing is performed with high pressurized
water. Their only difference is that their temperature. Warm water one applies a
480c water whereas 380c is for warm water two.
 The other step for bottle washing and washes the bottle to remove if any caustic
is remained after washing with warm water one and two respectively. It applies
low temperature compared to warm water one and two. The water used for
warm water one and two and cold water must be changed in every 8hrs.
 The final step before discharging the bottles into filler room. Its duty is only to
rinse the bottle with 320c water. It is the process of final rinsing. Then it sent to
filling room.
 NB: - If the bottle fails one of the above inspections, it will be removed.
 The crate washer is a cleaning machine that cleans crate separately from
bottles. There are two partitioned spaces where crates are to be treated. They
are treated either by warm caustic soda or by cold water .After washing the
create going in to Packer. The desirable amount of heat is controlled by heat
regulator that heat is transferred by conduction system from the steam coming
from the boiler. The spraying jets (nozzles) of the machine are used to
accelerate the flow of water.
This machine has 6 drive motors those motors drive the conveyors which is
stainless steel. It also has pump motors which are used to pump water that
comes from water treatment room.

The un-packer machine is used to separates the bottle from its crate and puts
them in a separate conveyer system. The unpacker machines have two motors.
One is at the top are forwarded and at the bottom are both forward and reverse
motors. This machine used automatically and effectively due to the presence of
sensors and pneumatic systems.
It is a machine that is used to put final products (filled bottles) in the washed
crates. This machine is almost the same as unpacker machine. The only
difference is that this machine is not lift less than 96 bottles to put in to four
crates. There are a sensor which tells whether 96 bottles are coming or not. If
96 bottles came to the machine, machine lifts up these bottles up and put into
the four crates. If not, it waits the bottles until to be 96.
5. Filling room

 It is one of the production sections whose purpose is to verify that containers

are consistently filled to the correct level as established by correct volume or
weight for the brand and package type. There are 5 main machines to do the
entire job under filling room. These machines are listed as follows:-
• 1. Empty Bottle inspection (EBI)

• 2. Mixer Machine

• 3. Filler Machine

• 4. Full Bottle Inspection (FBI) and

• 5. Date coder
Chemical and Material Used
Chemical used Material used
 Syrup EBI machine
 Treated water FBI machine
 CO2 Mixer machine
Filler machine
Date coder
Fig: Flow diagram of Filling room
 EBI machine is a computerized machine having one control panel and three main
independent parts. The first one controls too tall, too short cap of bottles. The central unit
controls the base, inner wall, neck finish, HF caustic and IR residual. The third part contains
sensors, buttons and rejecter. The rejected bottles are return back to be rewashed or as a
waste disposal. This machine detects (checks) maximum capacity of 48,000 bottles per hour.
 Neck Finish: By using camera system it detects the bottle neck, whether it is cracked or not.
 Base: checks the bottles base or bottom part. If t is too thick or too thin or if it has no gear
on it.
 Inside Wall: It checks whether the inside wall is cracked.
 HF Caustic: Using antenna system it detects whether there is any caustic in the bottle that
comes from bottle washer.
 IR Residual Liquid: Using infrared ray it checks whether a residual liquid is present in the
 Too Tall: There is a sensor to detect the length of the bottle, it checks the bottle whether it is
too tall.
 Too short: Similar to the upper one, detects the height using adjustment sensors whether
the bottle is too short.
 Cape: It is also detected by the adjustment sensor.
 The basic purpose of this machine is to mix the three main contents of the product, which
are water, finished syrup and carbon dioxide. The water comes from water treatment
room and it is well-treated water and the finished syrup comes from syrup room whereas
the carbon dioxide comes from CO2 room.
It is a machine used to fill the product into empty bottle. The machine that
sucks the bottles and fills the product is called a bowl which has 84 vane
tubes. This machine has 6 sequences from receiving the empty bottles to
filling the product. These sequences are stated as follows:
Evacuation: - When coming to filling the bottles may hold strange gases
for the product. Therefore this step used to remove those gases.
Flushing: - Then the bottles will be flushed with CO2.
Pressurization: - This step used to remove the CO2 that was applied for
flushing. It is carried out after the container is sealed to the sealing valve.
Removing the CO2 is required to prevent contact between product and CO2,
unless otherwise it may result exceeding the CO2 amount in the product.
 Filling: - Is a step of which the product is filled into the
bottles. The filler machine has 84 vane tubes. The bowl has the
maximum carrying capacity of 140mm, minimum 30mm and
the actual is 50mm of product. CO2 is used to fill as a counter
 Correction: - If the fill height becomes greater than the range
then it will be corrected or sacked. This is done under
correction step.
 Shifting: - Is a step used to balance the pressure between the
container and the surrounding.
 Like EBI machine, this machine also inspects the status of a
full bottle. There are parameters used to check the full bottle.
The basic parameters are the following:
1. Under fill:- This parameter checks the fill height of the product,
and if the height of the product in the bottle found to be under its
standard height the bottle will be discard from the process.
2. Uncrowned:- If the cork does not fit correctly, it will be checked
and removed from the process line.
3. Empty bottle: When a bottle cracked in the bowl, it will jump some
number of bottles without filling. During this moment the FBI will
remove those empty bottles with the help of a sensor.
It is a machine used to label the best before date and the factory’s
abbreviation name with the time of production. It has an ink and a
makeup used to mix the ink which is used for the labeling in it. A
product without a label of best before date will not be available for
market. In other words there will be no production if this machine
does not work. There is a drier that reduce the moisture on the bottle
before stamped with the ink.
 BOILER is a fuel-burning apparatus for heating water, especially a device

