Additional Lighting Ornamental Plants

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Ion Ionescu de la Brad University of Agricultural Sciences and

Veterinary Medicine of Iași

Faculty of Horticulture

Additional lighting

Presented by Eramus student – Buzuc Ștefan-Nicu

Why use artificial lighting
Many plants grow well in a bright location in the home. However, the use of
artificial light can be of further benefit in the following circumstances;

• For plants that need more intense light levels than are naturally especially during
the short winter days
• For starting seedlings early in the year, rather than waiting for natural light levels
to increase, resulting in stronger, more advanced young plants to plant out in
• For growing plants in a dark corner, where natural light would be too low
• For creating a decorative feature in a room, such as an illuminated terrarium full
of foliage plants
The light-color temperature relationship should be explained first.
Light and heat must be in balance.
• When light is decreased, a lot of heat needs to be lowered in order to
slow down plant growth to a point where the amount of light or
illumination falling on the house plant is adequate for the level being
• Thus, as the Winter days grow shorter, we cannot make up for the
lack of the sun’s warmth by moving the plant to a warmer room.
• Instead we should move it to a cooler spot, or make up for the lack of
light by supplying artificial light for plants in a bathroom for example.
The three “dimensions” of light:

• Light intensity
• Light duration
• Lighting spectrum
Understanding Light And Plant Needs
• warm-weather plants can stand lower light
intensities at higher temperature than cool-
weather plants

