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Power: Definition and Concept

In general power is “ability to do something”.

In social science and politics, power is the ability to

influence or outright control the behaviour of people.

The term "authority" is often used for power 

perceived as legitimate by the social structure.

Authority is “the power or right to command”

Power is a factor of all social relations, particularly
the political relations. It is present in every society.
However, its distribution differs from society to
Power and Authority

In government, the term authority is often used

interchangeably with power. However, their
meanings differ: while power is defined as "the
ability to influence somebody to do something that
he/she would not have done", authority refers to a
claim of legitimacy, the justification and right to
exercise that power.
Sources of Power
French and Raven described 6 sources of Power:

1. Legitimate This comes from the belief that a person has the formal right
to make demands, and to expect others to be compliant and
2. Reward This results from one person's ability to compensate another
for compliance.
3. Expert This is based on a person's high levels of skill and
4. Referent This is the result of a person's perceived attractiveness,
worthiness and right to others' respect.
5. Coercive This comes from the belief that a person can punish others
for noncompliance.
6. Informational This results from a person's ability to control the information
that others need to accomplish something.
Theories of Power
Two major and interesting questions which demand answers are:

1.Who hold power in society?

2.How power stands distributed in society?

The political life of the society/state depends on the answers of

these two questions.

The Theories of POWER arose for better answer of these

two questions.
The theories power are:

1.Class Theory of Power

2.Elite Theory of Power
3.Pluralist Theory of Power
4.Gender Theory of Power
1. Class Theory of Power

In each society there are present two classes:

(i) The class of the Rich (Haves)

which owns the means of production and is the dominant

economic class.

(ii) The class of the Poor (Have-nots)

which is the class of economically weak and poor workers

who are economically, socially and politically exploited and
dominated by the class of the rich.
Class Theory of Power

 The class of the Rich is the dominant class.

 It possesses social, economic, ideological and political power in
 It uses power to maintain its dominance over the society.

This dominant class can use an ideology or political persuasion or

leadership structure or intellectual power or morality as the means for
securing the consent of the non-propertied class or other classes for
securing its dominance in society.
2. Elite Theory of Power

In each society power is possessed and used by a small

group of persons, the elite, which takes all decisions and
rules the society.

In each society, the power is really in the hands of the elite

(called the Power Elite).

The Elite is a small group of people which takes all major

decisions and is the centre of power in society. The ruling elite are
always a minority of the people which uses power.
3. Pluralist Theory of Power

The Pluralist Theory of Power rejects both the Class theory

of power as well as the Elite theory of power.

It holds that power in each society is really used neither by

one class nor by any elite but by several different groups.

In every society there are present several groups of people

each of which represents a major interest or some
Pluralist Theory of Power

 These are competing groups

 Each group compete for sharing power and influence in
 The groups’ activities are to influence decisions and
policies of society and its government.
 Sovereignty is exercised by social groups and
 There is no monopoly of the state.
4. Gender Theory of Power

In all societies, the power is actually in the hands of the men

who as a group dominate as the group of women in

The basis of power is Gender (men or women)

Gender Theory of Power

 Gender Theory is supported by the feminist writers and

 They hold that each society stand divided on gender
 The men as the dominant group and the women as
dependent and dominated group.
State and Power
 The power of State lies in its sovereignty

 The more powerful the State is; the more sovereign it is

The state’s POWER is demonstrated through three

1. Legislative Function
2. Executive Function
3. Judicial Function
Machiavelli and Power

Machiavelli believed in the political effect outside the

religious state without God.

Machiavelli described the State history as the alternation of

three regimes: the monarchy, aristocracy and democracy.
Machiavelli and Power

Machiavelli relates that 3 three forms of government are

flawed and are thus reversed:

Monarchy (the Government of one) is transformed into:

1. Despotism (the Government of one by force)

2. Aristocracy (government of few people) moved into an

3. Oligarchy (government of the richest).

Finally, democracy turns licensed. So we returned to the

Machiavelli and Power

“A people that order, under the influence of a good constitution,

will be as stable as prudent, recognizing also that a prince,
what do I say? It will be even more than the prince’s most
esteemed for his wisdom. On the other hand, a prince who
was able to free themselves from the yoke of laws will be more
ungrateful, more mobile, more reckless than the people“
Machiavelli and Power

Machiavelli based invents here what all modern theories of

democracy: the challenge of collective intelligence.

The legitimacy of the people to govern comes from wisdom. Only

the people can be Republican, that can govern for the
common good. This achievement is final. Machiavelli’s
successors will resume all their account this founding

Machiavelli and Power

 The confidence placed in the government of the people.



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