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Adverb of quantity(ungkapan

menyatakan jumlah)
Adverb of quantity is ad / adverb to tells about quantity or amount
about things, action, quality, etc.
Eg. Some, many, much, little, few, a lot of, etc.
In english, there are 2 forms of noun, countable noun (benda yg
dapat dihitung) and uncountable noun ( benda yg tdk dapat dihitung)
Adverb of quantity
Many ( banyak) : countable noun
Much (banyak) uncountable noun
Few( sedikit) countable now
Little( sedikit) uncountable noun
Some ( beberapa) uncountable noun( in negative) and countable noun
A lot of countable noun and uncountable noun
Example in sentences

1. I have many books in the bag

2. I have some pens in the pencil

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