providing a domestic hot-water or steam supply or serving a central heating

system. Or boiler is a closed vessel in which water is using to heat a fluid,
generate a steam, superheat or perform any combination under pressure or
vacuum by the direct application of heat. Boilers were a major part of steam
generator in the industrial revolution beginning about 1700. They are major
component in industry until today. They have a vital role in the development of
industrial processes.
Chemical and Material used
Chemical used Material used
 Everite Soft Water
 Confidence 10 Furnace( Naphtha)
 Sodium Chloride LPG Gas
Electric Power
Fig: Flow diagram of Boiler room
Here soft water from the water treatment room is treated by softener again, different
chemical like NaCl are added and heated by a temperature about 100℃ to prepare. It
can store 3200L soft water.
The storage which has the capacity of holding 500L holds the furnace. Gas oil is
expensive but it can easily thin the fuel. Whereas the fuel oil is cheap but can’t easily
thin down. After thin down the fuel sends to the boiler.
Main Components of Boiler System
 The main components in a boiler system are boiler feed water heaters, feed pump,
economizer, super-heater, steam system, condenser and condensate pump. In
addition, there are sets of controls to monitor water and steam flow, fuel flow, airflow
and chemical treatment.
 More broadly speaking, the boiler system comprises are three systems. Those are:
o The feed water system
o The steam system
o The fuel system
 The boiler has the maximum capacity of the boiler is:
 Water 3200L
 Pressure 10bar
 Temperature 184℃
 Steam capacity 3200 kg/hr
Here the steam produced at the boiler comes with line stored in the steam
storage then distributed for different purpose. For instance for bottle and
crate washer, syrup room, water treatment, and for CIP purpose.
It is the storage of the condensate from different line and by using pump
the condensed water sent to the storage tank. The water in the condenser
is send when the condenser is only filled.
There is a horizontal tank beside the boilers and it is ether from the
furnace that used to thin down the furnace.
7. Air compressor and chiller
 Air compressor machine is a machine used to separate like dust, moisture to gain
pure air. The Compressed air under a pressure is greater than atmospheric pressure.
It is used many for domestic and industrial purposes for the pure air processes. 
 A chiller is a machine that removes heat from a liquid via a vapor-compression or
absorption refrigeration cycle. This liquid can then be circulated through a heat
exchanger to cool air or equipment as required. Industrial chillers typically come as
complete, packaged, closed-loop systems, including the chiller unit, condenser, and
pump station with re-circulating pump, expansion valve, no-flow shutdown,
internal cold water control. The internal tank helps maintain cold water
temperature and prevents temperature spikes from occurring. As it is mentioned
before chiller is used for cooling water by removing heat from the water.
Chemical and Material used
Chemical used Material used
 Ammonia(NH3) Air sucker
 Glycol(oil) Compressor
Crank case
Oil separator
Soft water storage tank
Fig: Flow diagram of Air compressor
Air Cooler:
 Compressed air is air kept under a pressure that is greater than atmospheric pressure. It
serves many domestic and industrial purposes for the pure air processes. Air compressor
machine is use to separate like dust, moisture to gain pure air. The pure air uses for the
pneumatic valves like:-
 Pneumatic valves (packer and UN packer gripers)
 Hydraulic system (tubes or pipes to pull & push) system by the force of air.
 Vehicle propulsion (compressed air vehicle).
 Energy storage (compressed energy storage)
Air Dryer:
 A compressed air dryer is a device for removing water vapor from compressed air.
Compressed air dryers are commonly found in a wide range of industrial and commercial
facilities. The process of air compression concentrates atmospheric contaminants,
including water vapor. This raises the dew point of the compressed air relative to free
atmospheric air and leads to condensation within pipes as the compressed air cools
downstream of the compressor. Excessive water in compressed air, in either the liquid or
vapor phase, can cause a variety of operational problems for users of compressed air. These
include freezing of outdoor air lines, corrosion in piping and equipment, malfunctioning of
pneumatic process control instruments, fouling of processes and products, and more.
 A chiller is a machine that removes heat from a liquid via a vapor-compression or
absorption refrigeration cycle. This liquid can then be circulated through a heat
exchanger to cool air or equipment as required. Industrial chillers typically come as
complete, packaged, closed-loop systems, including the chiller unit, condenser,
and pump station with re-circulating pump, expansion valve, no-flow shutdown,
internal cold water control. The internal tank helps maintain cold water
temperature and prevents temperature spikes from occurring. As it is mentioned
before chiller is used for cooling water by removing heat from the water.
 This system is activated by using ammonia (NH3) which is high ability to remove
the heat because ammonia is much cooled. The water circulates through ammonia
without touching ammonia. The largest motor in the company is found in this
room which have rate of 75 KW. Compressor 1 and compressor 2 both have 75KW.
The cooled water is stored in soft water storage tank. The stored water is send with
valves to chiller cooler, syrup cooler, product cooler and air cooling systems.
 Crank case: is used to change liquid ammonia to gas form.
 Oil separator: used to separate oils from NH3 gas.
8. Carbon dioxide(CO2) Room
 The molecule carbon dioxide has chemical formula CO2 and is made of one atom

