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Issues, Problem and Need of the

Community and Economic System

* Analysis of Community – Profile and Needs

• The word "community" is derived from the Old French
comuneté which is derived from the Latin communitas (from
Latin communis, things held in common), a broad term for
fellowship or organized society.
• A community is a social unit of any size that shares common
values, or that is situated in a given geographical area (e.g. a
village or town).
Community Profile
• Characteristics of the community: Population, Households,
Livelihood activities
• Community resource based: Land, Water, Natural Resources,
Infrastructure and Services
• Vulnerability context – Shocks, Stresses affecting livelihood of
Community Problems
• Adolescent Pregnancy
- defined as a teenage girls, usually within the ages of 13-19, becoming
pregnant. The term in everyday speech usually refers to girls who have not
reached legal adulthood, which varies across the world, who become pregnant.
• Child Abuse
- Is the physical, sexual or emotional maltreatment or neglect of a child or
Community Problems
• Crime
- an action or omission that constitutes an offense that may be
prosecuted by the state and is punishable by law.
• Drug Addiction
- Also called substance use disorder, is a dependence on a legal or
illegal drug or medication. Keep in mind that alcohol and nicotine
are legal substances, but are also considered drugs.
Community Problems
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection and acquired Immune
Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) is a spectrum of conditions (often
called HIV disease caused by infection with the human immune
deficiency virus (HIV).
• Unemployment
• The state of being unemployed
Community Problems
• Poverty
- condition where peoples basic needs for food, clothing, and
shelter are not being met.
• Gangs
- a gang is a group of recurrently associating individuals or close
friends or family with identifiable leadership and internal organization,
identifying with or claiming control over territory in a community, and
engaging either individually or collectively in violent or illegal
What types of needs do people needs?
- Needs are things that are necessary, that a required for some reason.
• Large- Scope Community Needs
- what does community need, overall to promote its own well- being?
• Root or Causal Needs
- “real needs”- the underlying causes of what more obvious needs
might be.
What types of needs do people needs?
• Informational Needs
- need for basic facts and knowledge
• Personal Needs
- needs for appreciation, understanding, personal caring
• Physical Needs
- needs that you can see, things that you can physically touch
Cooperatives and other forms of
business organization
• Cooperatives
- A cooperative is a private business organization that is owned and
controlled by the people who use its products, supplies or services.
Although cooperatives vary in type and membership size, all were
formed to meet the specific objectives of members, and are structured
to adapt to member's changing needs. 
Advantages of Cooperatives
1. A cooperative organization is owned and controlled by members.
2. It has a democratic control: one member, one vote.
3. This type of organization has a limited liability.
4. Profit distribution (surplus earnings) to members is carried on in
proportion to the use of service; surplus may be allocated in shares
or cash.
Disadvantages of Cooperative
1. A cooperative organization entails longer decision-making
2. It requires members to participate for success.
3. Extensive record keeping is necessary in this form of organization.
4. It has less incentive, and there’s also a possibility of development
of conflict between members
Sole Proprietorship
- A sole proprietorship is a business owned by only one person.
Advantages of Sole Proprietorship
1. Simplest and least expensive form of business to establish and to dissolve.
2. The owner is making all the decisions and controlling the whole operations.
3. All profit flows directly to the owner.
4. It is subject to fewer regulations.
5. It has tax advantage: any income is declared as the owner’s personal income tax return,
therefore there are no corporate income taxes.
Sole Proprietorship
Disadvantages of Sole Proprietorship
• The owner is responsible for all the obligations of the
• It is difficult to raise capital: it can only use the owner’s
personal saving and consumer loans.
- A partnership is a business owned by two or more
persons who contribute resources into the entity. The
partners divide the profits of the business among
Advantages of Partnership
• It is relatively easy to form but considerable amount of time should be
invested in developing the partnership agreement.
• It is easier to raise capital compared to a sole proprietorship as there are more
than one investor.
• Any income is declared as the partners’ personal income tax returns,
therefore there are no corporate income taxes.
• Employees may be motivated and attracted to the business by the inventive to
become a partner
Disadvantages of Partnership
• Partners are jointly responsible for all the obligations of the
• Partners must make decision together therefore disputes or
conflicts may occur. It may eventually lead to dissolving the
- A corporation is a business organization that has a
separate legal personality from its owners. Ownership in
a stock corporation is represented by shares of stock.
Advantages of Corporation
1. It can raise additional funds through the sale of stock.
2. Shareholders can easily transfer the ownership by selling their
3. Individual owner’ liability is limited to the value of stock they
are holding in the corporation
Disadvantages of Corporation
