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The main actors of the book

Amos Tversky
Daniel Kahneman
• “mathematical
• “nonmathematical psychologist”
• 1958: took the enterance
• was born in 1934 and spent
test for Phychology
his childhood in Paris
Departement at Hebrew
• At the age of fifteen he took a University
vocational test that identified
him as a psychologist. • 1961: went to US because
he wanted to study about
decision making
This 2 different character start working together in Hebrew
University by the fall 1969
1. This book tells about collaboration of two brilliant psychologists with distinctive personalities
2. Research about how people make judgments under uncertainty.
3. The importance of their research for fields as diverse as medicine and public health (e.g.,
Redelmeier and Tversky, 1990); decision making and economic policy (e.g., Thaler and
Sunstein, 2008); as well as management and investment strategy earned Kahneman the
Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 2002 (Tversky passed away in 1996).
4. Decision making without using data is an unethical act
5. when you framed it as a gain, people picked the sure thing; when you framed the sure thing
as a loss, people chose the gamble.
6. Two different person with different character can colaborate to produce a useful teory.
7. Good decisions are decision made based on data.

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