of carbon covalently bonded to two atoms of oxygen. At the normal range of

temperatures on earth(from -60 to 140 c), carbon dioxide is a gas. It is colorless
and odor less, and because of these characteristics, it is considered to have no
“warning properties.” That is, an individual being exposed is an able to detect it
without doing chemical testing; in other words, humans have no way to detect its
presence. Carbon dioxide is the sparkling element & important ingredient in
carbonated soft drinks. In the production process of soft drinks in Hawassa
MOHA plant is added both to the beverage & used as a protective atmosphere
during bottling, canning or transportation of the product. The correct carbon
dioxide into the beverage enhances both the beverages taste and appearance.
Chemical and Material used
Chemical used Material used
 Fuel oil  Gas oil tanker
 Burner
 Sodium carbonate
 Soda & Lye cooler
 Mono ethanol amine (MEA)  Absorber & Stripper
 Potassium permanganate  Heat exchanger
 Water separator
 PPM scrubber
 Activated carbon  Compressor
 Freon gas  Dehydrator
 Carbon filter
 CO2 Condenser & Refrigerator
 CO2 storage tank
 Evaporator
Fig: Flow diagram of CO2 room
 Fuel Oil Tanker is a tanker that used to store the basic source for the production of
carbon dioxide, which is fuel oil. The fuel oil is burned in order to give 160Kg/h of
CO2 gas.
 The fuel oil will be brought into burner and the burner will be generating CO 2 by
combustion of fuel oil. Burner has three nozzles which the fuel oil enters through,
which are called S1, S2, & S3. High voltage is used to spark the ignition rod. The
three nozzles spray the fuel oil (naphtha) and the air (O 2) enters continually to
generate 160Kg/hr of CO2 by using 63 l/hr.
 The soda solution is circulated in the system by means of soda scrubber pump and
the heat is removed in the soda cooling using cooling water. The fuel gas from the
boiler contains some Sulphur oxides (SO2 and SO3) that are formed due to Sulphur
content in the fuel oil. Sulphur and Sulphur oxide components are very harm full to
the CO2 plant. They cause corrosion on the plant and if entering the MEA (Mono
ethanol amine) system they will degrade the solution. Therefore, a chemical called
sodium carbonate will be added in soda scrubber in order to remove the Sulphur.
It is used to avoid MEA droplets to escape with the gas going to free air. The white
smoke coming from the absorber outlet is mainly water vapor, nitrogen, and O 2. The
CO2 content must be exceeding 0.5-1%. The CO 2 content out of the absorber is one
of the most important values to know when troubleshooting the generating unit.
The rich lye containing CO2 is preheated in the lye cooler before entering stripper. In
order to release CO2 from the lye solution, the solution must be heated to its boiling
point. The steam and CO2 is separated from the MEA and gases to the gas cooler
from the top of the stripper and MEA is circulated in the boiler.
It is also called gas cooler. During stripper the mechanism used to separate CO 2 and
MEA was heat. Then this heat must be decrease before further processing and it is
done by using heat exchanger. After heat exchanger, CO 2 will be cooled.
