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Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
By Mrs. Erika Arthadini

Making Suggestions
Let’s meet at Starbucks this Friday !

•Why don’t you…..
•I suggest…..
•What about…..
•How about…..
•I think….
•I don’t think….
Accepting Suggestions
Here are expressions of accepting suggetions

I’ll do/try that.

That’s a good idea!
Ok, I will.

Ok, if you say so. Why didn’t I think of that?

Thank you/Thanks. I think you’re right.
Here are expressions of declining suggestions

Thanks, but that won’t

work/help because…
I don’t want to/can’t do that
That’s a good idea, but…

Sorry, I think I will…..

Sorry, I can’t.
I tried that, but…
What is Offering?

01 Offering is an 02 Offering expression is

expression of giving divided into two parts, one is
something to someone. “Offering Something” and
second is “Offering Help”.
Offering Something
Here are expressions of offering something

Do you want…..?
I think I will get you…..
Can I get you…….?
May I give you…..?
May I offer you…?
Offering Help
Would you like me to…..?
Let me…….
Shall I ……..
Allow me to……
Can I help?
Can I give you a hand?
Accepting Offers
Thank you very much.
Thank you.

Declining Offers
No, thanks.
No, I really won’t. Thank you.
Not for me, thanks.
That’s very kind. Unfortunately, I’d like to,
Study The Dialogue Below
A : Excuse me, sir.
B : Yes?
A : Do you mind not to smoke here?
B : What’s your problem? There’s no sign that says it’s forbidden to smoke in this area. It means that I can
smoke here.
A : That’s true, but this is a public area. Your cigarette is harmful for all people here
B : People aren’t complaining except you.
A : I don’t want to make a scene here, so I suggest you to smoke somewhere else. Can’t you see? There’re
many children here.
B : All right. I’ll leave and smoke somewhere else.
A : Thank you. I appreciate that.
Study the dialogue below
A : What are you going to do to spend the upcoming holiday?
B : I’m not sure. I guess I’m just going to stay at home during the holiday.
A : Me too. I don’t have any plan to do something exciting. I think I’ll be dead out of boredom in this
year’s holiday.
B : Hey, why don’t we spend the holiday together?
A : That’s great idea! Do you have any suggestion on where we should go and what we should do
on the holiday?
B : How about we spend our holiday at my grandfather’s cottage?
A : What kind of activities can we do there?
B : Anything fun, such as fishing. swimming, surfing, sun-bathing, cycling, strolling around the
nature, et cetera.
A : Did you just mention surfing? Is the cottage near a beach?
B : Yeah. We can walk for about 10 minutes to get to the beach from the cottage.
Moreover, it’s also close to a small lake, so that we can catch some fish there.
A : Cool! We’d better ask Jane and Joe to come with us too.
B : Agree! I’ll call Jane and you’ll call Joe.
A : Okay. I hope they can come join us.
Thank you
Knowledge to Elevate

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