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Systems Analysis and Design9th Edition

Toolkit B:
CASE Tools
Toolkit Objectives
• Explain CASE tools and the concept of a CASE environment
• Trace the history of CASE tools and their role in a fourth-
generation environment
• Define CASE terms and concepts, including a repository,
modeling tools, documentation tools, engineering tools, and
construction tools
• Explain an integrated development environment
• Provide examples of CASE tool features
• Describe CASE tool trends, and how they relate to object-oriented
analysis and agile method
• Computer-aided systems engineering (CASE), also called
computer-aided software engineering, is a technique that
uses powerful software, called CASE tools
• In addition, you will learn about integrated software
development environments
Overview of CASE Tools
Overview of CASE Tools
• CASE Tools History
– Modern languages
– non-procedural or event- driven
– Object-oriented programming languages (OOPL)
– Fourth-generation languages (4GLs)
– Fourth-generation environment
Overview of CASE Tools; The Marketplace for CASE Tools
CASE Terms and Concepts
• A typical CASE tool is actually a set of individual tools that
share a repository of information
• Repository
– When you define a data element in the repository, you can
assign a data type and format, a range of acceptable values,
and one or more aliases
– Alias
CASE Terms and Concepts
• Individual Tools
– Modeling tools
– Documentation tools
– Engineering tools
• Forward engineering
• Reverse engineering
CASE Terms and Concepts
• Individual Tools
– Construction tools
• Application generator
– code generator
• Screen generator
– form painter
• Report generator
– report writer
• Mock-up report
Integrated Development Environments
• Integrated development environment (IDE)
• Examples of Integrated Development Environments
Integrated Development Environments
• Pros and Cons of Integrated Development Tools
– Is highly effective because it is an integral part of the vendor’s
software package
– The only possible disadvantage is that each IDE is different and
requires a learning curve and skills that might or might not be
readily transferable
– CASE tools can be used in any development environment
CASE Tool Examples
• You can choose from dozens of vendors and CASE tools
that offer a wide range of functions
• Three leading CASE tool suppliers:
Visible Systems Corporation, Telelogic Software, and Rational
CASE Tool Examples
• Visible Analyst
– Visible Systems Corporation is an important player in the
software development market
– Also provides a full range of Help features, including the error
message analysis screen
CASE Tool Examples

• Rational Software
– IBM offers many systems development and modeling
products, including a powerful tool called Rational
System Architect
– Stresses modeling and collaboration, and is a suite of
tools that can align processes, information, and
CASE Tool Trends

• New Products and Features

–Offer more features and greater flexibility
–Zachman Framework
–Framework Manager
CASE Tool Trends

• New Products and Features

–Another trend is the increasing use of
integrated development environments
–An IDE typically includes built-in tools such
as real- time error detection, syntax hints,
highlighted code, class browsers, and
version control
CASE Tool Trends
• Method-Specific CASE Tools
– Structured analysis
– Object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD)
– The most recent trend is the popularity of agile
Toolkit Summary
• Forward engineering means translating business
processes and functions into applications
• A CASE tool can handle many program
development tasks• Two trends seem clear: CASE
tool vendors will continue to include powerful new
features, and the popularity of object-oriented tools
will continue to grow
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16.00 WIB
1. Define CASE, CASE tools, and a CASE environment.
2. Explain the difference between procedural and non-procedural languages.
3. Describe 4GLs and their characteristics.
4. Define a repository, and explain its role in the systems development
5. What are forward and reverse engineering tools, and how are they used?

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