2.1 Motion

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1 Motion
• Remember
  the typical graphs!
• ”Real” motion is usually very complicated, so
we like to stick to the special cases UM, UAM,
• We can always find:
– Average velocity
– Average acceleration
• UM: (very simple, only one formula!)
•  UAM:

• ->
• Important application of UAM: free fall
• g = 9.81 m s-2 (no friction or air resistance)
• Terminal velocity is reached when falling in air
• The direction is important! Choose a positive direction and use it
– A stone is thrown from the top floor of the Eiffel tower (276 m). Calculate the
position after 2.5 s if:
a) u = 20 m s-1 up
b) u = 20 m s-1 down
• For all types of motion we can analyze the
Graph type Slope Area
s-t Velocity
v-t Acceleration Change in position
a-t Change in velocity

Answer Q 8,9,10 on p. 44
Answer Q 12,13,14 on p. 47
- Work in pairs, write one full
labreport of 2-4 pages per
Investigation group
- ”How does the drop height
Content of a labreport:
influnce the drop time of a
0. Name, date(s) and title! paper cone?”
1. ”Exploration“ - Independent variable (you
– Clear research question choose):
– A hypothesis (including background theory) height
– Variables (what you measure) - Dependent variable (depends
– Equipment (including safety/environmental) on your choice of height):
– Method time
- Today: start up a shared
2. ”Analysis”
– Raw data document, write the planning
– Calculations part
- Monday: do experiment, write
– Tables and graphs
3. ”Evaluation” - Send the report as a pdf to
– Answer your research question! mnorrby@abo.fi no later than
– Suggest weaknesses and possible Tu 2.10 at 23.59.
•• Projectile
– Motion in x- and y-directions are independent!
– Components of the initial velocity u:

– Along x-axis: constant velocity!

– Along y-axis: acceleration downwards (!

– The final velocity v:

•• Ex.:
  A cannon on top of a cliff (h = 10 m) fires a shot (u =
20 m s-1, = 60°) towards the sea.
a) When
b) Where
  – Components of the initial velocity u:
c) At what velocity
will the cannonball
hit the water?
– Along x-axis: constant velocity!

– Along y-axis: acceleration downwards


– The final velocity v:


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