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A Presentation

“Audit and

Md. Symum Hasan Lian


Tahsina Akhter

Md. Abu Khaled bhuiyan

Sumon Sikdar
Abdullah Al Mabsur Rafid

Md. Mahmudul Hasan 1530125630

First of all, talk about why this
kind of circumstances occurs
 Let me list three variables that seem to have
led to the degradation of auditing trust:
1. The growth in non-auditing consultancy
2. Market pressure on auditing expenses
3. Increased dependence on more expense auditing
The Board's Challenges to redress this
perception and restore users and
prepare confidence in the audit function:

1. Registration of Public Accounting Firms

2. Inspections
3. Independence and Non-Audit Services
4. Auditing Standards
5. Professional Discipline
Changes in the accountancy profession

 Enhance the skills of auditors

 Monitoring real time data

 Enabling the timely execution and review of work

 Easily detected suspicious activities

Technology and the Future of this
 Enhanced Efficiency Future
 Improved Testing The Financial Reporting Council (FRC)
reviewed the role of the auditors. Several
 Staffing Changes
Members of the House of Commons
 Beyond Financial Reporting: Committee on Business, Electricity, and
Industrial Policy called on the Big Four firms
that control the audit industry to be split up to
boost competitiveness in the sector and raise
Environmental, social, and consumer interest in its consistency reports
governance problems,
Non-GAAP financial initiatives, and
Cyber protection.
Disruptive technology in accounting

 The rapid fastness of technological change continues to

disrupt traditional procedures in the accounting profession.

 disruptive technologies such as robotic process automation

(RPA), artificial intelligence (AI), block chain, smart
contracts, and advanced analytics process.

 disruption the static focus of the CPA exam creates a

difference between the supply and demand of the essential
Emerging technologies and the future of the
accounting profession:

 Accounting information system (IS)

 Artificial Intelligence
 Robotic Process Automation
Technology and the future of this

 Enhanced efficiency

 Improved testing

 Staffing changes

 Beyond financial reporting:

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