When CO2 passed through heat exchanger it will be cooled and it may absorb the
moisture. Therefore this water separator separates the moisture from CO 2 if any.
It is chemical called potassium permanganate. And it has two major applications. The first
one is it removes if any moisture is present after water separator. The second application is
that it mainly extracts a substance called ammonia.
Have two tube type heat exchangers. These are inner and after cooler. In these two tubes CO 2
will be pressurized inlet 3.5bar to at outlet with 15bar.
Although cooler has been removed water from the CO 2 gas in intermediate and after cooler,
it still contain some amount of water. It is a process to remove the remaining water which
consists of two vessels filled with molecular sieves. When the one vessels works, the other
will regenerates. Each vessel works for 8 hours.
There are 6 stages:
Filter change (1min)
Depressurization (15min)
Heating (240min)
Cooling (210min)
Pressurization (30min) standby for process.
Generally, it takes around 8.266666667hrs.
It is used to remove odor and other impurities from the gas. Traces of different
organic and Sulphur compounds can be trapped. It consists of one vessel, filled with
activated carbon. The activated carbon must be renewed regularly.
CO2 gas from the filter unit is going to the CO 2 condenser. CO2 condenser is a fully
welded plate heat exchanger, where CO 2 is on one side and refrigerant is on the other
side. The refrigerant which is called Freon refrigerant cooled down the CO 2 into
water form. The reason behind for changing CO 2 into water form is that it is difficult
to store CO2 in gas form. Gases have a nature to occupy a very large space for a small
The liquid form of CO2 will be stored in a tank before evaporated into gas form
again. These storage tanks have the capacity of 21,300 ton of CO 2.
The liquid form CO2 will be transferred into evaporator and will be heated until it
changes its nature into gas form. After it has changed into gas, finally the CO 2 can be
goes to filler room in order to mix with syrup and water for the final product.
9. Waste water treatment
 Its objective is to neutralize the waste water comes from different areas of the

plant by adding chemicals. The plant uses the water and different chemicals for
washing purpose in different areas for different purposes and run to the waste
water stages. This waste water must be treated because it is danger for the
humans, animals and plants.
Chemical and Material used
Chemical used Material used
 Sulfuric acid (H2SO4 , 98%) Ground treatment ponds
 Poly Aluminum Chloride Buffer tank
(PAC) Reaction tank
 Poly electrolyte Coagulation tank
 Calcium hypo chlorate Settling tanks
(CaHCl2) Bioreactors
 Potassium permanganate Holding tank
(PPM) Sand filter
 Activated carbon
 Sand
Fig: Flow diagram of waste water treatment
This station used to remove suspended materials and it contains three chambers, that used to physical
treatment of effluent by screening 500 by 500 mesh sizes in the first chamber and the large sized, oil &
grease, bees and flies sticks & floating material will remove. And the PH have to be known to judge
neutralize agent.

