Shintōism (Japanese Mythology)

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Japanese Mythology

 During the 4th century B.C., a new

culture emerged in Japan.
 These people—named Yayoi, after
the place where their homes were
first found by archaeologists.
 The archeologists thought that in
those periods, they came from China
and Korea or persons who were
traded with.

 In the Yayoi period, there were

prominent people called, YAMATO
 Yamato leaders extended their rule
over the Japanese islands through
warfare and diplomacy.
 This creation myth, or story about
the creation of the world, became
central to the Shinto religion.
Mythology and Religion

 Japanese Mythology is largely

derived from the state religion of
Shinto. While Buddhism has
overtaken much of Japan.
 The early Japanese believed that the
world around them was inhabited by
gods and spirits
 Ancient Japanese elevated this
fascination with nature into what
was later called Shinto, the Way of
the Kami.
The Birth of Japan
 In the beginning, there was nothing
but a shapeless egg of swirling
 Slowly, the lighter areas rose up to
form the heavens, and the darker,
denser material sank to form the
Three gods

 The Spirit Master- of the Center of

 The August- Wondrously
Producing Spirit
 The Divine- Wondrously
Producing Ancestor
Izanagi and Izanami
The Creation of the Land

 Izanagi and Izanami were

commanded by the heavenly deities
"to complete and solidify the
drifting land"
 They stirred the brine with a
churning sound, and when they lifted
up the spear again, the dripping brine
from the tip of the spear piled up and
became the island of Onogoro.
 Ebisu First child, later became the
god of fishermen and luck.
 Disappointed in their failures in
procreation, they returned to heaven
to consult the gods who told them
that their mistake lay in the marriage
 On their return to earth, Izanagi and
Izanami tried again and were
successful. Over time, Izanami bore
all the islands of Japan.
 The last god produced by Izanami
was the fire god, whose birth
scorched her genitals so badly that
she died. However, as she died, she
continued to produce more gods
from her vomit, urine, and feces.
God of Fire
 Longing for his wife, Izanagi went to the Land
of Yomi, which led him to the underworld.
 Izanami replied that it was already
too late, and that she had consumed
the food of Yomi. However, she
promised she would go once she
asked the gods of the underworld to
give her permission to leave, but she
asked Izanagi to not look at her
while she did this.
 When he saw her, he was shocked to
find his once beautiful wife to be a
rotten corpse being eaten by
 Ashamed to be seen in this
condition, Izanami chased Izanagi
out of the underworld.
 First, she sent the demon thunder
deities that were born from her body
to chase after him, and then she
pursued him herself.
Raijin God of Thunder
Raijin God of Thunder

Fujin God of Wind

 At last he grasped a huge rock and
used it to close the passage to the
underworld. Enraged, she shouted to
him, “if you behave this way, I
would strangle and kill 1,000 men
from your land.”
 Izanagi returned to his home and
bathed to purify himself from all the
uncleanliness. As he removed his
clothing, new gods arose from his
robe, accessories, and more arose
from the water as he cleansed
himself of the impurities of Yomi.
 Misogi A ritual purification by washing the entire
body by the river.
 In the last step of the purification
ceremony, Izanagi washed his left
eye, from which Amaterasu-
Omikami was born; from his right
eye, Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto; and
from his nose, Susanoo-no-Mikoto
was born.
 Amaterasu Goddess the Sun and
 Tsukuyomi God of the Moon
 Susanoo God of the Sea and Storms
Other Gods and
Aizen Myoo

 God of Love Worshipped by

prostitutes, landlords, singers and

 Goddess of love, beauty, eloquence

and music, as well as a sea Goddess.

 Goddess of thunder.

 Shinto goddess of water.

Inari Okami

 Kami of foxes, of fertility, rice, tea

and sake, of agriculture and industry,
of general prosperity and worldly

 God of the sea. Known as the

Dragon King.

 God of evil and stars, specifically the

POLE STAR. Enemy of Kaminari.

 The god of war/warriors and the

divine protector of Japan and its

 God of war, justice and law, god of

the north.

 Goddess of food who blesses the

Earth with abundance.

 God of learning, language and

calligraphy. He taught humans to

 God of Contentment and happiness.


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