1. It is restricted by more regulations; more closely monitored by
governmental agencies and are more costly to incorporate than other
forms of the organizations.
2. Profit of the business is taxed by the corporate tax rate. Dividends
paid to shareholders are not deductible from corporate income, so this
part of income is taxed twice as the shareholders must declare dividends
as their personal income and pay personal income taxes too.
Individual and Group Alternatives
Solutions and Actions
Community Development
- "a process where community members come
together to take collective action and generate solutions
to common problems."
Different Approaches
• Women Self-help Group;
• Large Group Capacitation;
• Social capital formation
• Economic development,
• Sustainable development;
• Faith-based community development;
• Developing Employment programs
Different Approaches
• Developing programs for physical activity and recreation
• Establishing peer education programs
• Enhancing supervised alternative activities for the youth
• Implementing home visitor programs
• Enhancing developmental assets for children
• Enhancing child care programs
The Cooperative Movement in the
- is clearly manifesting its capacity to participate in the
achievement of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) in seven
areas, namely:  eradication of poverty and hunger, decent work and
economic growth, responsive production and consumption, reduced
inequalities, climate action; peace, justice and strong institutions, and
gender equality.
The Cooperative Movement in the
Eradication of poverty and hunger
- The CDA is on its track to provide technical, financial and institutional
development assistances to micro and small cooperatives to transform them
into medium and large cooperatives, thus making them profitable,
sustainable and competitive in the market.  The transformation of these
cooperatives into viable and sustainable status is projected to have an impact
on creating a broad productive agricultural and rural enterprises, thus,
contributing to the eradication of poverty and hunger.
The Cooperative Movement in the
Quality education
- The Philippines has recently started the K-12 education program which has essentially
added two (2) years of academic training in the secondary education to further improve the
quality of education in the Philippines.  The CDA, in response to improving the quality of
education and training program in the country, expands its traditional accreditation of
training service providers as partners in the conduct of mandatory and optional training
program for cooperatives by recognizing the state and private colleges and universities to
conduct the training of trainers, to participate in developing research agenda, and to conduct
research as a strategy for expanding the capacity of the CDA to extend academic services to
the cooperative sector. 
The Cooperative Movement in the
Decent work and economic growth
- The institution of the labor service and workers cooperatives and
government policy of ending contractualization of labor are projected to
develop a vigorous workers cooperative that will provide alternative
employment to members of workers cooperatives better than contractual
arrangement under the present set-up. 
The Cooperative Movement in the
Reduced inequalities
- The promotion of cooperatives in various areas of business interest is a direction
towards promoting the social and economic status of the less privileged members of the
society and to enjoin them to participate in national social and economic activities. The
continuous education program for cooperatives is a strategy to build the technical expertise
and entrepreneurial capacities of cooperative members, thus improving their capacities to
participate in enterprise and business development. 
The Cooperative Movement in the
Responsive production and consumption
- The promotion of organic farming which primarily promotes the
avoidance of the use of harmful pesticide and inorganic fertilizer encourages
the production and consumption of healthy food, thus promoting a healthy
life for cooperative members as well as the general consumer
The Cooperative Movement in the
Climate action
- Cooperative members are already much aware of the change in
weather and climate and their impact on production, food consumption
and human habitat. Cooperatives as community organizations are potent
institutions for inducing communities to adopt to climate change by
introducing production system and community ecology in harmony with
climate change.
The Cooperative Movement in the
Peace, justice and strong institutions
- The Muslim Mindanao of Southern Philippines has been an area of
strife and conflict.  The search for solutions for lasting peace has been costly
in terms of resources, human lives and lost opportunities for better living. 
The idea of using cooperatives as a solution to the conflicts and promotion
of peace is being discussed and explored. 
The Cooperative Movement in the
Gender equality
- The Philippines has a Gender and Development Program which mandates, among
others, every government agency to allocate 5% of its budget for Gender and Development
or GAD.  The CDA has an issuance called “Guidelines on Mainstreaming GAD in
Cooperatives” that seeks to disseminate to the cooperative sector the GAD mandate of
government and to ensure the promotion of gender equality (GE), the institutionalization of
GAD policies, programs and activities in each and every cooperative, and to monitor the
progress of GAD programs and activities towards achieving GE.
Thank you!
Reported by: Michael Angelo Apes
Joshua F. Badua
Researched and PowerPoint By: Ervi Rubie Icaro
Ralph Juneil Bobiles

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