Filipino Grievances Against Governor Wood Group 8

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Filipino Grievances Against

Governor Wood
Group 8
Leader: Christine A.Ramos
Joyce Recto
Rhoda Recto
Jessa T. Rendaje
Maria Cristina M. Revilla
• Background of the Author.
• Historical background of the documents.
• Content Presentation.
• Analysis of the important Historical information found in the document.
• Contribution of the documents in understanding the grand narrative of the
Philippines history.
• Relevance of the document to contemporary times.
Individual Reflection/ Learning experience
Background of the
(May 25, 1907 - October 31,
Popularly referred to as "Goyo" by
his town mates in Pagsanjan, Laguna.
"Dean of the Filipino
Founder of the International Association
of the Historians of Asia (IAHA)
President of the Philippine Historical
Historical background of the documents.
• This event happened when Leonard Wood was appointed as a
Governor General in the Philippines from October 14, 1921 to
August 7, 1927
• Zaide wrote the document on November 10, 1926 and produced
in Laguna
• This document was approved by the Commission on
Independence on November 17, 1926
Content Presentation
Philippines came under the American Flag - an emblem of freedom. American sovereignty was
implanted in our country to train us in the art of self-government and granting us independence. Our
country was committed to America in trust to be conserved and developed for the benefit of our people.
Believing in the sincerity of America's purpose, the Filipino applied themselves with patient and
diligence to the task of meeting the conditions exacted of them, anxiously awaiting the day when
America would honor her promise.

The first twenty years of civil government were marked by mutual

understanding and loyal cooperation between American and Filipinos. At the end of that period, when it
seemed that the goal had been finally reached, Major General Leonard Wood was sent to the
Philippines as Governor General. The Filipino people expected that under his administration the spirit
of cooperation would be maintained and that the work of political emancipation would be complete.

However, to our expectations his conduct of the government has been characterized by a train of
usurpations and arbitrary acts, resulting in the curtailment of our autonomy, the destruction of our
constitutional system and the reversal of America's Philippine policy.
Analysis of the important Historical
information found in the
• Year 1921-1922 is Leonard Wood's first year of Governor General
• On October 18, 1921 the Philippines herald was prompted due to
Leonard Wood's willingness to work with the Filipino leaders.
• On September 19, 1921 Secretary Weeks ordered
• Woods to remove the businesses the Philippine Government
acquired during the "New Era".
• On March 1922, Osmeña and Quezon decided the Manila Railroad
should be manage by a private sector
Contribution of the documents in
understanding the grand narrative of the
Philippines History
The documents was applicable to look back the past of the Philippines it
details some of what happened during the occupancy of governor-general
wood and to have knowledge about the relation of American and Filipino
leaders. Also to show the abusing the power of General Wood.

Significance of the documents with the

Served as a guide to those who want to know the true happening in the time of
American government regarding the delay of the Philippines total
Serves as a guide to explains some of the Philippines remaining loyalties to the Americans
and their continued influence and Filipinos today. Also to revealed the difficulties of Filipino
in the hand of governance of general woods.

This documents affected the Politics by the separation of two country. Also politically
significant as it details the various cruelties done to the Philippine government under the
charge of governor-general would during his near seven years spent in the
This documents shown significance in terms of religion. It also allow us to know on how
the conflict between Christian and Mohammedan Filipino was created.

This document are the evidences of what truly happen during that time but were manipulated
by giving false promises this remind us that we shall always stand ourselves and we should not
easily trust because we didn’t know their real intentions towards us we shall pass be aware of
our surrounding and fight what we knows is right.
Relevance of the document to
Contemporary Times
• The Filipino people think and expect that the
Governor Wood will help them in establishing Filipino
government but unfortunately the General Wood
abused the power to manipulate the Filipinos to suffer.
Therefore, this past experience in our history serve as
a lesson and learning to connect to our present
experiences and government further this mistake will
not repeated again.
Individual Reflection/ Learning
• This history that they never told us how American Colonization in the
Philippines mistreated Filipino in the past. We should speak to heard our voices
and serve this as a lesson for us to fight for our freedom and right as a Filipino
people. This history clearly show how over power those people like "General
Wood" he used and mistreated Filipinos. Therefore, “You have to make some
noise if you want to be heard.” stated by Eudoria Holmes in the movie of Enola
Holmes. We should speak out and stand to fight for our rights as a Filipino.
(Christine A. Ramos)

• This petition letter states that the Filipinos want freedom in the hands of the
Americans because the Filipinos do not like the way governor-general wood
governs the country of the Philippines that is why the Filipinos protested to gain
freedom and call the Philippines our own.(Rhoda Recto)
Individual Reflection/ Learning experience
• In every history, we can get a lesson that we can apply in our generation or future
generation. The lesson that I learn in our topic "Filipino Grievances Against.
Governor Wood by the Commission on Independence" is everyone has the right to
speak, to hear our voices and to fight our rights as a Filipino. Let us not be silent to
achieve pur freedom from the hands of other country. Be a hardworking and patient
person to achieve every goal that you want.(Joyce Recto)

• The lesson that I learn in this document entitled "Filipino Grievances Against.
Governor Wood by the Commission on Independence" We need to open wide always
our eyes to see what is happening in our country, not only in our country also in
other countries. This experience allowed us to gain insight that history is not always
as it’s told. (Jessa Rendaje)
• Having a opportunity to read or to learn this topic is such an eye opener to us,
students. This shows how much we fight for our freedom. This shows how hard it is
to live on that time and how they mistreated the Filipinos.(Maria Cristina M. Revilla)
R e f e re n c e s :
Ave, E. J. (2019). “Filipino Grievances against Governor Wood-6Cs”. [Video file].
Retrieved from:

Bell, E. P. (1994). “Governor-General Leonard Wood” Retrieved from: https://

Esteria, P. (n.d). “Gregorio F. Zaide died at the age of 81”. Retrieved from: https://
Martinez, R. (2018). "The Readings in Philippines History" retrieved from: page 109-

Onorato, M. (1922). “Leonard Wood: His First Year as Governor General” Retrieved from:

IMAGE: q=zaide&sxsrf

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