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Look at the picture below

Tujuan Pembelajaran:
After learning this materials students are expected to be able to :
1. Show their care to others, have strong confidence, high
responsibilities and seriousness in learning dealing with descriptive
2. Identify social function, text structures and language function on
descriptive text.
3. Response and graph meaning of words, phrase dealing to
descriptive text about person.
4. Arrange sentences concerning to descriptive text about person
orally and writtenly.
Look at the pictures below! What can you tell about these
things? What do they look like? Discuss with your friends!
Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3
Picture 4
Picture 5
ajective in series
study the following table and complete

Descriptive adjective
No Determin Opinion
er Size Shape Age Colour Origine material Noun

1 A Beautiful small - young chainese - dencer

2 a goog medium Rectengl modern black chinese iron cellphon

e e




ajective in series

Arrange the following words into right sentences

1 Father bought ( leather new a bag italian ) at the shoping mall last night

2 Jokja Is very popular for its ( small – round – sweet - cake ) named bakpia

.3 Habiburohman Ezirazy is ( modern - charismatic - a - author )

.4 Komodo is ( animal – original –the –Indonesian ) which lived in Lombok Island

.5 The polar Bear is ( bear – white – big – very - a )

6 My sister brings (rose flowers – red – beautiful – some )

7 She will buy ( balinese – an – interesting – craft - wooden - small ) for me

8 Jane sent me ( cute – bear doll – a - old – big ) last week

9 I will give ( a pair of – leather – shoes – new – beautiful ) for her birth day

10 Hilmi will be happy if you give him ( a - cat – black – fersian – small )
Task 2:
Now, find other adjectives that describe people’s physical appearance and/or

1. _____________________
2. _____________________
3. _____________________
4. _____________________
5. _____________________
6. _____________________
7. _____________________
8. _____________________
Read the text below, and then find the synonym of italic words

Mr. Basuki is very popular mechanic in his town. When he was thirty-five years old,
one of his fellows gave him a very old car as his birthday gifl. The car was very dirty
and rusty, but its engine was not so bad. And work well enough.
Mr. Basuki was so pleased to have such an old car. He knew that the car was so
untique that it could be a very precious object if he fixed and repainted it. One day
he took his old car out of the garage and said to his wife, “ I’m going down town to
purchase some spare parts and paint for this car.
He arrived at a silent road after a few kilometers from his house, but suddenly his
car stopped. Mr. Basuki got out, opened the bonnet of the car, and checked its
engine, but he did not discover anything wrong with it.
His head was under the bonnet for a quite long time, A young man ran to his car and
started pulling off one of the red lights at the back. Of course Mr. Basuki was very
surprised, put his head up, stared at the young man , and shouted angrily, “ wha
are you doing ? “
The young man answered, you can steal the pieces at the front, I am going to take
the one at the back.

1. What is being described in the text?

2. Who gave Br. Basuki a gift ?
3. Why did his fellow give him an antique as his birth day ?
4. Who is Mr Basuki ?
5. When did Mr Basuki get an antique car ?
5. How was Mr. Basuki’s car engine ?

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