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 Community Action is a campaign undertaken

by the people living in a particular place. It is
an action undertaken by members of a
community or by a community organization
for that community’s own improvement.
 Community Action changes people’s
lives, embodies the spirit of hope,
improves communities and make the
Philippines a better place to live. We
care about the entire community, and
we are dedicated to helping people
help themselves and each other.
 Community Action encompasses

community engagement, community

of solidarity, and citizenship building.
 Community engagement is the process by
which community benefit organizations and
individuals build ongoing, permanent
relationships for the purpose of applying a
collective vision for the benefit of a
 Community Organizing involves the process
of building a grassroot movement involving
communities, community engagement
primarily deals with the practice of moving
communities toward change, usually from a
stalled or similarly suspended position.
 Other programs exist to assist communities
in the process of building community
coalitions for engagement. One such
program is COMMUNITIES THAT CARE which
helps communities assess their needs and
implement tested and affective programs to
address their identified issues.
 Friendraising
 Community Impact planning
 Community driven governance
 Asset-based resources development
 Vision based community impact planning
 Organizational wellness planning
 Building programs on shared resources
 Community based program development
1. Careful planning and Preparation
2. Inclusion and demographic diversity
3. Collaboration and shared purpose
4. Openness and learning
5. Transparency and Trust
6. Impact and Action
7. Sustained Engagement and
Participatory Culture
 A mutual commitment to one another’s well
being. Solidarity is about more than investing
a week in one another’s lives; more than
knowing one another’s names and caring
about one another’s lives.
 Solidarity is about knowing what the real
struggles and joys are in a partner’s life, and
making those struggles and joys your own in
a way that has real , concrete effects on the
priorities you set, the options you explore,
and the decisions you make in your own day
to day living.
 Every human being is created in the image
and likeness of God and therefore has
inherent dignity. No human being should
have their dignity or freedom compromised.
 Every person should have sufficient access to
the goods and resources of society so that
they can completely and easily live fulfilling
lives. The common good is reached when we
work together to improve the well being of
people in our society and wider world.
 All people have the right to participate in
decisions that affect their lives. Subsidiary
requires that decisions are made by the
people closest and most affected by the
issues and concerns of the community.
 Everyone belongs to one human family,
regardless of their national, religious, ethnic,
economic, political and ideological
differences. Everyone has the obligation to
promote the rights and development of all
peoples across the community.
 Caring for the poor is everyone’s
responsibility. Preferential care should be
shown to poor and vulnerable people whose
needs and rights are given special attention
on God’s eyes
 Economic life is not meant solely for profit,
but rather in service of the entire human
community. Everyone capable should be
involved in economic activity and should be
able to draw from work, the means for
providing for themselves and their family.
 We must all respect, care for and share the
resources of the earth, which are vital for the
common good of the people. Care for animals
and the environment is a common and universal
duty, and ecological problems call for a change
of mentality and the adoption of new lifestyles.
 All peace requires respect for and the
development of human life, which in turn
involves the safeguarding of the goods, dignity
and freedom of people. Peace is the fruit of
justice and is dependent upon right order among
human beings.
 The status of a person recognized under the
custom or law as being a member of a
country. A person may have multiple
citizenships and a person who does not have
citizenship of any state is said to be stateless.
 Is often used as a synonym for citizenship in
English- notably International law.
 A person can be a citizen for several reasons.

Usually citizenship of the place of birth is

1. Ask participants, working in small groups, to draw a
tree on large chart paper.
 Write on the tree (in the form of leaves, fruits,
flowers, or branches) those human rights that they
think all people need to live in dignity and justice.
 A human rights tree needs roots to grow and
flourish. Give the tree roots and label them with the
things that make human rights flourish. For example,
a healthy economy, the rule of law, or universal

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