In this chamber the PH of the effluent is measures with in 30 second interval by using sensors whether
acidity or basicity. By using this PH electrode it have to be ranges from 6.5 to 8.5 (PH) with municipal
scale, where 7 to 8 (PH) with the factory scale. This chamber depth 5 meter, the half is celatom. This
celatom removes with in 3 months. There is 60 cm space from stage 1 to stage 2 in the bottom.

In this chamber dump age and other wastes are removed and neutralized by the addition of sulfuric
acid that reduce the PH value to 8. In this stage the chemical have to be circulate (aerate) by anaerobic
system then send to collection tank.


The purpose of the collection tank is to store temporarily the pretreated waste water until it transferred
to the reaction tank. It can hold effluent for 8 hours. The effluent that came
 is 35,000 liter but the machine operates only 22,000 liter. Therefore to balance this
variation collection (buffer) tank is used.

In this tank reaction takes place between pretreated waste water and poly aluminum
chloride to reduce the pH to 7 and to break the bond between bacteria that comes with
sugar. This poly aluminum chloride used to flocculate the bonded bacteria in stage 2.

It is used to separate the bacteria from their bond coagulate the particles (bacteria) by a
flocculent agent called polyelectrolyte. After coagulating by this chemical send to
primary settling tank.


After the particles (bacteria) are coagulated they are settled down on shatter filter or
trap by the aid of gravity. Then clarity is increased. After the duty of 1 hour it discharges
the settle particles to the primary treatment tank for about 10 min manually opened.
Then the clarified water passes to the biological reactor.
In this tank biological contaminants or harmful bacteria are damaged (eaten) by
useful (produced) bacteria in bacteria media. Both reactors worked the same. In this
tanker aeration is takes place and sends to secondary settling tank.


It is the same as primary settling tank that used to settle the particles. It uses hypo
chlorate (chlorine) dose for dechlorination.

It holds the treated water with the volume of 15m 3. In this tank calcium hypo
chlorate is added for the purpose of smell regulation.

It is the final treatments that trap the high flow particles plus chlorine. It holds
activated carbon at the top and sand with different size at the bottom for filtration
then discharged to the environment and finally enters to Hawassa Lake.
 Mass Balance on Sugar Dissolving Tank


M,water M,total=?

M,sugar X,product=?
Sugar Dissolving Tank

Mass Balance for Pepsi (1 unit)
Mass of water= 963.9kg
Mass of sugar=1128kg
Mass of activated carbon=2.256kg
Mass of celatom=2.82kg
 Total Input (solution) =2096.976kg
Water balance (Xw)=963.9/2096.976=0.4597=45.97%
Sugar balance (Xs)=1128/2096.976=0.5379=53.79%
Activated carbon balance
Celatom balance (Xc)=2.82/2096.976=0.0013=0.13%
N.B To get maximum production of each product the
mass of each input have to multiply by the unit of the
products. But the final fraction is the same as with one
unit. For example Pepsi has 14 units, Mirinda orange
has 6 units and Mirinda apple has 3 units. Therefore,
let us see maximum production of Mirinda orange:
 M,water=251kg *6 = 1506kg
 M,sugar=421.4kg*6 = 2528.4kg
 M,ac=2.256kg*6 = 13.536kg
 M,celatom=2.82kg*6 = 16.92kg
Dry Water=21000kg
Celatom=15kg =37.9kg
4000kg Water=
Flavor= 200kg

