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• Suppose the time to access McGrawhill Web page is uniformally

distributed with a minimum time of 20 milliseconds and maximum

time of 60 milliseconds. Then we can determine the probability the
page can be accessed in 30 milliseconds or less.
• A university provides Bus service to students.Bus arrives at a particular
stop every 30 minutes between 6 am and 11 am. Students arrive at the
bus stop at random time. The time that a students waits is uniformaly
distributed from 0 to 30 minutes.
1. Draw a graph of this distribution
2. Show that the area of this uniform distribution is 1
3. How long will a student have to wait for a bus? What is the mean time
of waiting and what is the standard deviation of waiting
4. What is the probability that a student will wait more than 25 minutes
5. What is the probability that a student will wait between 10 to 25
The mean life of battery is 19 hours with a standard deviation of 1.2
hours. Apply the empirical rule and the values for all percentages?
• Solution:
• About 68% batteries will fail in between 17.8 and 20.2 hours, found by
19 +1(1.2) and 19 – 1(1.2)
• About 95% batteries will fail in between 16.6 and 21.4 hours, found by
19 +2(1.2) and 19 – 2(1.2)
• About 99% batteries will fail in between 15.4 and 22.6 hours, found by
19 +3(1.2) and 19 – 3(1.2)
Varieties of the problems/ Criteria
• 50% area lie on each side
• If the values are between -1 to Mean, then we will compute the area of right side.
• If the values are between mean and 1, we will compute area of left side.
• If the value is between mean and higher value, we will add the two probabilities( .
5+calculated probability)
• If the value is between mean and lower score, we will subtract the calculated area
from .5.
• If the data is in the range( lower from mean to higher than mean, then we will
add both the calculated probabilities.
• If the value is higher than the the mean, then we will subtract from 1.
The weekly incomes of shift foreman in a glass factory follow the
normal probability distribution with a mean of Rs, 1000 and a standard
deviation of Rs 100.Find the z value for the foreman who earns:
• A. Rs 1,000 and1100 per week
• B. Rs 900 and 1000 per week
• C. less than Rs 1100 per week
• D. Between Rs 790 and Rs 1,000
• E. Less than Rs 790
• F. Between 900 and 1100
• G. Between 800 and 1200
• H. Between 700 and 1300

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