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Data Communication Networks

Computer Architecture
Department of Computer Science
Communication Level
• User-to-User Communication
• Computer-to-Computer Communication
• Computer-to-Network Communication
Computer A Computer B
Application Application

Communication Computer-to-Computer Communication

System Communication System

Data Communication Network

ISO Reference Model
• A communication systems is
complex piece of hardware and Computer A Computer B

• ISO has adopted a layer Application Communication

approach for a reference model Application- Application-

• Network Environment oriented

– Data communication protocols Network- Network-

dependent dependent
and standards. functions functions

• OSI-Environment Computer-to-Network
– adds application oriented Communication

protocols and standards. Data Communication Network

• Real System Environment

– Proprietary Software and Services Network Environment

ISO- Environment

Real System Environment

ISO Model Structure
• Network-dependent and
application oriented components
– Implemented as number of layers
– Layer boundaries defined based on
– Each layer performs well-defined
– Layer operates according to a defined
protocols by exchanging messages.
– Each layer communication with its
peer, similar layer in a remote system.
– Each layer is aware of the layer
structure and may depend on other
The ISO Layer
• Up to seven protocol layers
• Three layer (1-3) are network
– Data communication protocols
• Three layers (5-7) are application
– End application user process
– Services offered by the operating
• The intermediate transport layer
– Masks the application oriented
layers from network dependent
The application Layers
• The application layer
• The presentation Layer
• The session layer
• The transport layer
Network-Dependent Layers
• The network layer
• The link layer
• The physical layer
The application layer
• Provides an interface to a range of network
distributed information services.
– File transfer and access management
– Web-browsing
– Electronic mail Services
• The application access a set of primitives
– Supported by operating system (system calls).
– The operating system use a communication subsystem
(software and hardware).
The application layer Services
• Identification of the intended communication partner
• Determining the current availability of an intended partner
• Establishing authority of communicate
• Agreement on privacy mechanism
• Authentication of intended communication partner
• Selection of the dialog discipline, including the initiation and
release procedure
• Agreement of responsibility of error recovery
• Identification of constrains on data syntax
– Character Set, Data Structure
The Presentation Layer
• Manage the representation of data during the
transfer between two communicating applications.
• Negotiates and selects the appropriate transfer
syntax during a transaction.
• It performs all necessary conversions.
• This layer is also concerns with data security.
The session Layer
Allows two application layer protocol entities to
organize and synchronize their dialog and manage
their data exchange

• Interaction management
• Synchronization
• Exception Reporting
The transport Layer
Acts as an interface between the higher application-
oriented layers and the network-dependent protocol

• Provide services to compensate for the varying

quality of services provided by the network layers.
• Full error control
• Flow control
Network-Dependent Layers
• The network layer
– Responsible for establishing and clearing a network-wide
connection between two transport layer protocol entities.
• Network routing, flow control across computer-to-network interface,
• The link layer
– Responsible for providing reliable information transfer facility.
• Error detection in transmission errors and retransmission of messages.
– Services
• Connectionless, which treats each information frame as self-
contained and transferred using a best-try approach.
• Connection oriented, which aims to provide error-free
information transfer facility.
Network-Dependent Layers
• The physical layer
– Responsible for the physical and electrical interfaces
between the user equipment and network termination
– It provides the link layer with a means of transmitting a
serial bit-stream between two equipments.
Error Detection Methods
• Forward error control
– Each transmitted character or frame contains additional
redundant information which aims
• To detect when errors are present
• Determine where in the received bit stream the errors are
• Backward (feedback) error control
– Each transmitted character or frame include sufficient
information to enable the receiver to when errors are
– Can not determine the error laocation.
Error Detection and Recovery
• Parity
– The transmitter adds additional bit to each
character prior to transmission.
• Block Sum Check
– A set of parity bits computed from a complete
block of data.
• Cyclic Redundancy Check
– A single set of check digits is generated for each
frame transmitted.
• The parity bit of a character
is computers as follow
– The number of 1 bits in the
code are added together
modulo 2.
– The parity bit is chosen so that
the number of 1 bits is
• Even Parity
• Odd Parity
• Parity can detect an error in
on bit, but not two
Hamming Distance
• Codeword is defines as the
combined messages unit that
– The useful data bits
– The error control and detection
bets Example:
If we assume even parity
• The Hamming distance is 0000000 0
defined as the minimum 0000001 1
number of bit positions in 0000010 1
0000011 0
which two valid codewords
Block Sum Check (BSC)
• The resulting set of
parity bit for each
column is the Block
Sum Check
Cyclic Redundancy Check
• A single set of check digits is generated for each
frame transmitted based on
– The content of the frame
– Appended to the tail of the frame
• The check digits is selected based on
– The type of anticipated transmission errors
– 16 and 32 are the most common
• The check bits are computed based on the frame
check sequence or the cyclic redundancy check.

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