Sugar=6768kg Finished
Sugar Filter syrup
Dissolving product Mixing
Overall mass balance (on Pepsi)
• Mass of total water =200 kg+4000kg+21,000kg=25,200kg
• Mass of sugar = 6768kg
• Mass Pepsi dry Component = 37.9kg
• Mass of CO2 that added in soft drink is unknown but percentage of in
300ml of finished beverage that is 3.6% for Pepsi. So we can calculate the
mass based on this.
• From 1 batch 3500 case beverage is produced. One case contains 24 bottles
so from one Bach 24 *3500=84000 bottle soft drink is produced and 1bottle
contain 300ml soft drink so 84000* 300=25,200,000ml soft drink is
• Volume of CO2 in 300ml = 300ml * 3.6%=10.80ml
• Volume of CO2 in 25,200,000ml=25,200,000ml * 10.80ml/300ml=907,200ml
= 0.9072m3
• Mass of CO2 = density of CO2 * volume of Co2
• Density of CO2 =1.84kg/m3
• M=1.84kg/m3 * 0.9072m3=1.669 kg
• Mass of flavor = 7.57kg
• Min=25,200kg+6768kg+15kg+37.9kg+7.57kg+1.669kg
• =32,028.47kg
• Water balance:-
• Where: - X=mass fraction of the water component
• X=25,200kg/32,028.47kg =0.787
• Sugar balance:-
• X=6768kg/32,028.47kg =0.2113
• Pepsi dry Component balance:-
• X=37.9kg/32,028.47kg =0.00119
• Balance on flavor
• X=7.57kg/32,028.47kg=0.000236
Energy balance on boiler
Energy generation by steam boiler = Energy
content of fuel + Motor energy
The steam boiler use 40liter /hr fuel
E in=7594kw/liter×40liter/hr=30,3760kw/hr.
E in=303760kw/hr.+2.5kw/hr.=30,3762.3kw/h
From this only 73.8% is steam energy
Stem energy=73.8% *303762kw/hr=22, 4176.7kw/h
Lost energy=26.2% *303762.3kw/hr=7,6585.7kw/h
Energy balance on sugar dissolving tank
E in = E stored +E out Energy conservation
Assume ME and PE =0
E=Q-W if Q and W are heat energy and motor energy
Q= mcp∆T=∑mcp (T2-T1) =∑mcp (80-20)
Cp of water=4.2kj/kg k, Cp of sugar=1.24kj/kg k, and
Cp of celatom=595j/kg k
Capacity of water= 1300kg * 4.2kj/kg k = 5460kj/k=5460000j/k
Capacity of sugar=2528.4kg * 1.24kj/kg k = 3135.2kj/k=3135200j/k
Capacity of celatom=595j/kg k *15kg = 8925j/k
∑cpm=∑ C= 5,460,000j/k +3,135,200j/k+8,925j/k
= 8,604,125j/k
Q =∑C (T2-T1) = 8,604,125J/K (60)
Q = 516,247,500J
. Environmental and Socio-economic Analysis

 MoHA soft drink industry has direct and indirect impacts on the environment. Those impacts are also

highly connected with human health. For instance, chemicals used, water and also the gases during

production of carbon dioxide. There is a high amount of water used in the industry so different kinds of

chemicals are added to the water to clean it up and the process plants. There is only dilution of chemical

with water to reduce its strength it is not enough to avoid side effect of drained chemicals Also during the

process of waste water treatment, the water from the process plants contains chemicals which are used

during the cleaning and other processes. So sometimes they will stay for few hours even a day without

passing through treating processes. So that causes bad penetrating odor that affects the environment

and even human being. And also the plant uses naphtha and furnace oil burning based on its availability

for steam generation, thus significant emits air pollutant gas like CO2, SO2, SO3, and CO to the

atmosphere due to this our environment is exposed to pollution. Those gases are not treated gases so

they can damage the environment directly or indirectly.


 The MoHA Company can be impacted by following social variables.

 Soft drink beverages are considered unhealthy and people are getting health

conscious. This is both a threat and an opportunity for MoHA. While sales in
traditional brands might go down, MoHA can introduce new products in
new categories.

 The company has witnessed opposition from social groups in some countries

due to the environmental issues surrounding its production.

 Social and culture of a country has a huge impact on food habits of its

citizens and this would impact the portfolio that MoHA can introduce in the

 Following economic variables can impact MoHA soft drink industry

 Economic downstream in a country is going to have a negative

impact on sales of MoHA soft drinks S.C the impact on the company
would be especially huge since its products are non essential.
 Various macroeconomic factors such as inflation and labor price

would impact operations of MoHA soft drinks industry S.C

 Countries with high income per capita would have more to spend

on products such as beverages.


