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Leadership Styles

Submitted To: Dr. B.K. Punia

Submitted By: Diksha Verma 190101010061
Sakshi Kanwar 190101010041
Vaishali Vishwakarma 190101010066

MBA General
Haryana School Of Business

• What is Leadership?
• Defining a leader
• Leaders are made not born
• Leadership Styles
• Effective Leader
• Leadership styles of famous
What Is Leadership?
“ Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being like;
leadership is defined by results not attribute.”

Leadership is influencing a group of people so that they will strive willingly towards
the achievement of group goals

As a leader you can never say thank you enough, but even more important is the
idea of serving the people you are leading.
Defining A Leader
“ Being a leader can be a very humbling experience.”

A leader is one who inspires,

motivates and leads people to
accomplish organisational
Leaders Are Born Or Made?
Leadership Styles
• Leadership styles is the approach for proving the right way to the team
members, implementing, planning strategies and motivating people by
including all the three styles.

Free Rein
Autocratic /Laissez-
Leadership Faire
Style Leadership
• Demographic/ Participative Leadership Style
• Leader involves employees in project decisions
• Employees have some independence of action
• Leads to more adaptive, flexible employee structure

• Autocratic Leadership Style

• Leader makes most decisions
• Employee is given little freedom to act on their own
• Net results is that employees are totally dependent upon leader
• Boss-centric
• Free-Rein/ Laissez-Faire Leadership Style
• Allows employees to make decisions and have almost complete
• Role of leader is to provide necessary resources to employees
• Subordinate-centric
Effective Leader
• Who knows how to inspire and relate to subordinates.
• Effective leaders concentrates on
• What they are
• What they know
• What They do
Effective Leadership Styles

• Vision
• Passion and self sacrifice
• Confidence, determination, and
• Image building
• Role modelling
• External representation
• Exceptions of and confidence in followers
• Inspirational communication
Leadership Styles Of Famous Personalities

• Charismatic Leadership: creates a self-image so

powerful that people are naturally drawn to
them. The Indian Prime Minister, Shree
Narendra Damodardas Modi, It’s often
regarded as one of India’s most charismatic
leaders. His party for the Uttar Pradesh
assembly elections in 2017 under his tutelage-
highlighting his personal appealed to voters
and recorded the greatest win for any party
• Laissez-Faire Leadership: is based on
trust. The leader is available to provide
guidance and furnish the necessary
resources only is the need arises.
Mahatma Gandhi was a laissez-faire
leader. Gandhiji believed that people
should lead by example and be the
change that they wish to see in the
world so that others can follow.
• Participative or democratic leadership:
Carlos Gohsn, The chairman and CEO of
Renault it believes that change in the
organisations culture should not be
forced by the top management but
should come from the bottom level. He
believes in empowering employs to take
decisions and is quite reasonable when
dealing with the subordinates.
• Relationship oriented leadership:
Search leadership is focused on skill
interaction with people. A good
example of relationship oriented
leadership is Indian cricket team’s ex
Captain, Mahendra Singh Dhoni who
is known for encouraging players and
has led the team to many
unbelievable victories.
As a leader you continually increase your ability to realise the best in
yourself and to bring out the best in others. Leadership styles will help in
providing the right way to team the members, planning strategies and
motivating people.

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