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Bijo Sebastian

Department of Computer Applications, SNGIST Group of Institutions
Thekkethazham, Mannam P.O, N-Paravur- 683520
1) Introduction.
2) Digital Image Processing.
3) Machine Learning (ML).
4) OpenCV.
5) How to train a machine.
6) Applications of Computer Vision
7) Conclusion.
 Computer vision is the science and technology of machines
that see, where see in this case means that the machine is able
to extract information from an image(from a video frame)
that is necessary to solve some task.

 Content-based image retrieval
 Machine vision
 Machine Learning
 Opencv
 Gesture recognition
 Robotic vision
 Face –recognition
 Camera based game
 Bionic Vision.
What is vision?
 Recognize objects
– people we know
– things we own
 Locate objects in space
– to pick them up
 Track objects in motion
– catching a baseball
– avoiding collisions with cars on the road
 Recognize actions
– walking, running, pushing
Human vision is passive
 It relies on external energy sources
(sunlight, light bulbs, fires) providing light that reflects off of objects to
our eyes
 Vision systems can be “active” - carry their own energy sources
 Radars
 Bat acoustic imaging systems
Fig1: The components of a computer vision system
Digital Image Processing
 Digital image processing is the use of computer
algorithms to perform image processing on digital
images .

Application of Digital Image Processing

Image processing
Image processing is a physical process used to convert an
image signal into a physical image. The image signal can be
either digital or analog. The actual output itself can be an
actual physical image or the characteristics of an image. The
most common type of image processing is photography.
Why do we need Image Processing?
It Is motivated by three major applications
Improvement of pictorial information for human perception.

Image processing for autonomous machine application.

Efficient storage and transmission.

Digital representation of image.
Edge Detection
Edge detection is a fundamental tool in image processing and
computer vision, particularly in the areas of feature detection
and feature extraction, which aim at identifying points in a
digital image at which the image brightness changes sharply or
more formally, has discontinuities.

Canny edge detection applied to a photograph

Edge detection

Application of Sobel operator on a colored image.

Machine Learning
Field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being
explicitly programmed. A major focus of machine learning research is to
automatically learn to recognize complex patterns and make intelligent
decisions based on data

A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to
some class of tasks T and performance measure P, if its performance at
tasks in T, as measured by P, improves with experience E.
Learning Models.
Memory-Based Learning
In machine learning, instance-based learning or memory-based learning is a
family of learning algorithms that, instead of performing explicit generalization,
compare new problem instances with instances seen in training, which have been
stored in memory. Instance-based learning is a kind of lazy learning.
Case-Based Reasoning
A sub field of AI, called “Case-Based Reasoning" (CBR), can be viewed as a
generalized kind of memory-based learning. In CBR a stored library of “cases"
is used to help in the analysis, interpretation, and solution of new cases.
Neural Networks
During the 1960s, neural net researchers employed various methods for
changing a network's adjustable weights so that the entire network made
appropriate output responses to a set of “training" inputs. For example, Frank
Rosenblatt at Cornell adjusted weight values in the final layer of what he called
the three-layer alpha-perceptron.
1.The Backprop Algorithm
That problem was solved in the mid-1980s by the invention of a technique called
“back propagation" (backprop for short) introduced by DavidRumelhart,Georey E.
Hinton, and Ronald J. Williams.33 The basic idea behind backprop is simple, but the
mathematics (which I'll skip) is rather complicated. In response to an error in the
network's output, backprop makes small adjustments in all of the weights so as to
reduce that error.
One very interesting application of the backprop learning method was developed by
Terrence J. Sejnowski (1947 ) and Charles Rosenberg (1961).They taught a neural
network to talk!. In one of their experiments, their system, called NETtalk, learned to
“read" text that was transcribed from informal, continuous speech of a six-year-old
child and produced acoustic output.
Another neural network application, this one for steering a van, was developed by Dean Pomerleau, a
Ph.D. student at Carnegie Mellon University. The system, which included the van, a TV camera for
looking at the road ahead, and interface apparatus, was called ALVINN, an acronym for Autonomous
Reinforcement Learning

In its simplest setting, reinforcement learning is about learning how to traverse a

collection of states, going from one state to another and so on, to reach a state in
which a reward is obtained. The rat's problem is to go from its starting position to the
cheese at the goal position. The gray dots in the figure are meant to depict situations
that the rat might find itself in and recognize. In reinforcement learning terminology,
these situations are called “states." At each state, the rat can select from among, say,
four actions, namely, turn left, turn right, go forward, or go back. Depending on the
state, only some of the actions are possible one cannot go forward when up against a
dead end for example. Each possible action takes the rat from one state to an adjacent
one in the maze. The collection of states and the actions that link them can be thought
of as a graph.
OpenCV [OpenCV] is an open source computer vision library available from
The library is written in C and C++ and runs under Linux, Windows and Mac
OpenCV was designed for computational efficiency and with a strong focus on
real time applications
One of OpenCV’s goals is to provide a simple-to-use computer vision
infrastructure that helps people build fairly sophisticated vision applications
The OpenCV library contains over 500 functions that span many areas in
vision, including factory product inspection, medical imaging, security, user
interface, camera calibration, stereo vision, and robotics. Because computer
vision and machine learning oft en go hand-in hand.
OpenCV also contains a full, general-purpose Machine Learning Library
(MLL). The MLL is highly useful for the vision tasks that are at the core of
OpenCV’s mission, but it is general enough to be used for any machine
learning problem.
However, face detection is such a common need that it is worth
having a baseline technique that works fairly well; also, the
technique is built on the well-known and often used field of
statistical boosting and thus is of more general use as well. In
fact, several companies have engineered the “face” detector in
OpenCV to detect “mostly rigid” objects (faces, cars, bikes,
human body) by training new detectors on many thousands of
selected training images for each view of the object. This
technique has been used to create state-of-the-art detectors,
although with a different detector trained for each view or pose
of the object. Thus, the Haar classifier is a valuable tool to keep
in mind for such recognition tasks.
A set of basic Haar-like features.

an example of OpenCV face Detector in action

A set of extended Haar-like features

Computer Vision Applications
Here the interest is on procedures for extraction of image
information for computer processing .
Typical Applications
Industrial Machine vision for product assembly and inspection.
 Automated target detection and tracking.
 Finger print recognition.
 Machine processing of areal and satellite
imagery for weather prediction and crop
assesment etc.
 Another important feature of artificial vision is
that it is tireless and that all products can be
scrutinized and measured.
Other application areas are surveillance, automated inspection, robot
assembly, vehicle guidance, traffic monitoring and control, biometric
measurement, and analysis of remotely sensed images. By way of example,
fingerprint analysis and recognition have long been important applications of
computer vision, as have the counting of red blood cells, signature
verification and character recognition, and aero plane identification (both
from aerial silhouettes and from ground surveillance pictures taken from
satellites). Face recognition and even iris recognition have become practical
possibilities, and vehicle guidance by vision will in principle soon be
sufficiently reliable for urban use.
 Computer vision is a subfield of computer Science.
 It’s a general term for the whole field, including image
processing, medical image analysis, image understanding.
 It’s the same as Machine Vision.
 Computer Vision technology improve human life.
 Computer Vision is an active research field with many
research groups in countries all over the world.
 There exists a large body of research results to build on.

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