Group-Compaction Test Subject - Building Material and Construction Class - S. Y. B. Arch. C' Batch

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Subject- Building Material And Construction Group- Compaction Test

Class- S. Y. B. Arch. ‘C’ batch 1. Sakshi Wakchaure

2. Madhubala Zite
3. Tushar khade
4. Priya Udamle
5. Radhika saidani
Submitted to- Ar.Sneha Sharma 6. Sruti suniti Patro
Ar. Nupur Chichkhede 7. Vikram Sawant
Ar.Bhagyashree Kadiwal 8. Ajay Shelke
9. Varad Thorat

Compaction factor test is the workability test for

concrete conducted in laboratory. The compaction factor is the
ratio of weights of partially compacted to fully compacted
concrete. It was developed by Road Research Laboratory in
United Kingdom and is used to determine the workability of
The compaction factor test is used for concrete
which have low workability for which slump test is not
suitable.Compaction factor test used to measure the degree of
compaction for a given concrete mix. this test is more precise than
the slump test but it is less common. the size of the apparatus
makes it difficult to conduct the test at the field. this test suitable
for concrete with very low workability.
 Compaction factor test apparatus consists of two conical hoppers and a bottom cylinder which
is arranged as shown in below fig, steel rod of 1.6cm Diameter with a length of 61cm is used
to tamp the concrete and a weight balance is used to weight the concrete.

Balance should be able
to weigh upto 1 g.
 The sample of concrete to be tested shall be placed gently in the upper hopper,
using the hand scoop. The hopper shall be filled level with its brim and the
trap-door shall be opened so that the concrete falls into the lower hopper.
 Certain mixes have a tendency to stick in one or both of the hoppers. If this
occurs, the concrete may be helped through by pushing the rod gently into the
concrete from the top. During this process, the cylinder shall be covered by the
 Immediately after the concrete has come to rest, the cylinder shall be
uncovered, the trap-door of the lower hopper opened, and the concrete allowed
to fall into the cylinder. The excess of concrete remaining above the level of
the top of the cylinder shall then be cut off by holding a trowel in each hand,
with the plane of the blades horizontal, and moving them simultaneously one
from each side across the top of the cylinder, at the same time keeping them
pressed on the top edge of the cylinder.
 The outside of the cylinder shall then be wiped clean. The above operation shall be carried
out at a place free from vibration or shock. The weight of the concrete in the cylinder shall
then be determined to the nearest 10 g.
 The excess of concrete remaining above the level of the top of the cylinder shall then be
cut off by holding a trowel in each hand, with the plane of the blades horizontal, and
moving them simultaneously one from each side across the top of the cylinder, at the same
time keeping them pressed on the top edge of the cylinder. The outside of the cylinder
shall then be wiped clean. This entire process shall be carried out at a place free from
vibration or shock.
 This weight shall be known as the weight of partially compacted concrete. The cylinder
shall be refilled with concrete from the same sample in layers approximately 5 cm deep,
the layers being heavily rammed or preferably vibrated so as to obtain full compaction.
 The top surface of the fully compacted concrete shall be carefully struck off level with the
top of the cylinder. The outside of the cylinder shall then be wiped clean.
Compaction Factor = Weight of Partially Compacted Concrete = W2 - W1
Weight of Fully Compacted Concrete W3 - W1
W1 - Weight of Empty Cylinder
W2 -Weight of Partially Compacted Concrete
W3 - Weight of Fully Compacted Concrete
The Compaction factor of concrete ranges from 0.7 to 0.95

Workability Compaction Factor

Very low 0.78
Low 0.85
Medium 0.92
High 0.95

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