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 For websites
 Eight out of every ten new visitors
Importance of are search engine referrals

search engines
 For web users
Best way to locate site/find information
Worldwide share of search engines
(September 2019 / Stat Counter)

 Google: 98.53 %
 Bing: 2.34 %
 Yahoo! : 1.64 %
 Baidu : 0.92 %
 Yandex RU: 0.47%
 DuckDuckgo: 0.43%
India share of search engines
(September 2019 / Stat Counter)

 Google: 97.35%

 Bing: 0.99 %

 Yahoo!: 0.39%

 DuckDuckGo: 0.07%
Regional Search Engines

• Baidu, China
• Daum, Korea
•, Greece
• Naver, Korea
• UK Pages, UK
• Yandex, Russia
• Guruji, India - Extinct
 1993 Wandex
 1993 Aliweb
 1994 WebCrawler, Infoseek, Lycos
 1995 AltaVista, Excite
 1996 Dogpile, Inktomi, Ask Jeeves
 1997 Northern Light
Timeline  1998 Google
 1999 AlltheWeb
 1999 Baidu
 2000 Teoma
 2004 Yahoo! Search Final, MSN Search
 2005 MSN Search Final
 2009 Bing
Parts of a search engine


Step 1: Crawling

 Crawling is the process by which a search engine discovers new

and updated pages to be added to the search engine index.

 The web crawling is done by software programmes which are

called crawlers, spiders, bots etc. The search engines send out
these spiders to crawl the web pages, and copy all content.

 They locate links or urls on pages, and then visit those pages,
and copy their content.
Software code
Robot, Spider, Bot,
Web Crawler
crawling Visit sites

Copies info
How do spiders / bots find web pages

 1. Following links from other sites / pages

 2. Visiting sitemaps / Finding links / Storing them

 3. Page submissions made by websites

Step 2: Indexing

 Indexing is the process of storing pages copied from the

Internet in huge data bins in an organized manner so that
the search engine can deliver relevant results quickly.

 The search engine analyzes the content of the page,

catalogs images and video files embedded on the page,
and tries to understand the focus of the page.
 Site name
 Page Title
 Keywords used to describe site in Meta
 Article title

Indexing  Article sub-title

 Keywords in photo tags
 Keywords in top three paragraphs
 Keywords across article
 Number of external links
Step 3: Ranking and Serving

 The ordering of search results by relevance is known as


 In general, the higher a website is ranked, the more relevant

the search engine considers the site to be.

 The search engine serves the pages according to the rank

that it has assigned to them.
By assigning weight to 200 plus signals

Frequency of search words on page

Location of search words on the page

Ranking and Matching with page url

External links

Number of times hyperlink is clicked

Time spent by user after clicking200 PLUS SIGNALS

Quick Recall

 1. How many site visitors on an average are search engine referrals?

 2. Name the top three search engines used in India.
 3. Name the three parts of a search engine.
 4. What is web crawling?
 5. What is search engine indexing?
 6. Name the country where this search engine operates: a. Baidu; b.
 7. Which company owns Bing search engine?
Further readings

 How do Search Engines Work?

 How Google search engine works?

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