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Tumours of Uterus and

adnexa complicating p
regnancy and labour
Fibroids are smooth muscle tumours of the uterus ot
herwise termed myomas or leiomyomas.
The incidence of clinically detectable fibroids in preg
nancy varies from 1 in 500 to 1 in 1000.
Effect of Fibroids on Pregnancy

• The position, size and type of fibroids determine th

eireffect on pregnancy.
• The majority of complications occur when the fibroi
d is submucous and close to the placental implanta
tion site.
• Subserous fibroids are a problem only if they are lo
w lying and become impacted in the pouch of Doug
las causing obstruction to labour
Effect of fibroid on pregna
• Antepartum
• Miscarriage
• Malpresentation
• Unengaged head at term
• Pressure symptoms

• Submucous fibroids can lead to miscarriage both due to defe

ctive implantation and as there is less space for the fetus to
• Both first and second trimester miscarriage can occur.
• Intrapartum
• Abruption
• Preterm labour
• Uterine inertia
• Obstructed labour if the fibroids are in the lower
• segment or cervix
• Postpartum haemorrhage and retained placenta
• Difficulties at caesarean section
• Peurperium
• Infection
• Subinvolution
• Inversion
• Secondary PPH
In pregnancies following uterine artery embolistion f
or fibroids are complicated by
miscarriage, preterm labour, intrauterine growth rest
riction and postpartum haemorrhage.
Hence this procedure is not ideal for women contem
plating pregnancy.
• Increase in Size
• Usually fibroids grow in size in pregnancy due to oe
strogen and progesterone.
• In addition, growth factors like insulin growth facto
r and epidermal growth factor are also implicated
Treatment of CIN
Treatment of Invasi
ve cancer
• Functional Cysts
• Corpus luteum cysts comprise 90% of cysts seen
• Theca lutein cysts in ovarian hyperstimulation syndrom
e in pregnancy
• Luteomas of pregnancy
• Pathological Benign Cysts
• Dermoid cyst is the most common
• Serous and mucinous cystadenomas
• Endometriomas
• Malignant ovarian tumour
• Most common Germ cell tumour
• 51-70% resolve during pregnancy
• Acute complication less than 2%
• Effect of the Tumour on Pregnancy
• Malpresentations
• Unengaged head at term
• Obstructed labour
• Effect of Pregnancy on the Tumour
• Torsion (especially in the puerperium)
• Haemorrhage
• Rupture of the cyst in labour
• Infection in the puerperium
• CA125
• Peak in the first trimester (7-251 U/ml) and decrea
se consistently thereafter
• Low level elevations are not associated with malign
• Indication of Surgical Intervention
• A strong suspicion of malignancy and/or large size
(>8-10 cm)
• Symptomatic patients
• An increased risk of torsion/rupture/obstruction of l

• All solid tumours and suspicious cysts are best removed.

• It would be reasonable to remove all cyst larger then 10 c
m due to the risk of malignancy and torsion.
• Tumours betweeen 6 and 10 cm are to be carefully evalua
ted by ultrasound with colour Doppler and MRI if needed.
• If a neoplasm is suggestive it would be better to wait unti
l 14-20 weeks and then do a laparotomy. Surgery in the fir
st trimester is best avoided, as removing a corpus luteum
cyst can end up in a miscarriage.
• If surgery is performed in the first trimester. progeste
rone supplementation is advisable.
• At laparotomy, ovarian cystectomy is done as far as
• possible. If cystectomy is not feasible, an ovariotomy
• may have to be done.
• The uterus should be handled as little as possible.
• If the cyst is endometriotic it is best left alone.
• If the appearance is that of a simple cyst, close monit
oring is reasonable
• Cysts which are detected in the late second and thir
d trimesters can also be left alone and closely monit
ored, provided there are no signs of malignancy.
Torsion or Rupture of cyst
• If there is torsion or rupture of the cyst, the woman
will present with an acute abdomen
• Irrespective of the period of pregnancy, immediate l
aparotomy has to be performed.
• If done in the first trimester, progesterone supplem
entation is mandatory as the corpus luteum may be
• If the tumour is well above the presenting part, vagi
nal delivery can be allowed.

• Caesarean Section
• In cases where the cyst is likely to cause obstruction
to labour, it is preferable to do a caesarean section
and remove the cyst at the same time. This will pre
vent the potential complication of rupture of the cy
st in labour.
• Puerperium
• lf the delivery is vaginal, a laparotomy can be donea
fter 24 hours, as this is the period at which there is
ahigh risk of torsion.

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