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Non-Verbal Communication

Non-verbal behavior can communicate more

powerfully than the spoken word.
The problem is that it is difficult to read and
Look for ‘clusters’ of non-verbal communication
to help you to interpret correctly
In communication, seeing is more important than
hearing. What you see will corroborate the
verbal message – and may also convey new,
interesting information...
If the verbal and non-verbal behaviour
does not match, then go carefully and be
prepared not to believe!
A key message can be dramatically
reinforced by supporting gestures which
are consistent with the spoken word
Remember the old saying:
“A Picture is worth a Thousand Words
Eye Contact
Most of us look directly at other people between 30%
and 60% of the time while listening
More eye contact than this indicates greater interest in
the person than in what he/she is
Lovers and Fighters often demonstrate this high
percentage of eye contact!!
In negotiation you should make your point and then
keep silent but maintain eye contact – you might
feel the tension but the other person will feel the
pressure. Wait for them to ‘crack’ first
Body Language and Lying
Signs of Deception and Lying
Less eye contact will occur when we feel
uncomfortable or guilty
Policemen or lawyers are working on this
principle when they persistently look at the
suspect or defendant
Hands touch their face, throat, nose, mouth,
Physical expression will be limited and stiff
The liar takes up less space with their hand,
arm and leg movement facing towards their
own body

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