Slang Presentation

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The word slang is a slang (BrE

for scold)
What is slang?
• A sociolect of the non-standard language
• ''Whereas jargon is specialized vocabulary used by those
inside established social groups, often defined by
professional status (e.g. legal jargon), slang is more
typically used among those who are outside established
higher-status groups“ (Yule, 2010: 259).
• usually related to the groups from the periphery of the society
Characteristics of slang
• 1. Changes quickly (freshman, fan)
• 2. New words

really good groovy, hip and super

awesome, rad and wicked

dope, kickass and phat

• 3. New meanings to aready existing words
Rhyming slang
• Loaf of bread rhymes with? Head
Elephant’s trunk rhymes with?Drunk

Eyes of blue rhymes with? True

Let’s play!
1. He is such a phony.

A person who lacks

sincerity and substance
2. Oh man, we got so roasted last
Drunk or
• 3. We can all agree that Los Rios with
their song La macarena are a one-hit

Artist or a group
with a single hit song
4. I really can’t stand him! He is such a
A very talkative person
5. Blimey, Neville, there's a time and a
place for getting a smart mouth.
Used for registering
surprise or shock
6. You think you’re better than us?
Well, stop being so snooty.
Arogant, snobbish,
7. I’m starving. Let’s fang down.

8. Watch out! You don’t want to step
into this pavement pizza.

A splash of vomit
9. You snored-off so easily last night.

Fall asleep or to sleep

Serbian slang
1. Tebra, koji bedak!
2. Ma pusti ga, on je bolid.
3. A on k’o fol igra fudbal.
4. Ne pričam s njim, jer me je preveslao za 300 kinti.
5. Ma ne zezaj se s njom, ta je tabadžija!
6. Samo mi kljucaš džigericu.
7. Kupila sam razne džidžabidžice.
8. Zatreskao se u nju!
9. Uf, ovo gradivo je baš zavrnuto!
10. Ma gde mršava, ona je regal!
Facebook examples
• 1) Bugarski, R. (2009). Uvod u opštu lingvistiku. Beograd: Čigoja
• 2) Dalzell T. (senior ed.) & Victor T. (ed.) (2008). The Concise New
Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English. New York:
• 3) Fromkin, V., Rodman, R., & Hyams, N. M. (2003). An Introduction
to Language. Boston, MA: Thomson Wadsworth.
• 4) Imami P. (2003). Beogradski frajerski rečnik. Beograd: NNK
• 5) Pedersen T. (2007). The Use of Slang in British English. The
University of Kalmar.
• 6) Yule, G. (2010). The Study of Language. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.

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