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Religious attitudes to

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complete the Islam worksheet
Sikhism and Abortion
Are these attitudes The Sikh code of conduct
Abortion is prominent in the Sikh pro-life or pro-choice? does not deal with The Sanctity of Life
community in India: there is a Note them and make abortion (or indeed
growing trend of aborting female a note of whether many other bioethical
embryos due to a cultural they are for or against issues).
preference to having boys. Cultural
attitudes are a part of religious
attitudes. According to Gurbani the soul dwells in the mother’s
womb for 10 (Indian) months.

Abortion interferes in the ‘In the first watch of “The Lord created the body from sperm (of the
creative work of God – who the night.. You were father), and protected it in the fire pit (in the mother’s
created everything and is cast into the womb.’ womb). For ten months He preserved you in your
present in everything. (Guru Granth Sahib mother’s womb, and then, after you were born, (as
74) result of forgetting God) you became attached to
Quality of life- Allowed in Maya. ||1||”
cases of rape and if mother’s (Ang 481)
life is in danger
Hindu Attitudes to Abortion.
Copy and say which are FOR or
Some Hindus accept abortion in ‘He is God, hidden in all beings,
cases of rape, extreme poverty, or their inmost soul who is in all.’
if a serious disability is detected in Sveta
the unborn child. forsvatara Upanishad 6.11
for for

Hindu Scriptures state that all life Abortion is legal in Britain and in
is sacred. India
for agains

Hindu belief in reincarnation

The Atharva Veda (6.113) lists the
means that abortion can be
fetus slayer among the greatest of
allowed as it only deprives the
atman of one of its many births
Now complete the Islam

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