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Nursing Intervention

• Interventions are the
backbone of nursing.

Any action nurses may take to improve

the health and comfort of their patients
What Is a Nursing Intervention?

Anything a nurse
Any task that a
does that leads
nurse does to or for
directly to a patient
a patient.

Nursing interventions is defined as the action that a nurse

performs to achieve clients/patients goals(Elkins et al 2011)
How does the nurse know what to do?
How do they know which intervention to select?
Counsels of
Research others and
of evidence
Knowledge based critical
practice thinking

Experiences Resources
TIPS in Writing Nursing Interventions
Write the date and sign the plan

Nursing intervention should be specific and clearly stated beginning with an action verb indicating what the nurse
is expected to do

Use only abbreviations that are acceptable by the institutions

Safe and appropriate to the client’s age, health and conditions

Achievable with resources and time available

In line with patient’s cultures and beliefs

In line with other therapies based on knowledge and experiences or from other sources of knowledge from relevant
Standard Protocols for All Nursing

During End of
the skill skill
Before Each Skill
Verify physician order if skill is a dependent or collaborative nursing intervention

Identify client/patient by checking arm band and having client state name (if able to do so)

Introduce yourself to the patient including your names, title and role and what you plan to do

Explain the procedure and the reason for it, in terms, that clients can understand

Assess patients to determine that the intervention is still appropriate in the text

Gather equipment and complete necessary changes

Perform hand hygiene before each patient contact

Adjust the bed to appropriate height and lower side rails( if raised on the side nearest to you)

Provide privacy to patients, position and drape patient as needed

During Each Skill

Promote clients involvement if possible

Asses clients tolerance being alert of signs

of discomfort and fatigue
End of Skill

Assist client to position of comfort and place needed items within reach(be
certain patient have a way to call for help and know how to use it

Raise the side rails and lower the bed position

Store or remove and dispose off, soiled supplies and equipment

Perform hand hygiene after client contact

Document clients response and expected outcomes

Let’s practice
• A patient with impaired physical mobility
• Encourage ambulation is not adequate nursing intervention

• Acceptable interventions may include

• Assist with walking to bathroom twice during the shift
• Assist with ambulation in hall at least 20 feet, twice during the shift
• Give physiotherapy range of motion
• Educate the patient about the right ways of ambulation
• Give education about self-caring support
CASE 2 : Allay anxiety
• Nursing intervention for anxiety common error
• Recognize the awareness of patient anxiety
• Familiarize patient with the environment and new experience or people as
• Interact with patient in a peaceful manner
• Allow patient to talk about anxious feelings and examine anxiety provoking
situations if they are identifiable
• Give deep breath therapy
• Collaborate with doctor to give alprazolam
Examples Nursing Interventions
• Sleep pattern control
• Mobility therapy
• Compliance with diet
• Infection control
• Alcohol abuse control
• Positioning therapy
• Bedbound care
• Energy conservation
• Postpartum care

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