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Types of Research

Descriptive Research

• Descriptive research is to describe accurately situations or

events, such as the characteristics of a population, a social
condition, or a particular topic.
• is defined as a research method that describes the
characteristics of the population or phenomenon that is being
studied. This methodology focuses more on the “what” of the
research subject rather than the “why” of the research subject.

AISC, Nature of Research, (Los Angeles: 1969)

Action Research
• A very practical approach, action research is aimed
toward applications of the research results through a
constant exchange between the researcher and the
people or events being researched.
• action research is to develop new approaches to solve
questions or problems that are directly related to
everyday life .

AISC, Nature of Research, (Los Angeles: 1969)

Historical Research

• The purpose of historical research is to

reconstruct past events. This can be accomplished
by collecting and interpreting data in an objective
or unbiased way. External criticism is concerned
with whether the document is authentic or “is
real”. Internal criticism asks if the data are
accurate and meaningful to the topic.

AISC, Nature of Research, (Los Angeles: 1969)

Experimental Research
• Research looks at cause-and-effect relationships by
comparing two or more similar groups, usually chosen by
random selection.
• The simplest example of an experimental research is
conducting a laboratory test. As long as research is being
conducted under scientifically acceptable conditions – it
qualifies as an experimental research.  A true experimental
research is considered to be successful only when the
researcher confirms that a change in the dependent variable
is solely due to the manipulation of the independent

AISC, Nature of Research, (Los Angeles: 1969)

Case Study Research
• With case study, the researcher examines in
the great detail a broad range of items
concerning a small number of individuals,
groups, or communities. The purpose is to
describe and explain the relationship in a
social situation.

AISC, Nature of Research, (Los Angeles: 1969)

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