Hawassa Millennium Pepsi cola plant has some problems that face in the different rooms. These

problems are either due to machines, chemicals or workers (employees). These problems have a

little effect on the product or on the operation system. Let see the problems one by one:

In water treatment room there is a deposition of silica (silicon dioxide) in the leakages and valves of

the pipes and around the tanks. Silica is come from underground water since the earth’s crust is half

the composition of silicon dioxide (SiO 2). This silica has negative impact on the treatment room

and as general product. Because, silica has being a long standing health hazard, causing millions of

cases of disease & death since civilization, stone masonry & mining began.

 In syrup room there is a mix tank that used to mix the concentrated syrup and dissolved sugar then

ready to filling. To be this tank effective in mixing and agitating there is a motor bottom to the tank.

But this motor is not working and it needs maintenance, this is the main problem in syrup room.
 In bottle washer some bottles are breaking due to the compression of the bottles in

the conveyor. In this case there is some lose in bottle and a collection of this lose is

wastage for a company.

 In filling room the main problem is the deteriorate (unworking) of the Full Bottle

Inspection (FBI) or checkmate machine. Since the machine has a huge advantage

to check the unfilled, overfilled and uncrowned bottles and also it reduce the duty

of checking the bottles for the workers.

 The other problem in the company is the condenser pump in chiller room has

stopped working (damage). The pump is used to cool the ammonia and release to

the atmosphere. And the amount of ammonia that used in chiller is also a problem

because ammonia is expensive and toxic chemical.

 The amount of released steams and gases from CO2 room and boiler

room has an environmental problem that pollutes the atmospheric air.

 When we come to the downstream process of waste water treatment

there is high amount of bad smell. This smell is come from not only from

the waste sources but also from the collaboration of added chemicals.

This smell gradually leads to respiration diseases for the workers.

 The other problem that showed in most rooms is the amount of sound

due to the machines. There is high amount of sound when the machines

operate and in CIP. This sound gradually can lead to humans listening

Case Study Title: Flue Gas Recovery In CO2
 In Hawassa millennium Pepsi cola plant there is an auxiliary process that CO2
is generated for filling that used to protect the shelf life of the soft drink and
stayed for long life without spoil. When CO2 is produce there is a flue gas that
separated from CO2 and emitted to the environment. This flue gases is hot and
a mixture of different gases for example sulfur, ammonia, monoxide, trioxide…
and other gases.
 The process of heat exchange between two fluids that are at different
temperatures and separated by a solid wall occurs in many engineering
applications. The device used to implement this exchange is termed a heat
exchanger, and specific applications may be found in space heating and air-
conditioning, power production, waste heat recovery, and chemical processing.
 Flue gas is the gas exiting to the atmosphere via a flue, which is a pipe or
channel for conveying exhaust gases from a fireplace, oven, furnace, boiler or
steam generator.
 Specific Objective

To control the emission of the gas since this flue gas
has an environmental impact and gradually leads to
global warming.
To use this waste gas in heat exchanger for different
applications and to minimize the cost for heat
 Methodology

 Flue gas heat exchangers remove valuable thermal

energy from the flue gas in order to preheat feed water,
process water or combustion air. Retrofitting pays for
itself within an extremely short time since even small
temperature differences result insignificant benefits: a
reduction in the flue gas temperature of 100 K
increases the efficiency of the system by around 5 %
Depending on the temperature level and the medium
to be preheated, three different types of heat
exchangers are available: economizer, condensing heat
exchanger and air preheater.
 Problem Detail