• Plants like cinerarias and calendulas needing

relatively low temperatures will suffer more
in a dark room at high temperatures than will
the poinsettia, unless they get extra light.
Artificial Light Used To Replace Or
Supplement Direct Sunlight
• Metal Halide Light - Metal Halide Light is a bright light with exceptionally long life
span. They require a ballast kit to operate. You’ll often find Metal Halide fixtures used for
vegetative growth stage and High Pressure Sodium (HPS) fixtures for the flowering stage.
• High-Pressure Sodium Grow Light - High-Pressure Sodium (HPS) grow lights are High-
Intensity Discharge (HID) lights. The light they produce is in the orange/red spectrum an
ideal lighting for the flowering stage.
• Compact Fluorescent Grow Lights - These energy efficient grow lights for houseplants
are growing in popularity for both propagation and plant growth. While not as efficient or
with as much intensity as HID lights, fluorescent deliver better color and spectrum light
providing more useful light per watt to the plant.When used in numbers these lights are
extremely effective. For the vegetative stage of growth use the 6500K blue light spectrum
placed 6″-12″ above the plant canopy. During the flowering phase use the warm, red
3000k spectrum.
• LED Grow Lights Indoor Plants - The basic advantages to them
include lower heat, smaller, long lasting, less energy, very efficient.
• T5 High Output (HO) fluorescent tubes - Readily available from
horticultural suppliers, T5 HO fluorescent tubes have the following
advantages that make them the current top choice:
• The intensity of light produced is generally strong enough to enable good
growth and flowering when positioned correctly
• They are long-lasting (about 20,000 hours)
• They are relatively inexpensive
• They are generally economical to run, but not as energy efficient as LED (Light
Emitting Diodes) lighting
• They give off comparatively little heat making them safe to place close to
• Generally a mid-green colouration to the foliage indicates the plants
are receiving the correct amount of light. However, there are a number
of problems that can be encountered and rectified.
• Too much light: Seedlings that take on a bleached appearance or become
stunted after growing under lights. Similarly, yellow-green foliage on plants
nearest the tubes can indicate the light intensity is too high for the plant in that
position. The intensity of light can be lowered by:
• Reducing the number of tubes
• Repositioning the tubes further away from the plants
• Reducing the number of hours the lights are on (photoperiod)
Too little light:
Plants grow poorly and foliage is dark green. This can be corrected by:
• Increasing the light intensity by moving the plants closer to the tubes
• increasing the number of hours the lights are on
• Increasing the number of tubes
• Too much blue or red light: This can also create problems with plant
development, but balancing the number of red and blue tubes should correct the
following problems:
• Too much blue light with very little or no red light, results in stunted plants with
dark green leaves, thick stems and few flowers
• Too much red or far-red light promotes stem elongation and tall spindly growth
What is Grow Light Spectrum?
• Grow light spectrum refers to the electromagnetic wavelengths of light produced by a
light source to promote plant growth. For photosynthesis, plants use light in the PAR
(photosynthetic active radiation) region of wavelengths (400nm-700nm) measured in
nanometers (nm). 
• Nanometers are a universal unit of measurement but also used to measure spectrum of
light – humans can only detect visible light spectrum wavelengths (380-740nm). Plants,
on the other hand, detect wavelengths including our visible light and beyond, to include
UV and Far Red spectrums.
• It’s important to note light spectrums affect plant growth differently depending on
things like environmental conditions, crop species, etc. Typically, chlorophyll, the
molecule in plants responsible for converting light energy into chemical energy,
absorbs most light in blue and red light spectrums for photosynthesis. Both red and
blue light are found in the peaks of the PAR range.
Grow Light Spectrum Chart
• The above chart shows the PAR range – the spectrum of light plants use for photosynthesis. Grow light
spectrum charts like this include both the PAR range and other spectrums as it’s been discovered that
wavelengths outside of the PAR range are also helpful for plant growth. 
• The peak of photosynthetic efficiency (light absorption) falls in the red light and blue light spectrums of the
PAR range. Red radiation (around 700nm) is considered most efficient at driving photosynthesis – especially
in the flowering stage for biomass growth . Blue light is essential for both the vegetative and flowering stages
of plant growth, but mainly for establishing vegetative and structural growth.
What is the Ideal Grow Light Spectrum for
• The ideal grow light spectrum for plants depends on several factors. These include how specific
plants use PAR-spectrum light for photosynthesis but also the wavelengths outside of the 400-
700nm range. This light can help accelerate flowering, increase nutrition, speed up rate of
growth, etc. If the light source is sole (indoors) or supplementary (greenhouses) also affects
which grow light spectrums should be used.
• Generally, photosynthetic efficiency occurs at the red and blue peaks which means plants absorb
these spectrums most when growing.  
• Sunlight produces a lot of greens, yellows, and oranges – they’re the most readily available
spectrums of light. In fact, studies tell us how green light, while not absorbed by chlorophyll as
well as red and blue (hence why most plants appear green), it’s absolutely critical for
• Light spectrums outside of blue and red wavelengths are used least by plants to grow as reds and
blues are where most photosynthetic activity occurs – a big reason why full-spectrum grow
lights are incredibly efficient because a grower can get very specific.
Should Use a Different Light Spectrum for
Different Plants?
• In some crops, blue light can benefit nutritional levels and coloring, and a higher red to far-red ratio can
help with leaf size and flowering. It’s why today’s full-spectrum LEDs are so advanced – because by
selecting the right quantities of red and blue light , chlorophyll pigments absorb more light they need. 
• Other indoor growers are also experimenting with the controlled use of far-red spectrum, like salad leaf
farmers for example. Plants associate this spectrum with shading from direct sunlight, which would
happen lower down the canopy, causing leaf & stem stretching as the plant reaches out for sunlight. 
• This means when used strategically, bigger leaves and flowering can occur without unnecessary stress. So
while there is no specific LED grow light spectrum for any particular plant, the ratio of red to blue light
is very important to maximize growth and the rate of photosynthesis.
Spectrum for Photosynthesis, Growth, and Yield
• For photosynthesis to occur and chlorophyll to absorb the maximum amount of light for plant
growth, plants use both blue and red light most efficiently. Other spectrums of light, like
greens/yellows/oranges, are less useful for photosynthesis due to the amount of chlorophyll
b, absorbed largely from blue light, and chlorophyll a, absorbed largely from red and blue
• It’s worth noting photosynthesis is more complex than just chlorophyll absorption, but it’s
important to recognize the fundamental principles. 
• For growth, blue light is essential to help plants produce healthy stems, increased density, and
established roots – all which occur in the early vegetative growth stages. Growth then continues
with increased red light absorption, resulting in longer stems, increased leaf and fruit/flowering
