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Presented By : Chirag P. Shah

Under the able guidance of : Dr.U.M.Muddapur

 Introduction

 History

 Bio-terrorism

 Biological Weapon Convection

 Biological agents

 Assessing Tools

 Combating Tools

 Conclusion
Excuse me!, What’s
Biological Warfare?

What About the History?
does it Have any??
History of BW:
 Biological warfare has been practiced repeatedly throughout the history.

 It can be divided into 2 phases:

 Before the 20th century,

 20th century.
Before 20th century:

Deliberate poisoning of food and water,

Use of microorganisms, toxins or animals,

living or dead, as weapons,

Use of biological Inoculated Fabrics.

20th Century:
Advanced delivery systems

Use of pure cultures of certain strains of

microorganisms as weapons.

During the cold war era, Soviet Union initiated several

programs to develop and maintain an arsenal of

biological weapons
Is there any real
threat of Bioterrorism?
Yes,bio-terrorism is a real Threat!!!
Certain Nations do fund some particular group

of people in order to get the technology so that

they can build these kinds of weapons.

Biological agents are easily avaliable.

Moreover the efficiency and the ease of using this

weapon has made Bio-terrorism a major force to

recon with.
Which are the most
commonly used Biological
Commanly used Biological agents:
Bacterial / Viral agents Toxins
 Anthrax,  Ricin
 Ebola,  Botulism toxin
 Marburg Virus,  Saxitoxin,and
 Cholera,  Many other mycotoxins
 Q fever
 Typhus
 Shigella
 Smallpox,etc

Almost all these agents enter the body through

Are there any
International laws , which
can prohibit the
development of these

The BWC was designed to ban biological weapons by prohibiting the

Development, Production ,and stock piling of biological agents, as well as related
equipment and delivery systems that are intended for hostile use.
Ever since the BWC was open for signature on
April 10,1972, more and more countries have accepted this Convection, and as per
December 2002, 147 countries have Signed this agreement.
That’s good, as there would be no
production, and piling of Biological
agents, that would also mean no
NO!!, This is Not true
B WC does not explicitly prohibit the “Use” of Biological Weapons, more over It
protects the right of States to exchange information about these weapons.
BUT the Fact remains that ever since the birth of BWC, as many as 18
Member countries are believed to possess Biological Weapons. They are:

USA Israel Bulgeria

Libia Iran India
N.Korea S.Korea China S.Africa
Iraq Vietnam Russia
Taiwan Laos
Syria Cuba
God forbid, But if there is any
biological attack, can we combat
it, if yes how??
YES, “Combating is possible”

But it requires a very well coordinated effort

amongst various key personals.

Moreover the time in which the response should

occur is very short( 2 days).

The period of Incubation of the agents within

the body is the only time, during which a potential
death can avoided.
clinicians and



 Bio-terrorism’s future use is a major concern

 Therefore we must be prepared to respond appropriately .

 A sufficient stock of antibiotics and vaccines must be maintained in order

mitigate the ultimate impact on humans

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 Mandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin R, editors. Principles and practice of infectious diseases. 4th ed. New York:

 Franz DR, editors. Medical Aspects of Chemical and Biological Warfare. . Falls Church, VA: Office of The
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