 Flue gas is a mixture of exhausted combustions that is

generated mainly through ovens, boilers and large
production sites in industrial complexes. Flue gas is
normally seen as a waste product by companies and is
therefore exhausted into the environment without
drawing out the most benefits. Thus, valuable energy
in form of heat gets lost and the CO2 emissions of a
company can rise. The flue gas from the company that
use fuel oil that contains high concentrations of toxic
gases, that has responsible for global warming.
Fig: Flue gas releasing from the tower
 Possible Solution
 There is a machine called flue gas heat exchanger ECO stand-
alone that designed to save energy through lowering the flue
gas temperature by heating the mains return water. Flue gas
flow contains significant heat potential at high temperature.
Economizer modules with their highly-efficient heat recovery
surfaces utilize this heat potential and thus increase the boiler
efficiency of new or existing steam boiler systems significantly.
The downstream flue gas heat exchanger from the boiler is used
for dry operation for heating up feed water. To use the
condensing technology, the flue gas condensation can take
place in an additional downstream flue gas heat exchanger
module and make-up water can be heated up. The subsequent
installation in existing single-flame tube steam boiler systems
can be carried out extremely easily by these modules.
Fig: Flue gas heat exchanger ECO stand-alone
 Conclusion
 In HMPCP the emission of flue gas has different impacts on
the environment and recycling this gas has multifunction.
First, it reduces from emitting and causing global warming
then also it used as heat exchanger and the hot water used in
hand wash, shower and other applications for the workers.
There are three types of heat exchanger: Economizer,
Condensing and Air preheater. By choosing these
methodologies it can solve the problem and also the machine
that used to recover the flue gas is Flue gas heat exchanger ECO
stand-alone. Apart from the above benefits of the process of
heat recovery, one of the drawbacks is high costs of building
the heat exchanger as its material has to be resistant to
corrosion effect of the condensing flue gas and the gas they
New Finding (Experience)
 In HMPCP S.C I stayed for four months and I showed different
operations. The factory is a standardize and qualified factory with
different rooms.
 For example, I am so interested with CIP and sanitation
mechanism. There are 3-step and 5-step CIP mechanisms in syrup
preparation and there is sanitation of all rooms once in a week.
 The other thing that I experienced in the company is the uses of
different qualified and perfect Germany machines for each room.
These machines simplified the duty of operators (workers) by
using computerized control manual.
 The last one that I experienced is the treatment of waste water and
using this water for multipurpose like for car washing, garden and
also finally treated Lake Hawassa from pollution by using different
chemicals in WWT.
 In Hawassa millennium Pepsi-cola plant (MoHA)
there are three major sections these are: Quality
section, Production section and Utility section. In
addition to this there is an auxiliary (downstream)
manufacturing process. In quality section there are
water treatment room, syrup room and laboratory
room. In production section there are filler room and
bottle washer. Where as in utility section there are air
compressor & chiller room, CO2 room and boiler
room. There is an auxiliary (downstream) process that
is a waste water treatment section.
 In Hawassa Millennium Pepsi Cola Plant (HMPCP) there are problems that can be solved in different areas

of the plant. If these problems are solved or corrected it is better for good production and for the company

overview. Therefore, I recommend some of the problems, let see them.

 First, maintaining machines and motors that stopped working (un functioning) like the motor for mix the

syrup that found in syrup room, the FBI machine in filling room and the condenser pump used for

ammonia cooling that found in chiller room.

 There is a deposition of silica (silicon dioxide) in water treatment and other rooms as stated in problem.

Since this silica has an effect in quality of production it has to be clean therefore, I recommend cleaning the

silica using ventilation. By using fans ventilating the inner pipes is effective otherwise, scraping the area of

silica deposition every day.

 Sugar is the main raw material that is imported from local sugar factories and abroad countries. Even if the

abroad countries sugar is pure and clean, it is better to use the local sugars. The reason is the local sugar

has a good organic nature and also they are cheap when compared to abroad countries sugar product.
 I recommended in bottle washing that to use Automatic high speed bottle washing machine as

much as possible. Because this machine is quite useful when implemented in soft drinks

manufacturing companies as bottles are collected and reused for packing.

 There is high amount of CO2 is releasing from boiler room this CO2 is released in order to

produce steam for different purposes but this CO2 has an environmental impact therefore, I

recommend to recover this gas either direct to filler room or pass to CO2 storage tank in CO2


 In filling room after the bottle is filled pass to FBI then there is eye inspection that works by

light inspectors and the workers shows with the aid of lights by passing through them.

Therefore, I recommend that it is better for the workers if they used to wear eye glass, for their

eye safety.

 As we know the treated waste water is used in garden and car wash. I recommend in addition to

this it is possible if it used for crate washer by using additional treatment. This reduces the

removed waste water.


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