etc. It’s here that red light plays the dominating role in plant maturity and, therefore, size.
• And finally, yield – this comes down to a combination of light spectrums and is often very
unique to growers, including growers of several varieties of the same crop (like Cannabis).
There’s no one single light spectrum that produces more of a crop – optimal lighting is very
much a holistic, ever-changing process.
Grow Light Spectrum by Type
• Certain light spectrums trigger growth characteristics in plants. In general, blue light spectrums
encourage vegetative and structural growth and red light promotes flowering, fruit, leaf growth,
and stem elongation. Each crop type is sensitive to different spectrums and quantities of light at
different times throughout a daylight cycle – this directly affects the rate of photosynthesis.
• Essentially, we know that controlling grow light spectrum can have a significant impact on areas
of growth – like flowering, flavor, color, compactness etc. However, it’s important to recognize
that signaling specific growth factors is part of a much larger, complex cycle. Results also vary
depending on the environment (indoor or greenhouse), the relative temperature/humidity, crop
species, light intensity (lumens per watt), and photoperiod etc.
• Let’s look at specific grow light spectrums and their application in horticulture.
UV Light Spectrum (100–400 nm)
• UV light spectrum, which is not visible to the human eye, is outside the PAR range
(100nm-400nm). Around 10% of the sun’s light is ultraviolet, and like humans,
plants can be harmed from overexposure to UV light. Categorized into 3 types, UV-
A (315-400 nm), UV-B (280-315 nm), and UV-C (100-280 nm). 
• While the benefits of ultraviolet light use in horticulture are still being researched,
UV light is often associated with darker, purple coloring – in fact, small amounts
can have beneficial effects on color, nutritional value, taste, and aroma.
• Research shows environmental stress, fungus, and pests can also be reduced using
controlled amounts of UV. Research has emerged that suggests an increase in
cannabinoids like THC in Cannabis can be achieved using UV-B light (280nm –
Blue Light Spectrum (400–500 nm)
• Blue light spectrum is widely responsible for increasing plant quality –
especially in leafy crops. It promotes the stomatal opening – which
allows more CO2 to enter the leaves. Blue light drives peak
chlorophyll pigment absorption which is needed for photosynthesis. 
• It’s essential for seedlings and young plants during vegetative stages
as they establish a healthy root and stem structure – and especially
important when stem stretching must be reduced. 
Green Light Spectrum (500–600 nm)
• Green wavelengths have been somewhat written off as less important
for plant photosynthesis given it’s (in)ability to readily absorb
chlorophyll compared to red or blue light spectrums. Nonetheless,
green is still absorbed and used for photosynthesis; in fact, only 5-10%
is actually reflected – the rest is absorbed or transmitted lower down!
This is due to green light’s ability to penetrate a plant’s canopy
• In greenhouses, due to the presence of sunlight, supplementing green
light spectrum using LED grow lights would be less important
compared to crops are grown solely indoors – like Cannabis or vertical
crop farming.
Red Light Spectrum (600–700 nm)
• Red light is known to be the most effective light spectrum to encourage
photosynthesis as it’s highly absorbed by chlorophyll pigments. In other
words, it sits in the peaks in chlorophyll absorption. Red light
wavelengths (particularly around 660nm) encourage stem, leaf, and
general vegetative growth – but most commonly, tall, stretching of
leaves and flowers. 
• A balanced pairing with blue light is necessary to counteract any
overstretching, like disfigured stem elongation. It’s important to
consider that while red is the most responsive light spectrum for plants,
its efficacy really steps in when in combination with other PAR
Far-red Light Spectrum (700–850 nm)
• There are a few ways far-red can affect plant growth – one is to initiate a
shade-avoidance response. At around 660nm (deep red) a plant senses
bright sunlight exposure. From 730nm and beyond – i.e. a higher ratio of
far-red to red light, a plant will detect light “shade” from another plant or
leaves higher up the canopy, so stretching of stems and leaves occurs.
• Far-red can be very useful to promote flowering, and in certain plants,
increase fruit yield . In short-day plants like Cannabis, which rely on
longer periods of darkness, 730nm can be used at the end of a light cycle to
promote flowering. Many growers are experimenting with interrupting the
dark cycle with bursts of red light to boost growth and flowering.
Growing Plants Indoors With Artificial Light
In The Basement
• What does fall into the realm of the possible is the growing of certain plants in a
basement, entirely by artificial light such as African violets and 
Venus fly trap plants. All of these are what we call “forest floor” species.
• They are plants which have been conditioned to survive under the trees of a forest,
where light intensities are low. This group includes plants like such as African
violets, carnivorous plants, all begonias, browallia, impatiens and many others. If a
species will grow and flower in the shade, it can probably be grown entirely by
artificial light.
• Fluorescent grow lights made it possible for one couple to 
Grow Cattleya Orchids in their “Basement Greenhouse.”
• This is where the third “dimension” of light comes in. Until now, the actual
spectrum emitted by the source of light was not too important.
• When all the light needed by the plant comes from an artificial light source, the
light quality is vital. For vegetative growth and flowering, the shorter blue light
waves (which are close to the invisible ultra-violet spectrum) seem to be
• So, too, are the longer, red wavelengths, close to infra-red or invisible heat waves,
but these are not needed in as large amounts. Fortunately, a very close
approximation of natural daylight can be had by the use lighting system where
daylight fluorescent tubes and light fixtures, are suspended about 25 cm above the
• The more light you can use on a given area, within reason, the better. The use of a
completely-enclosed growing case and grow tents solves many of the problems
involved in growing plants by artificial lights.
Comparing Types Of Artificial Light On Plant Growth
One of the most interesting is to force tuberous begonias into bloom during the dark days of Winter.
Being a long-day plant, the tuberous begonia needs extra light.
• In the open, it stops forming flower buds when the length of the day drops below 12 hours. About mid-
September, over the entire United States, tuberous begonias quit flowering and form tubers instead.
• At Cornell University, they found that, if lights are used on the plants just before this condition
happens, starting in mid-August, the tubers do not increase in size, and the plants keep on flowering all
Winter long.
• Either fluorescents or incandescents lighting systems can be used as light for indoor plants, by turning
them on at four in the afternoon and off at nine at night. This is easily done with a timer like this.
• A great many houseplants such as geraniums, Browallia, Heavenly Blue morning glories and other
plants can be kept in bloom throughout the Winter by this same supplemental lighting.
• Using artificial sunlight for plants source, foliage plants needing bright light like coleus will keep short
and sturdy. English ivy will stop reaching for the sky, and remain short-jointed.
• This practice can hardly be considered as growing plants under completely artificial light. How far we
can go in this direction, depends on how much money we can afford to invest.

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