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‘Schools Should Provide a Free

Breakfast for All Students.’ Discuss.

School Breakfast Week January 22-26
Breakfast – the Most Important Meal?
What did you have for breakfast this morning?

What is your ideal breakfast?

Discuss your thoughts with the person

next to you.
Free Breakfast?
Thousands of children head to school each day without having had a
proper breakfast.
It can have a huge impact on learning during the day – hungry people struggle to
work effectively!
During the 2017 general election, the Conservative Party pledged to introduce free
breakfasts for primary school children to tackle this issue. After the election, they
decided not to.

Do you think free school breakfasts are

a good idea?

Would you come early to get breakfast?

‘Schools Should Provide a Free Breakfast
For All Students.’ Discuss.
If the government provides breakfast for all students, they will be giving food to
the richest people in our country as well as the poorest.

If you were in charge,

what would you decide
to do about breakfast
for school children?

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