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Who Am I?

Paulfred Belmi
Name:Paufred Belmi
Date of Birth: May,09,2005

Born in Manila

Height: 5’8

Weight: 170

Nationality: Filipino

Age: 15
How did my past shape my personality?
Memories of certain people,events,and a bunch of stuff I learned back in the Philippines helped me
shape my personality in Canada and show to other people who I am and what I am like.Overall I got
most of my personality from mom and dad which I am happy to have and I feel most attached to
everyone I care about.
What do I like?
1. Food
a. Meat
b. Soups
c. Filipino food

2. Cars



How am I in the present?
Nothing has really changed about me in the present because not much stuff that could have an impact
could happen to me so basically I’m still the same.
In the future I want to become a detective because I watch a lot of crime and mystery in my free time a
lot and it kinda inspired to become one and it doesn’t take that much time to become one.And all I have
to do is just study hard in order to reach my dream.

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