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Some Useful Listening and

Speaking Teaching Materials and

On-line Resources

Her Sheng Textbook for junior high

school students

Touchy Situations




The book is designed according to

Teaching Approach which was proposed
by Brian
Tomlinson. There are four steps in the
M model:
(1) Readiness Activity
(2) Initial Response Activity
(3) Intake Response Activity
(4) Input Response Activity
Her Sheng Textbook
for junior high school students

½ Let¶s focus on part III . If you look at the other

version textbooks, ³Reading´ and ³Dialogue´ are
often followed by reading comprehension
questions or listening comprehension test which
are often form-focused and used to test students,
and most of the time, these kinds of activities
make the students fell that they are evaluated and
thus give them a lot of pressure. However, this
book uses ³Follow-up task´ to provide students
with opportunities to observe sentence structures
and express their opinions in class.








1. This 6Gollow-up task provides students
with opportunities to express themselves in
English. ( It helps to stimulate students to
speak English and listen English as wellÀ
2. Through 6Gollow-up task activity, students
can share their own ideas and opinions with
their classmates, so it allows students to
discuss something that are related to both the
contents of the books and themselves in real
life. In other words, this activity connects
the content with students 3. When doing the
activity, students may use what they learn in
the textbook( i.e. vocabulary, sentence
patterns,grammar..etc) to their discussion which
make them think English are not just words in










Touchy Situations
Touchy Situations
Touchy Situations
Touchy Situations
Touchy Situations
Touchy Situations
Touchy Situations
Touchy Situations






Speaking Activities
1. This book has been written specifically for Taiwanese
learners, and with a strong emphasis on pair work and
group discussion.
2. It contains various kinds of activities, such as
crossword, survey, debate, picture dictation, and
information gap.
n-line Resources

Randall s ESL Cyber listening Lab

Daily ESL
Train your Accent
American English Pronunciation
Everyday English in Conversation
English in Focus: Conversation Starters

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The purpose of this site, Daily ESL, is to give students opportunities

to build their communication through Conversation Starters, that is,
readings that lead to natural communication. First, learners read
about topics in everyday life (Part I, Reading), discuss the
information with other partners (Part II, Discussion), and then
examine a related topic using critical-thinking skills that are key to
better communication including discussing cause and effect
relationships, predicting outcomes, comparing and contrasting, and
hypothesizing (Part III, Online Investigation). In other words,
students need to learn how to analyze information from different
sources, including the Internet, to make informed life decisions that
impact them now and in the future.
There are a number of activities teachers can do to make the
most of this site:
1. Look carefully at your own classroom curriculum and match
your teaching objectives with the readings on this site.
2. Assign students to go over the reading and discussion
questions and come prepared to discuss them in class.
3. Encourage students to apply the readings to their own lives,
either in a writing or speaking assignment.
4. Expand students use of the language by asking them to do
the Online Investigation exercise. This will require students
to search, analyze data, and make careful conclusions based
on what they read and find online.
5. Read the readings aloud for pronunciation or comprehension





Train Your Accent:
amprove learners accent and rhythm in
English À À À and learn daily xpressions at
the same timeÀ This site provides learners
with samples of relaxed, North American
English that reflect everyday activities and
helps them sound more naturalÀ
Furthermore, understanding reduced
speech will help learners understand
others betterÀ

ELLLO is a free online listening

resource of over 1,000 listening
activities designed especially for ESL
and EFL students and teachers. Most
listening activities include images, an
interactive quiz, transcript of the audio
and downloadable MP3
English in Focus: Conversation
This Conversation Starters section of the
Everyday English in Conversation is
developed to engage the learners in
meaningful situations as happens in our daily
conversation. It is recommended that the
learner first attempt to develop a response and
then compare his answers with the sample
responses. By paying attention to the native-
speakers' oral responses, the learners will learn
how to express their feelings and ideas
properly and idiomatically.
Real English
^hats Real-English?
Real-English is the only online ESL site that
utilizes authentic and natural ESL videos of
people speaking real English on streets
across the globeÀ Designed for individuals
learning English, as well as for teachers and
institutions, Real English offers unique ESL
educational services, including a free
subscription to for beginners, and unlimited
chat with our teachers, for subscribersÀ
Real English
½ ^hats Real-English
½ ats a registered trademark of the Marzio School, an
English language school in France, managed by Mike
Marzio and coÀ Mike Marzio and friends interviewed
people in the streets, real people in the US and in the
UK and collected a wide range of clips, categorized by
levels of difficulty and contentsÀ
½ ats great to watch the spontaneous reactions to their
questions, so that students can really grasp the English
thats really used in our daily livesÀ The dialogues in
Real English are more useful than those fake dialogues
and the so boring listening exercises from textbooks,
which claim to be authenticÀ But theres nothing more
authentic than authentic conversationsÀ Real-English
is Ô  in the EFL realmÀ Besides, they offer a wide
range of accents and always always, an excellent sense
of humorÀ
Real English
½ Features of the website
½ 1À Each video is about a given topic, for instance, colors,
or about a given grammatical structureÀ Through the
repeating questions asked by the interviewer and the
answers of the interviewees , students can learn how to
ask questions, answer questions and sentence patternsÀ
½ ÀThe interviewer asks the same question to every single
interviewee, and since these are spontaneous dialogues
from real life, interviewees answers differ from each
other, not only in the content, obviously, but also in the
form«which is the useful thing here, too, because
learners will realize that there are many ways to talk
about the same thingÀ
Real English

½ xÀ The people in the videos are spontaneousÀ

Spontaneity is difficult, just like real situations with
strangers are difficultÀ The people seem to speak fast,
but in reality, they are speaking at normal speedÀ
These videos offer students opportunities to listen to
the normal speed of English in real lifeÀ
½ À Real English interactive makes accessible a long-
desired, realistic exposure to authentic interaction in
the target language and is an encouraging foray into
the real world of spontaneous communication with
Real English

½ ·À Videos are provided in different lengths, and they

might include visual clues, such as, images, colors,
and facial expressions etcÀ af learners cant understand
what the people in the videos said, they can guess from
the visual cluesÀ
½  The website provides alternative versions of videos:
videos with subtitles and videos with closed captions
which can be used in dictationÀ
½ À The inclusion of different accents and "real" people
also contributes to the authenticity of the program by
reflecting the current state of English as an
international lingua francaÀ
Thanks for Listening

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