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USANA Binary Compensation

Plan Voted #1 in the Industry

By MLM Insider Magazine (1997-2003)

Rob & Nicky Horkings and Patti Roney

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The following pages show hypothetically how “volume”
from sales generated under the Compensation Plan is
paid in Commissions.

Simply purchasing product does not generate sales

volume. All compensation earned under this plan is
based on product sales. In order to qualify for
commissions and generate sales volume, the sales
requirements in the Policies and Procedures must be

We have both associates and customers on a autoship

re-order program which gives everyone HUGE SAVINGS
on their product orders, along with optimal health for
everyone involved and true residual income for the
The Power of 2
Introduce USANA and enroll other business
associates as well as customers.

Sponsor’s Left Side Sponsor’s Right Side



All items in Policies and Procedures apply.

The Power of 2
Commission Payout

Group Sales Volume Commission

Left vol. Right vol. (UK £)

250 250 £20

500 500 £ 60
Left Right
1,000 1,000 £ 120
2,000 2,000 £ 240
3,000 3,000 £ 360
350 7 00
4,000 4,000 £ 480
1 YOU 1
5,000 5,000 £ 600
£120 350 700
You will have the choice of
activating 1 Business
Center (BC) or 3.

This is an example of 1 BC
with 2 teams of associates Ken Bob
Points for commission
represent product sales
generated by teams of

All items in Policies and Procedures apply.

The Power of 4
Commission Payout

Group Sales Volume Commission

Left vol. Right vol. (UK £)

250 250 £20

500 500 £ 60
Left Right
1,000 1,000 £ 120
2,000 2,000 £ 240
3,000 3,000 £ 360 50 0 £360
0 0
4,000 4,000 £ 480 3
YOU 45
5,000 5,000 £ 600
1350 + 1700 001 2100 + 2400
Activate your 3 BCs and Left Right Left Right
50 1500
work with 4 teams of

350 YOU 700 100 YOU 400

1 1 2 2
002 003
£120 350 700 100 400 £240

Ken Jill Sue Bob

All items in Policies and Procedures apply.

All items in Policies and Procedures apply.

The Power of 4
Commission Payout

Group Sales Volume Commission

Left vol. Right vol. (UK £)
Left Right
250 250 £20
500 500 £ 60
1,000 1,000 £ 120
2,000 2,000 £ 240 YOU
3,000 3,000 £ 360
4,000 4,000 £ 480
5,000 5,000 £ 600 Left Right Left Right

2 re-entry’s per BC when

maxed at 5000 SV points
000 YOU 000 YOU
each side. 5 5
002 003

This is an example of
“Maxing a Business
Ken Jill Sue Bob
Watch residual income
continue to flow while you
build re-entry BCs (again,
based on product sales
generated by teams of
004 005 006
UNLIMITED re-entry’s!
Commission Payout

Group Sales Volume

Left vol. Right vol.
(UK £)
The Power of 4
With the Fast Start Business Builder Pack
250 250 £20
500 500 £ 60
1,000 1,000 £ 120
000 000 £120
2,000 2,000 £ 240 1 1
3,000 3,000 £ 360
500 + 500 001 500 + 500
4,000 4,000 £ 480 £60
5,000 5,000 £ 600 £60
0 YOU 0 0 YOU
50 50 50 500
Fast start commissions are 002 003
based on product sales
001 = £120
associated with the Business Ken Jill Sue Bob
Builder Package. 002 = £ 60
003 = £ 60
1st WEEK 500sv 500sv 500sv 500sv Total £240
Business Builders +
Commission (BBC) £90 £90 £90 £90 Total £360
£90 £90 £90 £90
TOTAL £600

Ken Jill Sue Bob
These commissions
also apply for your Ken
Ken Jill
Jill Sue
Sue Bob
Bob 001 = £480
002 003 002 003 002 003 002 003
associates using the 002 = £240
Business Builder 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Package. 500sv 500sv 500sv 500sv 500sv 500sv 500sv 500sv 500sv 500sv 500sv 500sv 500sv 500sv 500sv 500sv 003 = £240
Their 1st WEEK they earn 2000sv 2000sv 2000sv 2000sv TOTAL £960
£600 £600 £600 £600
All items in Policies and Procedures apply.
Weekly Earnings with
3% Leadership Bonus Pool
Hypothetical earnings at £120 per share


Bonus Commission Total
GOLD DIRECTOR 1 (1) 1 £ 105* ££ 600 £ 705
RUBY DIRECTOR 2 (1+2) 3 £ 345 £1,200 £1,545
EMERALD DIRECTOR 3 (1+2+3) 6 £ 705 £3,000
£1,800 £2,505
DIAMOND DIRECTOR 4 (1+2+3+4) 10 £1,185 £4,000
£2,400 £3,585
1-STAR DIRECTOR 5 (1+2+3+4+5) 15 £1,785 £5,000
£3,000 £4,785
2-STAR DIRECTOR 6 (1+2+3+4+5+6) 21 £2,505 £6,000
£3,600 £6,105
3-STAR DIRECTOR 7 (1+2+3+4+5+6+7) 28 £3,345 £7,000
£4,200 £7,545
4-STAR DIRECTOR 8 (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8) 36 £4,305 £8,000
£4,800 £9,105
5-STAR DIRECTOR 9 (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9) 45 £5,385 £9,000
£5,400 £10,785
6-STAR DIRECTOR 10 (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10) 55 £6,585 £10,000
£6,000 £12,585

Income examples in this publication depict the earnings for those particular individuals. Income will vary, and success for any Associate is neither guaranteed nor implied.
*1st share is always fixed at US$175 = £105 .
1 Business Center =
10% of Team’s Orders =
£31,200/year Maximum Residual

- Plus 2 Possible Re-entry’s

- Plus 3% Leadership Bonus (If Qualified)
3 Business Centers =
20% of Team’s Orders =
£93,500/year Maximum Residual

- Plus 6 Possible Re-entry’s

- Plus 3% Leadership Bonus (If Qualified)
•Business Involvement
• Associate Starter Kit – £37 (BDS)
• Associate Starter Kit – £14 (EBDS)
• Activate BC’s with sales requirements:

Contents Single BC Business Builder Select product for

(Custom Order) Pack (3 BC’s) 3 BC
Choice of Product Line X    X
Essentials    2
Variety of Nutritionals (plus Macro Optimizers) X
Variety of Sensé™   X
1 Year Down Line Management   X
1 Year Web Hosting   X
US£100 Event Coupons   2
£90 Bonus to sponsor   X  

Custom Order (no package available)  X  X

Autoship Price £110 £540 £450 - £600

• Where do you see yourself fitting in?

Personal Volume Requirement Every Four
Weeks to Remain Qualified:
• 100 Personal Volume Points = 1 Business Center

• 200 Personal Volume Points = Multiple Business


Autoship ensures that you have the products on

hand when you need them:

• Product orders are automatically shipped to you

every four weeks

• Over 95% of active Associates are on Autoship

• 10% discount for all orders when on Autoship

Leverage your time
Leverage your ££

“I would rather earn one percent

of 100 people’s efforts than
100 percent of my own efforts.”
- J. Paul Getty

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