Unit 4 Ideas Redone

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Back story of the character

 A brain surgeon who was extremely
successful, however after a procedure went
terribly wrong the surgeon found herself in a
terrible lawsuit fronted by the child’s parents.
The lawsuit ruined the surgeon’s reputation
and caused her great psychological trauma. In
an attempt to re-establish her career she
induces illness on her patients so that they are
in a worse condition. By doing this she can
perform more complex surgeries in attempt to
gain respect.
3 Act Structure
 Act 1
Establishing shot of hospital which zooms in to a notice board
with many missing children posters. Camera carries on into
the hospital slowly halting at the bed of a young girl being
injected by the former brain surgeon with an intelligence
growth test the surgeon has been working on.
The test proves fatal and kills the child. The surgeon takes a red
ribbon from the hair of the child, placing it into her pocket.
She moves the body to the garden by a gurney then
transfers the child into a wheelbarrow. The camera moves
underground as the body is dropped into a hole to show
other dead bodies from previous failed tests.
 Act 2
The former brain surgeon, pleased with herself,
leaves the garden and returns to her office.
She sits down and removes the ribbon
twiddling it between her fingers. As she begins
to relax she hears a childish laugh which
forces her to investigate and she places the
ribbon on the desk. She finds that the corridors
of the hospital have been engulfed in roots.
She walks through the hospital and all doors
and corridors have been blocked by roots
apart from a path back to the garden which
she follows the continuous childish laugh.
 Act 3
The former brain surgeon walks around the
hospital garden and then trips suddenly. She
looks down to see a root with a red ribbon tied
around it with a flapping in the wind. She
screams and runs for the hospital doors The
doors have been covered by roots and she is
dragged to the floor surrounded by several
mutated plants. They draw nearer and the
childish laugh continues getting louder forcing
the surgeon to back into a hole. She clambers
at the sides but is buried with just her hand
visible. A red ribbon floats gently next to the
hand and the laughing fades.
Step Outline:
 Establishing shot of hospital
 Camera moves to a notice board with missing children
 Into hospital where surgeon injects child
 Heart rate monitor continuous beep as child dies
 The surgeon takes red ribbon from child's hair and places in
 Wheels the body through the hospital and into the garden
 Child's body is transferred into a wheelbarrow
 Surgeon digs a hole and drops the body in
 Shot of underground with other children's bodies
 Surgeon smiles and returns to her office
 She sits down and plays with the red ribbon
 She perks up as she hears a child's laughter
 She walks through the hospital and sees roots covering
 She follows the laughter back into the garden as the roots block
every other route
 She walks around the garden searching for the source of the
 She trips over a root with a red ribbon wrapped around it
 She gets up and runs for the entrance to the hospital
 She gets dragged to the floor and is surrounded by mutated plant-
 The plants close in on the surgeon as she backs away, child's
laughter grows louder
 The surgeon backs into a hole, screaming
 She stands up and clambers at the side
 Point of view from the surgeon as dirt is poured back into the hole
waving and screaming frantically
 As the last of the dirt is poured in the surgeon's hand is visible
 The red ribbon floats in front of the hand, lands onto the ground,
child laughter then fades out
 Logline
A struggling former brain surgeon attempts
to boost her career by testing her
patients with a intelligence boosting
injection but it kills a child patient. In an
act of madness and desperation the
surgeon buries the victim but as she
relaxes she is led back into the garden
to find an awaiting horror.
The Premise
 An act of selfishness entices a
supernatural revenge
Essay idea
 Film: Cloverfield

 Looking into Cinema Verite, it's propaganda uses in the post war 50's and 60's,
feminist documentaries of the 70's, and the current wave of blockbuster hits bringing
the films into a more interactive medium for viewers. For the main film I'm thinking of
looking into either Cloverfield or Paranormal activity. I think Cloverfield would be the
better choice because the camera within the film places the audience as the character
holding it, immersing the audience in the experience. (Ideas for essay thought up
through conducted research on Wikipedia to give a starting point into further reading
for credible research)

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