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Enhancing Foodpanda through MIS :

• MIS has had a major impact in the modern workplace, change the way businesses
conduct their daily activities.
• MIS helps your customers access all the information they need to successfully
interact with your company. It can also help staff perform their jobs more
Improvements Factors:

• Increase your productivity

• Improve flexibility
• Better customer service
• Enhance your marketing
• MIS keeps businesses safe
Foodpanda using softwares for enhancing their factors:

• Sisense
• Ambassador
• Optimove

Sisense is a business intelligence software.Sisense empowers everyday

business users to independently manage, analyze and visualize complex
data quickly and cost-effectively. Their mission is to transform complex data
into insights everywhere, enabling access to business intelligence across
the entire organization. Their leading innovation is used by companies
seeking to gain insights to their own business, and also embedded by
technology and service companies that aim to provide additional insights
and value for their customers.

Ambassador is a Advocate Marketing Software and use for Affiliate

Marketing Tools. Ambassador empowers businesses to increase revenue by
leveraging the power of recommendations. Our flexible referral marketing
software automates the process of enrolling, tracking, rewarding and
managing loyal customers, affiliates, partners and fans. This allows B2B
companies, consumer brands, and agencies to quickly build, scale, and
optimize referral marketing programs. Ambassador’s open API also
seamlessly integrates with existing technologies, enabling companies to
create a custom experience that aligns with their brand

Marketers use Optimove to manage and automate the execution of

highly-targeted customer marketing campaigns via channels such as
email, SMS, push notifications, ad networks and in-app/on-site
messaging systems. Optimove exposes a rich Web services API that
provides all the functionality you need to easily exchange data with
Optimove’s servers for the purposes of enabling Optimove to
automatically execute customer campaigns via your platform.

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